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(1) Discuss agenda items.
Chairperson Simerly called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that five (5) Commissioners were present.
(2) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on December 14, 2010.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on January 11, 2011.
Motion to Approve to Approve the Consent Agenda Items. Moved by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Reginald Jones.
Vote to Approve to Approve the Consent Agenda Items. (Approved)
Ayes: McDonald, Chambers, Jones, Dewberry, Simerly
Nays: None
(4) Consider Case Z-1218-11; A change of zoning request from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR) for a 1.208 acre tract. The property in question is located at 745 Belt Line Road. The applicant is Peter Adossi.
Chairperson Simerly stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission would only be considering the change of zoning request from Single Family Residential to General Retail on a 1.208 acre tract of land. He also explained that any suggested uses would not be considered at this time.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for Case Z-1218-11.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Jones asked Mr. Vatthauer whether or not specific use types would be required to come before the Planning & Zoning Commission if the property were rezoned to General Retail zoning.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the Zoning Ordinance requires a Specific Use Permit for a number of uses in General Retail zoning, but some uses are allowed by right in General Retail zoning and these uses are not required to come before the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for approval.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other questions of staff. Hearing no response, he asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Peter Adossi, of 5036 Cedar Brush Drive, Fort Worth, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that he was changing the zoning of the property to eventually use the property for a car wash. Mr. Adossi also informed the Commission that he was present to address any questions or concerns regarding the zoning change request.
Ms. Julie Pandya, Assistant City Attorney, stated that the case before the Commission was to consider the zoning change request from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR) zoning.
Chairperson Simerly opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1218-11.
Ms. Nedra Williams, of 227 Juniper Ridge Court, representing the Timberbrook Home Owners Association (HOA), came forward to express concerns for the proposed zoning change request. She stated that the proposed zoning change should not be approved and the areas of the city zoned for retail use should be considered for redevelopment before any additional zoning changes occur.
Ms. Conshonedia Hodge, of 218 Streamside Drive, came forward to speak in opposition to case Z-1218-11. She informed the Commission that the proposed zoning would contribute to increased loitering, crime, and decrease property values in the surrounding area. Ms. Hodge stated that she agrees with Ms. Williams statement of redeveloping and maintaining areas already zoned for retail use.
Ms. Gienna Rollings, of 119 N. Polk Street, expressed her concerns about the proposed zoning change negatively affecting the safety of the surrounding area.
Ms. Peggy Netter, of 710 Ashbrook Drive, came forward to express her concerns that the proposed zoning change would negatively impact the safety, security and the families of the surrounding neighborhoods.
Ms. Lorine Williams, of 227 Juniper Ridge Court, stated that she was opposed to the zoning change. She informed the Commission that the proposed zoning change would depreciate the property values of the nearby subdivisions due to increased traffic and crime.
Mrs. Nikki Adossi, of 5036 Cedar Brush Drive, came forward to speak in favor of case Z-1218-11. She informed the Commission that a portion of the lot is already zoned General Retail and they would only be changing the portion of the lot that is zoned for Single Family Residential use. Mrs. Adossi also stated that the proposed zoning change would be a benefit to the City through future tax revenue.
Mr. Ivory Pierce, of 8016 Dusty Wind, Fort Worth, came forward to speak in favor of case Z-1218-11.
Mr. Kevin Daugherty, of 7232 Parkwest Circle, Fort Worth, came forward to speak in favor of changing the current zoning of the property in question from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR).
Mr. Sheyi Ipaye, of 1929 South Hampton Road, Forest Hill, stated that he was in favor of the proposed zoning change.
Ms. Kathy Teer, of 200 Streamside Drive, stated that she was in opposition to the proposed zoning change. She also informed the Commission that everyone that has spoken in favor of the proposed zoning change reside in other cities and those who spoke against the proposed zoning change reside in the City of DeSoto.
Chairperson Simerly asked if there was anyone else who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1218-11. There being no response, he closed the public hearing and he asked the Commission if there was any discussion.
Vice Chairperson Dewberry stated that the highest and best use for the property in question would be general retail. He reminded the Commission of the Mixed Use Planned Development at the southwest corner of Belt Line Road and Polk Street that was approved about four years ago and he stated that the approved mixed use project backed-up to the Timberbrook Home Owners’ Association (HOA) and there was minimal opposition to the project and the project did include general retail use. Vice Chairperson Dewberry also stated that he would be in favor of changing the zoning of the property to General Retail, because the property would be more marketable with complete General Retail zoning.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or discussion.
Chairperson Simerly informed the Commission that zoning the tract of land in question to General Retail appeared to have merit, because the realities of a single family home ever being built on the tract would be slim to none, especially a home fronting onto Belt Line Road.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to approve case Z-1218-11; a change of zoning request from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR) for a 1.208 acre tract failed. The motion failed due to a nonaffirmation vote of 4 Planning & Zoning Commissioners.
Chairperson Simerly stated that case Z-1218-11; a change of zoning request from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR) for a 1.208 acre tract would move forward to City Council without a recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission, because there was a nonaffirmation vote of three (3) ayes and two (2) nays. He explained that an affirmative vote of four Commissioners would be necessary for the passage of any recommendation to City Council.
Ayes: McDonald, Simerly, Dewberry
Nays: Jones, Chambers
(5) No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson Simerly adjourned the meeting at 7:57 PM.
Apr 12, 2011 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
(1) Discuss agenda items.
Chairperson Simerly called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that five (5) Commissioners were present.
(2) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on December 14, 2010.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on January 11, 2011.
Motion to Approve to Approve the Consent Agenda Items. Moved by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Reginald Jones.
Vote to Approve to Approve the Consent Agenda Items. (Approved)
Ayes: McDonald, Chambers, Jones, Dewberry, Simerly
Nays: None
(4) Consider Case Z-1218-11; A change of zoning request from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR) for a 1.208 acre tract. The property in question is located at 745 Belt Line Road. The applicant is Peter Adossi.
Chairperson Simerly stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission would only be considering the change of zoning request from Single Family Residential to General Retail on a 1.208 acre tract of land. He also explained that any suggested uses would not be considered at this time.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for Case Z-1218-11.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Jones asked Mr. Vatthauer whether or not specific use types would be required to come before the Planning & Zoning Commission if the property were rezoned to General Retail zoning.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the Zoning Ordinance requires a Specific Use Permit for a number of uses in General Retail zoning, but some uses are allowed by right in General Retail zoning and these uses are not required to come before the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for approval.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other questions of staff. Hearing no response, he asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Peter Adossi, of 5036 Cedar Brush Drive, Fort Worth, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that he was changing the zoning of the property to eventually use the property for a car wash. Mr. Adossi also informed the Commission that he was present to address any questions or concerns regarding the zoning change request.
Ms. Julie Pandya, Assistant City Attorney, stated that the case before the Commission was to consider the zoning change request from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR) zoning.
Chairperson Simerly opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1218-11.
Ms. Nedra Williams, of 227 Juniper Ridge Court, representing the Timberbrook Home Owners Association (HOA), came forward to express concerns for the proposed zoning change request. She stated that the proposed zoning change should not be approved and the areas of the city zoned for retail use should be considered for redevelopment before any additional zoning changes occur.
Ms. Conshonedia Hodge, of 218 Streamside Drive, came forward to speak in opposition to case Z-1218-11. She informed the Commission that the proposed zoning would contribute to increased loitering, crime, and decrease property values in the surrounding area. Ms. Hodge stated that she agrees with Ms. Williams statement of redeveloping and maintaining areas already zoned for retail use.
Ms. Gienna Rollings, of 119 N. Polk Street, expressed her concerns about the proposed zoning change negatively affecting the safety of the surrounding area.
Ms. Peggy Netter, of 710 Ashbrook Drive, came forward to express her concerns that the proposed zoning change would negatively impact the safety, security and the families of the surrounding neighborhoods.
Ms. Lorine Williams, of 227 Juniper Ridge Court, stated that she was opposed to the zoning change. She informed the Commission that the proposed zoning change would depreciate the property values of the nearby subdivisions due to increased traffic and crime.
Mrs. Nikki Adossi, of 5036 Cedar Brush Drive, came forward to speak in favor of case Z-1218-11. She informed the Commission that a portion of the lot is already zoned General Retail and they would only be changing the portion of the lot that is zoned for Single Family Residential use. Mrs. Adossi also stated that the proposed zoning change would be a benefit to the City through future tax revenue.
Mr. Ivory Pierce, of 8016 Dusty Wind, Fort Worth, came forward to speak in favor of case Z-1218-11.
Mr. Kevin Daugherty, of 7232 Parkwest Circle, Fort Worth, came forward to speak in favor of changing the current zoning of the property in question from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR).
Mr. Sheyi Ipaye, of 1929 South Hampton Road, Forest Hill, stated that he was in favor of the proposed zoning change.
Ms. Kathy Teer, of 200 Streamside Drive, stated that she was in opposition to the proposed zoning change. She also informed the Commission that everyone that has spoken in favor of the proposed zoning change reside in other cities and those who spoke against the proposed zoning change reside in the City of DeSoto.
Chairperson Simerly asked if there was anyone else who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1218-11. There being no response, he closed the public hearing and he asked the Commission if there was any discussion.
Vice Chairperson Dewberry stated that the highest and best use for the property in question would be general retail. He reminded the Commission of the Mixed Use Planned Development at the southwest corner of Belt Line Road and Polk Street that was approved about four years ago and he stated that the approved mixed use project backed-up to the Timberbrook Home Owners’ Association (HOA) and there was minimal opposition to the project and the project did include general retail use. Vice Chairperson Dewberry also stated that he would be in favor of changing the zoning of the property to General Retail, because the property would be more marketable with complete General Retail zoning.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or discussion.
Chairperson Simerly informed the Commission that zoning the tract of land in question to General Retail appeared to have merit, because the realities of a single family home ever being built on the tract would be slim to none, especially a home fronting onto Belt Line Road.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to approve case Z-1218-11; a change of zoning request from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR) for a 1.208 acre tract failed. The motion failed due to a nonaffirmation vote of 4 Planning & Zoning Commissioners.
Chairperson Simerly stated that case Z-1218-11; a change of zoning request from Single Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to General Retail (GR) for a 1.208 acre tract would move forward to City Council without a recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission, because there was a nonaffirmation vote of three (3) ayes and two (2) nays. He explained that an affirmative vote of four Commissioners would be necessary for the passage of any recommendation to City Council.
Ayes: McDonald, Simerly, Dewberry
Nays: Jones, Chambers
(5) No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson Simerly adjourned the meeting at 7:57 PM.
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