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Roll Call: 9 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
Chairperson Simerly called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
(2) No items.
(3) Consider Case Z-1208-10; an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create three (3) Mixed Use Zoning Districts. The proposed amendment would also include the area and use regulations for the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the Management Report for Case Z-1208-10 and explained that this meeting is the second meeting for the proposed Mixed Use Zoning Districts. He also introduced Ms. Wendy Shabay, Freese & Nichols, Inc. Consultant, to present the regulations for the proposed Mixed Use Zoning Districts project.
Ms. Shabay came forward and provided an overview of the regulations for the Mixed Use Zoning Districts (MU-1, MU-2 and MU-R).
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions for Ms. Shabay.
Commissioner Chambers asked Ms. Shabay about any requirements associated with the variation of uses allowed in Mixed Use Zoning (MU).
Ms. Shabay informed the Commission that there are requirements associated with variation of uses allowed in MU.
Mr. Vatthauer stated that there must be a twenty (20) percent variation of different uses in the MU Zoning District.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other questions for Ms. Shabay.
Commissioner Williams informed Mr. Vatthauer that Commissioner Chambers was inquiring specifically about the requirements associated with different residential variations allowed in Mixed Used-Residential (MU-R) Zoning.
Mr. Vatthauer stated there would not be a percentage variation of uses associated with MU-R. He also informed the Commission that the use variation requirement would only apply to MU-1 and MU-2 Zoning Districts.
The Commission, staff, and Ms. Shabay discussed the requirements associated with different residential uses allowed in Mixed Use-Residential (MU-R).
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other questions, comments or discussion. There being no response, he opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or against case Z-1208-10.
Mr. James Hightower of 210 & 214 West Belt Line Road, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that the current zoning requirements have made it difficult to sell or lease his lots. He also asked the Commission how the mixed use ordinance would benefit his lots directly.
Chairperson Simerly asked Mr. Hightower to explain the current status of his lots.
Mr. Hightower informed the Commission that one lot was vacant and the other lot housed a building.
Vice Chairperson Dewberry asked Mr. Hightower if the lot with the structure was once utilitized as a plumming company.
Mr. Hightower informed the Commission that a plumming company had occupied the building at one time.
Chairperson Simerly stated that he was confused as to how the zoning has encumbered Mr. Hightower’s lots from being leased or sold.
Mr. Hightower informed the Commission that he has had a hard time leasing or selling his lots, because they currently do not meet the minimum size requirement for General Retail Zoning.
The Commission, staff, and Mr. Hightower discussed the current zoning requirements for General Retail and how these requirements apply to Mr. Hightower’s property.
Chairperson Simerly asked if there was anyone else that wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1208-10. There being no response, he closed the public hearing and asked the Commission if there was any discussion.
The Commission discussed the regulations and standards associated with the different residential variation options for MU-R.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions or comments. Hearing no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1208-10; an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create three (3) Mixed Used Zoning Districts. Moved by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Dick North.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1208-10; an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create three (3) Mixed Used Zoning Districts. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Simerly, Jones, Dewberry
Nays: Williams, Chambers
(4) Consider Case Z-1209-10; a Specific Use Permit (SUP) request to allow a Business School at the 1020 E. Pleasant Run Road. The property in question consists of approximately 7,943 square feet lease space. The applicant is Debra Prentice.
Mr. Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1208-10.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Chambers asked Mr. Vatthauer if there was a specific reason both the church and proposed business school could not operate at the same time.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the parking would become an issue if both the church and the proposed business school operated at the same time.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions for staff. There being no response, he opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mrs. Debra Prentice of 1020 E. Pleasant Run Road, came forward to address the Commission.
Commissioner Williams asked Mrs. Prentice who owned the property for the proposed business school.
Mrs. Prentice informed the Commission that the space for the proposed business school would be leased from the property owner, Mr. Cordell Booker.
Commissioner Jones asked if the church was also leasing property from Mr. Cordell Booker.
Mrs. Prentice stated that the church was also leasing space from Mr. Cordell Booker.
Commissioner Jones asked Mrs. Prentice if the proposed business school would be affiliated with the church.
Mrs. Prentice informed the Commission that the proposed business school was not affiliated with the church.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions for Mrs. Prentice. There being no response, he asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1209-10.
Ms. Joyce Hill of 1217 Bluffview Drive, came forward to address the Commission. She informed the Commission that there were parking issues associated with the shopping center in the past. She asked the Commission if the shopping center parking lot would be monitored by City staff.
Chairperson Simerly explained that citizens typically police the parking lot and inform the city when parking issues arise.
Ms. Hill asked if the business school would serve adults or adolescents.
Mrs. Prentice stated that the proposed business school would serve adults.
Commissioner Dewberry asked Mrs. Prentice about the types of programs to be offered at the proposed business school.
Mrs. Prentice informed the Commission that the business school would provide training and certification for medical assistants, vocational nurses, medical billing and certified nursing assistants.
Chairperson Simerly asked if there was anyone else that would like to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1209-10. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing and asked the Commission if there was any discussion. There being no response, Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1209-10; a Specific Use Permit (SUP) request to allow a Business School at the 1020 E. Pleasant Run Road. Moved by Commissioner Dick North, seconded by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry.
with the following stipulations:
(1) The church cannot have services at the same time that the Business School is having classes and the Business School cannot have classes the same time that the church is having services.
(2) This Specific Use Permit (SUP) must be amended in order to increase the number of students attending classes at any one time to an amount more than 100 students.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1209-10; a Specific Use Permit (SUP) request to allow a Business School at the 1020 E. Pleasant Run Road. (Approved)
Ayes: Jones, Chambers, Simerly, Williams, Dewberry, North
Nays: None
(5) No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson Simerly adjourned the meeting at 7:08 PM.
Sep 28, 2010 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 9 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
Chairperson Simerly called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
(2) No items.
(3) Consider Case Z-1208-10; an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create three (3) Mixed Use Zoning Districts. The proposed amendment would also include the area and use regulations for the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the Management Report for Case Z-1208-10 and explained that this meeting is the second meeting for the proposed Mixed Use Zoning Districts. He also introduced Ms. Wendy Shabay, Freese & Nichols, Inc. Consultant, to present the regulations for the proposed Mixed Use Zoning Districts project.
Ms. Shabay came forward and provided an overview of the regulations for the Mixed Use Zoning Districts (MU-1, MU-2 and MU-R).
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions for Ms. Shabay.
Commissioner Chambers asked Ms. Shabay about any requirements associated with the variation of uses allowed in Mixed Use Zoning (MU).
Ms. Shabay informed the Commission that there are requirements associated with variation of uses allowed in MU.
Mr. Vatthauer stated that there must be a twenty (20) percent variation of different uses in the MU Zoning District.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other questions for Ms. Shabay.
Commissioner Williams informed Mr. Vatthauer that Commissioner Chambers was inquiring specifically about the requirements associated with different residential variations allowed in Mixed Used-Residential (MU-R) Zoning.
Mr. Vatthauer stated there would not be a percentage variation of uses associated with MU-R. He also informed the Commission that the use variation requirement would only apply to MU-1 and MU-2 Zoning Districts.
The Commission, staff, and Ms. Shabay discussed the requirements associated with different residential uses allowed in Mixed Use-Residential (MU-R).
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any other questions, comments or discussion. There being no response, he opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or against case Z-1208-10.
Mr. James Hightower of 210 & 214 West Belt Line Road, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that the current zoning requirements have made it difficult to sell or lease his lots. He also asked the Commission how the mixed use ordinance would benefit his lots directly.
Chairperson Simerly asked Mr. Hightower to explain the current status of his lots.
Mr. Hightower informed the Commission that one lot was vacant and the other lot housed a building.
Vice Chairperson Dewberry asked Mr. Hightower if the lot with the structure was once utilitized as a plumming company.
Mr. Hightower informed the Commission that a plumming company had occupied the building at one time.
Chairperson Simerly stated that he was confused as to how the zoning has encumbered Mr. Hightower’s lots from being leased or sold.
Mr. Hightower informed the Commission that he has had a hard time leasing or selling his lots, because they currently do not meet the minimum size requirement for General Retail Zoning.
The Commission, staff, and Mr. Hightower discussed the current zoning requirements for General Retail and how these requirements apply to Mr. Hightower’s property.
Chairperson Simerly asked if there was anyone else that wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1208-10. There being no response, he closed the public hearing and asked the Commission if there was any discussion.
The Commission discussed the regulations and standards associated with the different residential variation options for MU-R.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions or comments. Hearing no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1208-10; an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create three (3) Mixed Used Zoning Districts. Moved by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Dick North.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1208-10; an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create three (3) Mixed Used Zoning Districts. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Simerly, Jones, Dewberry
Nays: Williams, Chambers
(4) Consider Case Z-1209-10; a Specific Use Permit (SUP) request to allow a Business School at the 1020 E. Pleasant Run Road. The property in question consists of approximately 7,943 square feet lease space. The applicant is Debra Prentice.
Mr. Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1208-10.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Chambers asked Mr. Vatthauer if there was a specific reason both the church and proposed business school could not operate at the same time.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the parking would become an issue if both the church and the proposed business school operated at the same time.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions for staff. There being no response, he opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mrs. Debra Prentice of 1020 E. Pleasant Run Road, came forward to address the Commission.
Commissioner Williams asked Mrs. Prentice who owned the property for the proposed business school.
Mrs. Prentice informed the Commission that the space for the proposed business school would be leased from the property owner, Mr. Cordell Booker.
Commissioner Jones asked if the church was also leasing property from Mr. Cordell Booker.
Mrs. Prentice stated that the church was also leasing space from Mr. Cordell Booker.
Commissioner Jones asked Mrs. Prentice if the proposed business school would be affiliated with the church.
Mrs. Prentice informed the Commission that the proposed business school was not affiliated with the church.
Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission if there were any additional questions for Mrs. Prentice. There being no response, he asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1209-10.
Ms. Joyce Hill of 1217 Bluffview Drive, came forward to address the Commission. She informed the Commission that there were parking issues associated with the shopping center in the past. She asked the Commission if the shopping center parking lot would be monitored by City staff.
Chairperson Simerly explained that citizens typically police the parking lot and inform the city when parking issues arise.
Ms. Hill asked if the business school would serve adults or adolescents.
Mrs. Prentice stated that the proposed business school would serve adults.
Commissioner Dewberry asked Mrs. Prentice about the types of programs to be offered at the proposed business school.
Mrs. Prentice informed the Commission that the business school would provide training and certification for medical assistants, vocational nurses, medical billing and certified nursing assistants.
Chairperson Simerly asked if there was anyone else that would like to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1209-10. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing and asked the Commission if there was any discussion. There being no response, Chairperson Simerly asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve Case Z-1209-10; a Specific Use Permit (SUP) request to allow a Business School at the 1020 E. Pleasant Run Road. Moved by Commissioner Dick North, seconded by Vice Chairperson Donald Dewberry.
with the following stipulations:
(1) The church cannot have services at the same time that the Business School is having classes and the Business School cannot have classes the same time that the church is having services.
(2) This Specific Use Permit (SUP) must be amended in order to increase the number of students attending classes at any one time to an amount more than 100 students.
Vote to Approve to Approve Case Z-1209-10; a Specific Use Permit (SUP) request to allow a Business School at the 1020 E. Pleasant Run Road. (Approved)
Ayes: Jones, Chambers, Simerly, Williams, Dewberry, North
Nays: None
(5) No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson Simerly adjourned the meeting at 7:08 PM.
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