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Roll Call: 10 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items
(2) Discuss Nodal Development
Chairperson Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on October 9, 2007.
Motion to To approve the Consent Agenda Item. Moved by Commissioner Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Reginald Jones.
Vote to To approve the Consent Agenda Item. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Chambers, Stripling, Vaughn, Jones, Dewberry
Nays: None
(4) Consider Case Z-1135-07; a Planned Development (PD-136) for DeSoto Shopping Plaza, located at the northeast corner of Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road. The Planned Development will have a base zoning of General Retail (GR) with deviation request to allow a convenience store with gas sales by-right. The area in question consists of approximately 2.31 acres and 2 lots. The applicant is Your Home Builders/ Sepehr Parnian.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Vatthauer, if the parking spaces located in the Texas Utilities (TXU) easement would be included in the total number of required parking spaces or would these parking spaces be considered over-flow parking.
Mr. Vatthauer explained to the Commission that the applicant has enough parking spaces according to the proposed site plan, but if the requested stipluations are approved then the required parking will be compromised. The applicant has requested the following stipulations (1) allow parking spaces in the TXU easement to be included as part of the total required parking spaces; and (2) allow Buildings B & C to be combined into one building without amending the Planned Development.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there are any questions of staff. Hearing no response, she declared the Public Hearing open and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Sepehr Parnian, of 3401 China Lane, Bedford, came forward to address the Commission. He assured the Commission that there were no problems with Texas Utilities (TXU) allowing the easement to be used for additional parking spaces. Mr. Parnian also stated that TXU would never revoke the usage of the easement.
Commissioner Dwight Chambers asked Mr. Parnian if there was any landscaping proposed for the smaller parcel.
Mr. Parnian stated that there were no plans to landscape the smaller parcel, but there were plans to landscape along Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road.
Commissioner Jones asked Mr. Parnian if he could obtain a written letter from Texas Utilities (TXU) stating that the parking spaces located in the TXU easement would never be revoked.
Mr. Parnian stated that he did not think TXU would provide a letter granting irrevocable use of the easement.
Commissioner Dewberry asked Samantha Gowans, Assistant City Attorney, if a word of mouth agreement would be sufficient or should the Commission require a written agreement for irrevocable use of the easement.
Ms. Gowans stated that a written agreement should be obtained from Texas Utilities (TXU), allowing irrevocable use of the TXU easement.
Commissioner Van Stripling stated his concern about the high traffic use of the intersection during the morning and evening hours. He asked if there was a proposed deceleration lane for the entrances into the development from both Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road.
Mr. Parnian stated that he has been in contact with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) about adding a deceleration lane for Belt Line Road, but TxDOT is not requiring a deceleration lane for Cockrell Hill Road at this time.
Commissioner Van Stripling stated that there would be potential safety issues if the first drive off Cockrell Hill Road existed, because of the close proximity between the intersection and the first drive off Cockrell Hill Road.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Parnian why would there be a need for the first drive off Cockrell Hill Road since it will be in close proximity to the intersection.
Mr. Parnian informed the Commission that the drive would be apart of the smaller parcel development, it would also enhance the site and ease traffic flow.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Parnian if the second entrance off Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road would be a part of the intial development or would it be added once the smaller parcel is developed.
Mr. Parnian stated that there were no immediate plans to develop the smaller parcel , but he did not want to lose the option of adding the second entrance off Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road during the initial development of the project.
Commissioner Van Stripling asked Mr. Parnian if there were plans to add the second drive now or later.
Mr. Parnian informed the Commission that it was the intention to include the first drive in the initial development to help with the traffic circulation.
Commissioner Stripling stated that the first drive off of Cockrell Hill should be developed simultaneously with the smaller parcel.
Commissioner Chambers stated that the drive paving can be done without the curbs and gutters which would prevent access onto the drive. Then add the curbs and gutters once the smaller parcel is developed allowing access onto the drive.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Parnian if the two small parcels to the northeast were the concept or actual location for the detention pond.
Mr. Parnian stated that the appropriate location for the detention pond is still being studied, but the small parcels to the northeast and a strip of land to the eastside of the property are definite possiblities for the detention pond site.
Commissioner Stripling asked Mr. Parnian if there were plans to include sidewalks on the westside of the property going north on Cockrell Hill Road.
Mr. Parnian informed the Commission that there were no plans to include sidewalks on Cockrell Hill Road at this time, because Cockrell Hill Road is going to be widened within a couple of years.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any other questions or concerns. Hearing no response, she asked if there was anyone else that wished to address the Commission either in favor or in opposition to case Z-1135-07.
Ms. Nicole Holman, of 149 Galleria Drive, expressed her concerns about a lack of seperation between the residential neighborhood to the east and the proposed general retail development.
Mr. Parnian stated that a parcel of land separates the proposed development and the residential use. Once the parcel of land separating the two uses was development, the issue of separating the general retail use from the residential area would be addressed.
Chairperson Vaughn asked staff if there were plans for adding sidewalks along Belt Line Road.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that he was not aware of any plans for sidewalks along Belt Line Road.
Chairperson Vaughn asked if there was anyone else that wished to address the Commission either in favor or in opposition to case Z-1135-07. There being no response, she closed the public hearing and asked the Commission if there were any comments or discussion.
Commissioner Dewberry made a motion to approve case Z-1135-07 with the following stipulations:
(1) Allow a convenience store with gas sales to be allowed by-right.
(2) Allow a drive through facility for Building A and C, as provided on the Site Plan, for fast food restaurants as long as required parking and maneuvering area can be provided on site.
(3) Allow Building B and C to be combined into one building without having to amend the PD, as long as all zoning requirements can still be met.
(4) Allow a portion of the Texas Utilities (TXU) right-of-way to be used for part of the required landscape area.
(5) The southernmost driveway connection off Cockrell Hill Road be allowed for the development of the northern tract, but postpone the installation of curb and gutter until the development of the southern tract.
(6) The drive window on the elevations for Building A must be correctly shown on the north face elevation, rather than the east facing. This correction must be included in the signed Ordinance.
Commissioner Jones asked about the copper type roofing that was proposed during the worksession for the elevated hip roofs.
Mr. Dean Ritter, of 4001 Tarrant Main, Fort Worth, Architect, stated that the developer would be willing to use a copper coated metal panel roof that has essentially the same look as copper. He also stated that the developer would like to omit the southernmost drive connection to Cockrell Hill Road from the inital development of the northern tract and will revisit this driveway connection when the site plan for the southern tract is summitted.
Commissioner Dewberry amends his motion to include the copper coated metal panel roof and the omitted southernmost drive connection to Cockrell Hill Road from the inital development of the northern tract.
Motion to approve Z-1135-07 with staff stipulations and add that paving for the hard corner be done but that the curb cuts be postponed until hard corner development is done and also update Building A elevations for the north side showing correct placement for the drive-through window. As opposed to the east side of Building A, it should be on the north side of Building A. Moved by Commissioner Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Reginald Jones.
with the following stipulations:
(1) Allow a convenience store with gas sales to be allowed by-right.
(2) Allow a drive through facility for Building A and C, as provided on the Site Plan, for fast food restaurants as long as required parking and maneuvering area can be provided on site.
(3) Allow Building B and C to be combined into one building without having to amend the PD, as long as all zoning requirements can still be met.
(4)Allow a portion onf the Texas Utilities (TXU) right-of-way to be used for part of the required landscape area.
(5) The southernmost driveway connection to Cockrell Hill not be allowed for the development of the northern 2.19 acre tract. Will revisit this driveway connection when the site plan for the southern tract is summated.
(6) The drive through window on the elevations for Building A must be correctly shown on the north facing elevation, rather than the east facing. This correction must be included in the signed Ordinance.
(7) The elevated hip roofs must be constructed of simulated copper so that it has a copper roof appearance.
Vote to approve Z-1135-07 with staff stipulations and add that paving for the hard corner be done but that the curb cuts be postponed until hard corner development is done and also update Building A elevations for the north side showing correct placement for the drive-through window. As opposed to the east side of Building A, it should be on the north side of Building A. (Approved)
Ayes: Chambers, Dewberry, Jones, Vaughn, Stripling, North
Nays: None
(5) No items.
(5) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(6) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business, Chairperson Vaughn adjourned the meeting at 7:45 PM.
Dec 11, 2007 Planning and Zoning Meeting
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 10 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items
(2) Discuss Nodal Development
Chairperson Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on October 9, 2007.
Motion to To approve the Consent Agenda Item. Moved by Commissioner Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Reginald Jones.
Vote to To approve the Consent Agenda Item. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Chambers, Stripling, Vaughn, Jones, Dewberry
Nays: None
(4) Consider Case Z-1135-07; a Planned Development (PD-136) for DeSoto Shopping Plaza, located at the northeast corner of Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road. The Planned Development will have a base zoning of General Retail (GR) with deviation request to allow a convenience store with gas sales by-right. The area in question consists of approximately 2.31 acres and 2 lots. The applicant is Your Home Builders/ Sepehr Parnian.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Vatthauer, if the parking spaces located in the Texas Utilities (TXU) easement would be included in the total number of required parking spaces or would these parking spaces be considered over-flow parking.
Mr. Vatthauer explained to the Commission that the applicant has enough parking spaces according to the proposed site plan, but if the requested stipluations are approved then the required parking will be compromised. The applicant has requested the following stipulations (1) allow parking spaces in the TXU easement to be included as part of the total required parking spaces; and (2) allow Buildings B & C to be combined into one building without amending the Planned Development.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there are any questions of staff. Hearing no response, she declared the Public Hearing open and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Sepehr Parnian, of 3401 China Lane, Bedford, came forward to address the Commission. He assured the Commission that there were no problems with Texas Utilities (TXU) allowing the easement to be used for additional parking spaces. Mr. Parnian also stated that TXU would never revoke the usage of the easement.
Commissioner Dwight Chambers asked Mr. Parnian if there was any landscaping proposed for the smaller parcel.
Mr. Parnian stated that there were no plans to landscape the smaller parcel, but there were plans to landscape along Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road.
Commissioner Jones asked Mr. Parnian if he could obtain a written letter from Texas Utilities (TXU) stating that the parking spaces located in the TXU easement would never be revoked.
Mr. Parnian stated that he did not think TXU would provide a letter granting irrevocable use of the easement.
Commissioner Dewberry asked Samantha Gowans, Assistant City Attorney, if a word of mouth agreement would be sufficient or should the Commission require a written agreement for irrevocable use of the easement.
Ms. Gowans stated that a written agreement should be obtained from Texas Utilities (TXU), allowing irrevocable use of the TXU easement.
Commissioner Van Stripling stated his concern about the high traffic use of the intersection during the morning and evening hours. He asked if there was a proposed deceleration lane for the entrances into the development from both Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road.
Mr. Parnian stated that he has been in contact with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) about adding a deceleration lane for Belt Line Road, but TxDOT is not requiring a deceleration lane for Cockrell Hill Road at this time.
Commissioner Van Stripling stated that there would be potential safety issues if the first drive off Cockrell Hill Road existed, because of the close proximity between the intersection and the first drive off Cockrell Hill Road.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Parnian why would there be a need for the first drive off Cockrell Hill Road since it will be in close proximity to the intersection.
Mr. Parnian informed the Commission that the drive would be apart of the smaller parcel development, it would also enhance the site and ease traffic flow.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Parnian if the second entrance off Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road would be a part of the intial development or would it be added once the smaller parcel is developed.
Mr. Parnian stated that there were no immediate plans to develop the smaller parcel , but he did not want to lose the option of adding the second entrance off Belt Line Road and Cockrell Hill Road during the initial development of the project.
Commissioner Van Stripling asked Mr. Parnian if there were plans to add the second drive now or later.
Mr. Parnian informed the Commission that it was the intention to include the first drive in the initial development to help with the traffic circulation.
Commissioner Stripling stated that the first drive off of Cockrell Hill should be developed simultaneously with the smaller parcel.
Commissioner Chambers stated that the drive paving can be done without the curbs and gutters which would prevent access onto the drive. Then add the curbs and gutters once the smaller parcel is developed allowing access onto the drive.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Parnian if the two small parcels to the northeast were the concept or actual location for the detention pond.
Mr. Parnian stated that the appropriate location for the detention pond is still being studied, but the small parcels to the northeast and a strip of land to the eastside of the property are definite possiblities for the detention pond site.
Commissioner Stripling asked Mr. Parnian if there were plans to include sidewalks on the westside of the property going north on Cockrell Hill Road.
Mr. Parnian informed the Commission that there were no plans to include sidewalks on Cockrell Hill Road at this time, because Cockrell Hill Road is going to be widened within a couple of years.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any other questions or concerns. Hearing no response, she asked if there was anyone else that wished to address the Commission either in favor or in opposition to case Z-1135-07.
Ms. Nicole Holman, of 149 Galleria Drive, expressed her concerns about a lack of seperation between the residential neighborhood to the east and the proposed general retail development.
Mr. Parnian stated that a parcel of land separates the proposed development and the residential use. Once the parcel of land separating the two uses was development, the issue of separating the general retail use from the residential area would be addressed.
Chairperson Vaughn asked staff if there were plans for adding sidewalks along Belt Line Road.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that he was not aware of any plans for sidewalks along Belt Line Road.
Chairperson Vaughn asked if there was anyone else that wished to address the Commission either in favor or in opposition to case Z-1135-07. There being no response, she closed the public hearing and asked the Commission if there were any comments or discussion.
Commissioner Dewberry made a motion to approve case Z-1135-07 with the following stipulations:
(1) Allow a convenience store with gas sales to be allowed by-right.
(2) Allow a drive through facility for Building A and C, as provided on the Site Plan, for fast food restaurants as long as required parking and maneuvering area can be provided on site.
(3) Allow Building B and C to be combined into one building without having to amend the PD, as long as all zoning requirements can still be met.
(4) Allow a portion of the Texas Utilities (TXU) right-of-way to be used for part of the required landscape area.
(5) The southernmost driveway connection off Cockrell Hill Road be allowed for the development of the northern tract, but postpone the installation of curb and gutter until the development of the southern tract.
(6) The drive window on the elevations for Building A must be correctly shown on the north face elevation, rather than the east facing. This correction must be included in the signed Ordinance.
Commissioner Jones asked about the copper type roofing that was proposed during the worksession for the elevated hip roofs.
Mr. Dean Ritter, of 4001 Tarrant Main, Fort Worth, Architect, stated that the developer would be willing to use a copper coated metal panel roof that has essentially the same look as copper. He also stated that the developer would like to omit the southernmost drive connection to Cockrell Hill Road from the inital development of the northern tract and will revisit this driveway connection when the site plan for the southern tract is summitted.
Commissioner Dewberry amends his motion to include the copper coated metal panel roof and the omitted southernmost drive connection to Cockrell Hill Road from the inital development of the northern tract.
Motion to approve Z-1135-07 with staff stipulations and add that paving for the hard corner be done but that the curb cuts be postponed until hard corner development is done and also update Building A elevations for the north side showing correct placement for the drive-through window. As opposed to the east side of Building A, it should be on the north side of Building A. Moved by Commissioner Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Reginald Jones.
with the following stipulations:
(1) Allow a convenience store with gas sales to be allowed by-right.
(2) Allow a drive through facility for Building A and C, as provided on the Site Plan, for fast food restaurants as long as required parking and maneuvering area can be provided on site.
(3) Allow Building B and C to be combined into one building without having to amend the PD, as long as all zoning requirements can still be met.
(4)Allow a portion onf the Texas Utilities (TXU) right-of-way to be used for part of the required landscape area.
(5) The southernmost driveway connection to Cockrell Hill not be allowed for the development of the northern 2.19 acre tract. Will revisit this driveway connection when the site plan for the southern tract is summated.
(6) The drive through window on the elevations for Building A must be correctly shown on the north facing elevation, rather than the east facing. This correction must be included in the signed Ordinance.
(7) The elevated hip roofs must be constructed of simulated copper so that it has a copper roof appearance.
Vote to approve Z-1135-07 with staff stipulations and add that paving for the hard corner be done but that the curb cuts be postponed until hard corner development is done and also update Building A elevations for the north side showing correct placement for the drive-through window. As opposed to the east side of Building A, it should be on the north side of Building A. (Approved)
Ayes: Chambers, Dewberry, Jones, Vaughn, Stripling, North
Nays: None
(5) No items.
(5) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(6) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business, Chairperson Vaughn adjourned the meeting at 7:45 PM.
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