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Roll Call: 11 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
(2) Briefing on proposed Peregrine-Seahawk PD Zoning District (3rd Industrial Area PD)
Chairperson Simerly called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that seven (7) Commissioners were present.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on November 9, 2010.
Motion to Approve to Approve the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on November 9, 2010. Moved by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Dick North.
Vote to Approve to Approve the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on November 9, 2010. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Dewberry, Simerly, Jones, Chambers, Williams, McDonald
Nays: None
(4) Consider Case Z-1211-10; a Specific Use Permit request for an Auto Repair & Body Shop at 1365 E. Parkerville Road. The property in question consists of 1 lot and 0.726 acres. The applicant is Jose Esqueda.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1211-10.
The Commission and staff discussed the screening requirements as well as, requirements for vehicle storage inside & outside of the proposed Auto Repair & Body Shop.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions of staff. Hearing no response, he opened the public hearing and Commissioner Simerly asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Jose Esqueda, of 849 Brentwood Drive, Grand Prairie, came forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Steve Stanford, of Glenn Lane, Red Oak, came forward to address the Commission as a representative of the property owner.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Esqueda or Mr. Stanford.
Commissioner Williams asked Mr. Esqueda to explain where vehicles would be stored on the property.
Mr. Esqueda explained to the Commission that vehicles would be stored inside the Auto Repair & Body Shop at all times.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Esqueda.
Commissioner Chambers asked Mr. Esqueda would there be a problem restriping or repaving the parking area in the front of the Auto Repair & Body Shop.
Mr. Esqueda informed the Commission that if requested there would not be a problem restriping or repaving the parking area in front of the building.
Commissioner Chambers asked Mr. Esqueda if he was considering improvements to the building by either providing new signage or painting.
Mr. Esqueda informed the Commission that he would possibly paint the building and add landscaping.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or questions.
Commissioner Jones asked the Commission, would the applicant have to amend the Specific Use Permit Ordinance, if he decides to have outdoor vehicle storage in the future.
Chairperson Simerly informed the Commission that the applicant would not have to amend the SUP Ordinance, because one of the stipulation requires that the applicant screen the area to be used for outdoor storage with a six foot masonry wall/ concrete panels on all four sides.
The Commission discussed the screening requirements associated with outdoor vehicle storage.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or questions. There being no response, he closed the public hearing and he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1211-10; a Specific Use Permit request an Auto Repair & Body Shop at 1365 E. Parkerville Road. Moved by Commissioner Scott McDonald, seconded by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1211-10; a Specific Use Permit request an Auto Repair & Body Shop at 1365 E. Parkerville Road. (Approved)
with the following stipulations:
(1) All vehicles to be worked on, being worked on, and repaired must be stored inside the building.
(2) Vehicles can be stored to the rear of the building. But they must be stored on a concrete surface and be screened with a six foot high masonry wall/ concrete panels on all four sides. The rear of the building can serve as one of the sides. A building permit must be applied for and approved for the concrete paving and screening walls.
(3) The parking lot must be striped, as provided on the Site Plan, before a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued.
Ayes: McDonald, Chambers, Jones, Williams, Dewberry, Simerly, North
Nays: None
(5) Consider Case Z-1212-10; a request to amend Summit Park Planned Development 109 (PD-109). This proposed amendment would allow the construction of Glacier Street down to Belt Line Road prior to City Acceptance of Phase II rather than the existing requirement of Glacier Street being constructed down to Belt Line Road prior to the issuance of 151 building permits. The property is located north of Belt Line Road and east of Westmoreland and consists of 141.3 acres. The applicant is Wetsel Management, LLC.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1212-10.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Williams asked Mr. Vatthauer to explain the reason for moving the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road until the construction of Summit Park Phase II.
Mr. Vatthauer told the Commission that the applicant would be better suited to answer the question posed by Commissioner Williams.
Chairperson Simerly asked Mr. Vatthauer whether or not a section of Glacier Street had been constructed in Summit Park Phase I and would the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road only effect Summit Park Phase II.
Mr. Vatthauer explained that the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road would only effect Summit Park Phase II, because the section of Glacier Street in Summit Park Phase I has already been constructed.
Commissioner Williams asked Mr. Vatthauer for the reason to delay the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road until the construction of Summit Park Phase II.
Chairperson Simerly informed the Commission that the applicant would be better suited to address the question posed by Commissioner Williams.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions of staff. Hearing no response, he opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. John Pascal of 904 Parkwood Court, McKinney, came forward to address the Commission. He provided a brief history of the Summit Park subdivision project, as well as, information from the traffic study. He also informed the Commission that the request to delay the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road was financially motivated.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Pascal.
Commissioner Chambers asked Mr. Pascal if the Glacier Street extension would be complete prior to any construction in Summit Park, Phase II.
Mr. Parsal informed the Commission that Glacier Street would be deferred until Phase II. He also informed the Commission that Glacier Street must be complete to start any construction in Phase II.
The Commission, staff and Mr. Parsal discussed the location of Phase II of Summit Park and the remaining vacancy level in Phase I.
Commissioner North stated that he would support the request to delay the extension of Glacier Street, because the economic situation today would not warrant otherwise.
The Commission, Mr. Parsal and Mr. Joe Gorfida, City Attorney discussed the wording for the request to extend Glacier Street down to Belt Line Road and the need, if any, to add stipulations regarding the actual time at which Glacier Street must be completed.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other comments or questions for Mr. Pascal. There being no response, he asked if there was anyone else who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1212-10.
Mr. Randolph Stratford of 400 Rainer Street, came forward to address the Commission in favor of Case Z-1212-10. He informed the Commission that he resides in the Summit Park subdivision and he asked the Commission to strongly consider delaying the street extension until Summit Park, Phase II. He also informed the Commission that most of the residents of Summit Park was in favor of the request as well.
Chairperson Simerly asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1212-10. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing and he asked the Commission if there was any discussion.
Chairperson Simerly stated that he supported the request. He asked the Commission if there were additional comments or discussion. There being no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1212-10; a request to amend Summit Park Planned Development 109 (PD-109). Moved by Commissioner Reginald Jones, seconded by Commissioner Dwight Chambers.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1212-10; a request to amend Summit Park Planned Development 109 (PD-109). (Approved)
Ayes: Chambers, Jones, Simerly, North, Williams, Dewberry, McDonald
Nays: None
(6) Consider Case Z-1213-10; an Amendment to DeSoto Town Center Planned Development 130 (PD-130). The proposed amendment would change the second floor use of Building 2 from Office to Office/ Residential use (live/work units). The property in question is located on Hampton Road and north of Pleasant Run Road. The applicant is Trammell Company.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1213-10.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, he opened the public hearing and he asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Robert Brandt, of 3715 Crammell Drive, Carrollton, representing Trammell Crow Company came forward address the Commission.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were questions for Mr. Brandt.
Commissioner Williams asked Mr. Brandt if there would be a cost to the taxpayers associated with the change to the second floor use of Building 2 to Office/Residential (live/work units).
Mr. Brandt informed the Commission that the developer who built the DeSoto Town Center Mixed Use Project did not finish out the second floor area, and the funds budgeted for the second floor office finish out would be reallocated for the proposed office/residential use (live/work units). He also explained that the proposed project would be no cost to taxpayers.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other questions for Mr. Brandt.
Commissioner McDonald stated that the proposed units would be associated as live/work units and in the worksession the property lease agent informed the Commission that the rents would be approximately $1.30 per square foot per month. He asked the applicant how would the rents for the live/work units compare with the rent for the residential multi-family units.
Ms. Beatrice Fisher, 2840 Clear Creek Drive, Rockwall, came forward to address the Commission. The existing rents for residential multi-family units are between $1.14 to $1.15 per square foot per month, but the finish out for the proposed units would be a higher grade product with better amenities than the current residential units which makes the proposed units rents increase to $1.35 to $1.36 per square foot.
Commissioner Williams asked Ms. Fisher to clarifiy the approximate rents for the proposed live/work units per month.
Ms. Fisher informed the Commission that the rents for the proposed live/work units would be between $1.35 to $1.36 per square foot per month.
Commissioner Jones informed the Commission that the difference between the rents for the residential units and the live/work units would be twenty cents. He also asked Ms. Fisher about the current occupancy rate of the residential units.
Ms. Fisher informed the Commission that the current occupancy rate for the residential units is ninety-five percent.
Commissioner Jones asked Ms. Fisher about the current occupancy rate of the three existing live/work units.
Ms. Fisher stated that of the three units, one has been leased and the occupant would be moving into the unit at the first of December. She informed the Commission that the other two units are currently available.
Commissioner Jones asked Ms. Fisher to provide an approximate date in which the finish out was completed for the existing live/work units.
Ms. Fisher explained that the finish out for the existing live/work units was completed in September 2010.
The Commission, Ms. Fisher and staff discussed the finish out and the location of the existing live/work units.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions or comments for Mr. Brandt or Ms. Fisher. Hearing no response, he opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1213-10. There being no response, Chairperson Simerly closed the public hearing and asked the Commission if there was any discussion. Hearing no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1213-10; an Amendment to DeSoto Town Center Planned Development (PD-130). Moved by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Dick North.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1213-10; an Amendment to DeSoto Town Center Planned Development (PD-130). (Approved)
Ayes: Dewberry, North, Jones, Chambers, Simerly, Williams
Nays: McDonalds
(7) No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson Simerly adjourned the meeting at 7:46 PM.
Nov 23, 2010 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 11 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
(2) Briefing on proposed Peregrine-Seahawk PD Zoning District (3rd Industrial Area PD)
Chairperson Simerly called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that seven (7) Commissioners were present.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on November 9, 2010.
Motion to Approve to Approve the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on November 9, 2010. Moved by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Dick North.
Vote to Approve to Approve the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on November 9, 2010. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Dewberry, Simerly, Jones, Chambers, Williams, McDonald
Nays: None
(4) Consider Case Z-1211-10; a Specific Use Permit request for an Auto Repair & Body Shop at 1365 E. Parkerville Road. The property in question consists of 1 lot and 0.726 acres. The applicant is Jose Esqueda.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1211-10.
The Commission and staff discussed the screening requirements as well as, requirements for vehicle storage inside & outside of the proposed Auto Repair & Body Shop.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions of staff. Hearing no response, he opened the public hearing and Commissioner Simerly asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Jose Esqueda, of 849 Brentwood Drive, Grand Prairie, came forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Steve Stanford, of Glenn Lane, Red Oak, came forward to address the Commission as a representative of the property owner.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Esqueda or Mr. Stanford.
Commissioner Williams asked Mr. Esqueda to explain where vehicles would be stored on the property.
Mr. Esqueda explained to the Commission that vehicles would be stored inside the Auto Repair & Body Shop at all times.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Esqueda.
Commissioner Chambers asked Mr. Esqueda would there be a problem restriping or repaving the parking area in the front of the Auto Repair & Body Shop.
Mr. Esqueda informed the Commission that if requested there would not be a problem restriping or repaving the parking area in front of the building.
Commissioner Chambers asked Mr. Esqueda if he was considering improvements to the building by either providing new signage or painting.
Mr. Esqueda informed the Commission that he would possibly paint the building and add landscaping.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or questions.
Commissioner Jones asked the Commission, would the applicant have to amend the Specific Use Permit Ordinance, if he decides to have outdoor vehicle storage in the future.
Chairperson Simerly informed the Commission that the applicant would not have to amend the SUP Ordinance, because one of the stipulation requires that the applicant screen the area to be used for outdoor storage with a six foot masonry wall/ concrete panels on all four sides.
The Commission discussed the screening requirements associated with outdoor vehicle storage.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or questions. There being no response, he closed the public hearing and he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1211-10; a Specific Use Permit request an Auto Repair & Body Shop at 1365 E. Parkerville Road. Moved by Commissioner Scott McDonald, seconded by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1211-10; a Specific Use Permit request an Auto Repair & Body Shop at 1365 E. Parkerville Road. (Approved)
with the following stipulations:
(1) All vehicles to be worked on, being worked on, and repaired must be stored inside the building.
(2) Vehicles can be stored to the rear of the building. But they must be stored on a concrete surface and be screened with a six foot high masonry wall/ concrete panels on all four sides. The rear of the building can serve as one of the sides. A building permit must be applied for and approved for the concrete paving and screening walls.
(3) The parking lot must be striped, as provided on the Site Plan, before a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued.
Ayes: McDonald, Chambers, Jones, Williams, Dewberry, Simerly, North
Nays: None
(5) Consider Case Z-1212-10; a request to amend Summit Park Planned Development 109 (PD-109). This proposed amendment would allow the construction of Glacier Street down to Belt Line Road prior to City Acceptance of Phase II rather than the existing requirement of Glacier Street being constructed down to Belt Line Road prior to the issuance of 151 building permits. The property is located north of Belt Line Road and east of Westmoreland and consists of 141.3 acres. The applicant is Wetsel Management, LLC.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1212-10.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Williams asked Mr. Vatthauer to explain the reason for moving the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road until the construction of Summit Park Phase II.
Mr. Vatthauer told the Commission that the applicant would be better suited to answer the question posed by Commissioner Williams.
Chairperson Simerly asked Mr. Vatthauer whether or not a section of Glacier Street had been constructed in Summit Park Phase I and would the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road only effect Summit Park Phase II.
Mr. Vatthauer explained that the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road would only effect Summit Park Phase II, because the section of Glacier Street in Summit Park Phase I has already been constructed.
Commissioner Williams asked Mr. Vatthauer for the reason to delay the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road until the construction of Summit Park Phase II.
Chairperson Simerly informed the Commission that the applicant would be better suited to address the question posed by Commissioner Williams.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions of staff. Hearing no response, he opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. John Pascal of 904 Parkwood Court, McKinney, came forward to address the Commission. He provided a brief history of the Summit Park subdivision project, as well as, information from the traffic study. He also informed the Commission that the request to delay the extension of Glacier Street to Belt Line Road was financially motivated.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Pascal.
Commissioner Chambers asked Mr. Pascal if the Glacier Street extension would be complete prior to any construction in Summit Park, Phase II.
Mr. Parsal informed the Commission that Glacier Street would be deferred until Phase II. He also informed the Commission that Glacier Street must be complete to start any construction in Phase II.
The Commission, staff and Mr. Parsal discussed the location of Phase II of Summit Park and the remaining vacancy level in Phase I.
Commissioner North stated that he would support the request to delay the extension of Glacier Street, because the economic situation today would not warrant otherwise.
The Commission, Mr. Parsal and Mr. Joe Gorfida, City Attorney discussed the wording for the request to extend Glacier Street down to Belt Line Road and the need, if any, to add stipulations regarding the actual time at which Glacier Street must be completed.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other comments or questions for Mr. Pascal. There being no response, he asked if there was anyone else who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1212-10.
Mr. Randolph Stratford of 400 Rainer Street, came forward to address the Commission in favor of Case Z-1212-10. He informed the Commission that he resides in the Summit Park subdivision and he asked the Commission to strongly consider delaying the street extension until Summit Park, Phase II. He also informed the Commission that most of the residents of Summit Park was in favor of the request as well.
Chairperson Simerly asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1212-10. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing and he asked the Commission if there was any discussion.
Chairperson Simerly stated that he supported the request. He asked the Commission if there were additional comments or discussion. There being no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1212-10; a request to amend Summit Park Planned Development 109 (PD-109). Moved by Commissioner Reginald Jones, seconded by Commissioner Dwight Chambers.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1212-10; a request to amend Summit Park Planned Development 109 (PD-109). (Approved)
Ayes: Chambers, Jones, Simerly, North, Williams, Dewberry, McDonald
Nays: None
(6) Consider Case Z-1213-10; an Amendment to DeSoto Town Center Planned Development 130 (PD-130). The proposed amendment would change the second floor use of Building 2 from Office to Office/ Residential use (live/work units). The property in question is located on Hampton Road and north of Pleasant Run Road. The applicant is Trammell Company.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1213-10.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, he opened the public hearing and he asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Robert Brandt, of 3715 Crammell Drive, Carrollton, representing Trammell Crow Company came forward address the Commission.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were questions for Mr. Brandt.
Commissioner Williams asked Mr. Brandt if there would be a cost to the taxpayers associated with the change to the second floor use of Building 2 to Office/Residential (live/work units).
Mr. Brandt informed the Commission that the developer who built the DeSoto Town Center Mixed Use Project did not finish out the second floor area, and the funds budgeted for the second floor office finish out would be reallocated for the proposed office/residential use (live/work units). He also explained that the proposed project would be no cost to taxpayers.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other questions for Mr. Brandt.
Commissioner McDonald stated that the proposed units would be associated as live/work units and in the worksession the property lease agent informed the Commission that the rents would be approximately $1.30 per square foot per month. He asked the applicant how would the rents for the live/work units compare with the rent for the residential multi-family units.
Ms. Beatrice Fisher, 2840 Clear Creek Drive, Rockwall, came forward to address the Commission. The existing rents for residential multi-family units are between $1.14 to $1.15 per square foot per month, but the finish out for the proposed units would be a higher grade product with better amenities than the current residential units which makes the proposed units rents increase to $1.35 to $1.36 per square foot.
Commissioner Williams asked Ms. Fisher to clarifiy the approximate rents for the proposed live/work units per month.
Ms. Fisher informed the Commission that the rents for the proposed live/work units would be between $1.35 to $1.36 per square foot per month.
Commissioner Jones informed the Commission that the difference between the rents for the residential units and the live/work units would be twenty cents. He also asked Ms. Fisher about the current occupancy rate of the residential units.
Ms. Fisher informed the Commission that the current occupancy rate for the residential units is ninety-five percent.
Commissioner Jones asked Ms. Fisher about the current occupancy rate of the three existing live/work units.
Ms. Fisher stated that of the three units, one has been leased and the occupant would be moving into the unit at the first of December. She informed the Commission that the other two units are currently available.
Commissioner Jones asked Ms. Fisher to provide an approximate date in which the finish out was completed for the existing live/work units.
Ms. Fisher explained that the finish out for the existing live/work units was completed in September 2010.
The Commission, Ms. Fisher and staff discussed the finish out and the location of the existing live/work units.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions or comments for Mr. Brandt or Ms. Fisher. Hearing no response, he opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1213-10. There being no response, Chairperson Simerly closed the public hearing and asked the Commission if there was any discussion. Hearing no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1213-10; an Amendment to DeSoto Town Center Planned Development (PD-130). Moved by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Dick North.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1213-10; an Amendment to DeSoto Town Center Planned Development (PD-130). (Approved)
Ayes: Dewberry, North, Jones, Chambers, Simerly, Williams
Nays: McDonalds
(7) No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson Simerly adjourned the meeting at 7:46 PM.
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