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(1) Discuss agenda items
Chairperson Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that seven (7) Commissioners were present.
(2) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on September 25, 2007.
Motion to to approve the Consent Agenda item. Moved by Commissioner Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to to approve the Consent Agenda item. (Approved)
Ayes: Stripling, Vaughn, Simerly, Dewberry, North, Jones, Chambers
Nays: None
(3) Consider Case Z-1131-07; a Planned Development (PD-135) for Crossroads Trade Center, located at north and south of Centre Park Boulevard and west of I-35 E Service Road. The Planned Development will have a base zoning of Industrial Park (IP) with deviation requests to allow several uses by-right that are not permitted or permitted only with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) in Industrial Park Zoning. The area in question consists of approximately 162.175 acres. The applicant is Hillwood Enterprises, L.P.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response, she declared the public hearing open and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Richard Rozier, of 1812 Masters Drive, representing Hillwood Enterprises, L.P., came forward to address the Commission. He provided the Commission with background information about the subject site. He also explained the need for a Planned Development rather than a zoning change for the Crossroads Trade Center project.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Rozier.
Commissioner Dwight Chambers asked the applicant if the hours of operation would be twenty-four (24) hour.
Mr. Dan Tatsch, Senior Vice President with Hillwood, Lincoln Center, Dallas, came forward to address Mr. Chambers concerns. He stated that the hours of operation would depend solely on the tenants who occupy the lease/purchased spaces.
Commissioner Chambers stated his concerns about businesses operating at various hours disturbing guests of the two hotels in close proximity to Crossroads Trade Center.
Mr. Tatsch informed the Commission that he was not sure how the hotels would be effected by the noise levels from businesses operating at various hours, but he assumed the hotels conducted research on the level of noise before they purchased land near an industrial area.
Chairperson Vaughn asked when revenue would be generated either before or after the tax abatement.
Mr. Rozier stated that there would be some abatement for this project, but revenue usually would be generated after the tax abatement ends.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any other questions or comments for either Mr. Rozier or Mr. Tatsch.
Commissioner Stripling asked about the type of screening that would be used for the proposed area south of Building One (1), considering that the area backs up to Centre Park Boulevard.
Mr. Rozier informed the Commission that there would be a berm with Cedar Trees, but no screened fencing in the area south of Building One (1).
Mr. Tatsch stated that Hillwood shows the area south of Building One (1) as future trailer parking. In addition, Hillwood would not pave the area south of Building One (1), unless a tenant required the area to be paved.
Chairperson Vaughn asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor or in opposition to case Z-1131-07. There being no response, she declared the public hearing closed and asked Ms. Curtistene McCowan to come forward to address the Commission.
Ms. Curtistene McCowan, President of the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation Board, came forward to address the Commission. She spoke about the need for the recent study conducted by three different Brokerage/ Development firms.
Commissioner Stripling expressed his concerns that the citizens of DeSoto were never really surveyed for the study, but three (3) Brokerage/ Development firms were hired to research and determine the best use for the Crossroads Trade Center property fronting I-35E Service Road. In addition, he asked Ms. McCowan to inform the Commission of the types of retail businesses that were considered for the Crossroad Trade Center property.
Ms. McCowan stated that the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation (DEDC) was in the process of conducting an extensive study a few months ago, but choose not to move forward with the extensive study because the case for Crossroads Trade Center development would be going before the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council before the extensive study was complete.
Commissioner Simerly spoke in support of case Z-1131-07. He stated that it is not so much what the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation want or what the Commission want or even what the citizens want, but what the market will support.
Commissioner Dewberry also spoke in support of case Z-1131-07. He stated that he agreed with Commissioner Simerly’s comments.
Commissioner North stated that he was also in favor of case Z-1131-07.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or questions. There being no response, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to To approve the request with the following stipulations that the elevations and landscaping plans be attached to the request as well as no outside storage be allowed north of Building Three (3) and south of Building One (1) without coming before the Commission again. Moved by Commissioner Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to To approve the request with the following stipulations that the elevations and landscaping plans be attached to the request as well as no outside storage be allowed north of Building Three (3) and south of Building One (1) without coming before the Commission again. (Approved)
with the following stipulations:
(1) The Landscape Plan and Elevations be included in the Planned Development Ordinance, along with the Site Plan.
(2) No outdoor storage is permitted to the north of Building Three (3) or to the south of Building One (1), to include trailer storage, without coming back to the Planning Commission and City Council with an amendment to the Planned Development ordinance. However, trailer parking is permitted in the single row just south of Building One (1).
(3) Any outdoor storage, to include trailer storage, is permitted between Building (2) and Building (3), without having to amend the Planned Development.
(4) Trailer storage is allowed to the west of Building Four (4). No other outdoor storage is permitted in this area without amending the Planned Development ordinance.
(5) The following uses be allowed by-right:
a) Commercial Indoor Amusement
b) Motor Freight Company
c) Building Materials, Hardware or Home Improvement Center (Indoor)
d) Furniture, Home Furnishings and Appliance Store
e) Wallpaper, Flooring and Carpet Store
f) Storage or Wholesale Warehouse
(6) The configuration, size and location of the lots and buildings may change without having to amend the Planned Development, as long as the other requirements of the Planned Development and Zoning Ordinance are being met.
Ayes: Vaughn, Simerly, Jones, Stripling, Dewberry, North, Chambers
Nays: None
(4) No items.
(5) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(6) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 8:15PM.
Nov 27, 2007 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
(1) Discuss agenda items
Chairperson Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that seven (7) Commissioners were present.
(2) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on September 25, 2007.
Motion to to approve the Consent Agenda item. Moved by Commissioner Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to to approve the Consent Agenda item. (Approved)
Ayes: Stripling, Vaughn, Simerly, Dewberry, North, Jones, Chambers
Nays: None
(3) Consider Case Z-1131-07; a Planned Development (PD-135) for Crossroads Trade Center, located at north and south of Centre Park Boulevard and west of I-35 E Service Road. The Planned Development will have a base zoning of Industrial Park (IP) with deviation requests to allow several uses by-right that are not permitted or permitted only with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) in Industrial Park Zoning. The area in question consists of approximately 162.175 acres. The applicant is Hillwood Enterprises, L.P.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response, she declared the public hearing open and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Richard Rozier, of 1812 Masters Drive, representing Hillwood Enterprises, L.P., came forward to address the Commission. He provided the Commission with background information about the subject site. He also explained the need for a Planned Development rather than a zoning change for the Crossroads Trade Center project.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Rozier.
Commissioner Dwight Chambers asked the applicant if the hours of operation would be twenty-four (24) hour.
Mr. Dan Tatsch, Senior Vice President with Hillwood, Lincoln Center, Dallas, came forward to address Mr. Chambers concerns. He stated that the hours of operation would depend solely on the tenants who occupy the lease/purchased spaces.
Commissioner Chambers stated his concerns about businesses operating at various hours disturbing guests of the two hotels in close proximity to Crossroads Trade Center.
Mr. Tatsch informed the Commission that he was not sure how the hotels would be effected by the noise levels from businesses operating at various hours, but he assumed the hotels conducted research on the level of noise before they purchased land near an industrial area.
Chairperson Vaughn asked when revenue would be generated either before or after the tax abatement.
Mr. Rozier stated that there would be some abatement for this project, but revenue usually would be generated after the tax abatement ends.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any other questions or comments for either Mr. Rozier or Mr. Tatsch.
Commissioner Stripling asked about the type of screening that would be used for the proposed area south of Building One (1), considering that the area backs up to Centre Park Boulevard.
Mr. Rozier informed the Commission that there would be a berm with Cedar Trees, but no screened fencing in the area south of Building One (1).
Mr. Tatsch stated that Hillwood shows the area south of Building One (1) as future trailer parking. In addition, Hillwood would not pave the area south of Building One (1), unless a tenant required the area to be paved.
Chairperson Vaughn asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor or in opposition to case Z-1131-07. There being no response, she declared the public hearing closed and asked Ms. Curtistene McCowan to come forward to address the Commission.
Ms. Curtistene McCowan, President of the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation Board, came forward to address the Commission. She spoke about the need for the recent study conducted by three different Brokerage/ Development firms.
Commissioner Stripling expressed his concerns that the citizens of DeSoto were never really surveyed for the study, but three (3) Brokerage/ Development firms were hired to research and determine the best use for the Crossroads Trade Center property fronting I-35E Service Road. In addition, he asked Ms. McCowan to inform the Commission of the types of retail businesses that were considered for the Crossroad Trade Center property.
Ms. McCowan stated that the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation (DEDC) was in the process of conducting an extensive study a few months ago, but choose not to move forward with the extensive study because the case for Crossroads Trade Center development would be going before the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council before the extensive study was complete.
Commissioner Simerly spoke in support of case Z-1131-07. He stated that it is not so much what the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation want or what the Commission want or even what the citizens want, but what the market will support.
Commissioner Dewberry also spoke in support of case Z-1131-07. He stated that he agreed with Commissioner Simerly’s comments.
Commissioner North stated that he was also in favor of case Z-1131-07.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or questions. There being no response, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to To approve the request with the following stipulations that the elevations and landscaping plans be attached to the request as well as no outside storage be allowed north of Building Three (3) and south of Building One (1) without coming before the Commission again. Moved by Commissioner Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to To approve the request with the following stipulations that the elevations and landscaping plans be attached to the request as well as no outside storage be allowed north of Building Three (3) and south of Building One (1) without coming before the Commission again. (Approved)
with the following stipulations:
(1) The Landscape Plan and Elevations be included in the Planned Development Ordinance, along with the Site Plan.
(2) No outdoor storage is permitted to the north of Building Three (3) or to the south of Building One (1), to include trailer storage, without coming back to the Planning Commission and City Council with an amendment to the Planned Development ordinance. However, trailer parking is permitted in the single row just south of Building One (1).
(3) Any outdoor storage, to include trailer storage, is permitted between Building (2) and Building (3), without having to amend the Planned Development.
(4) Trailer storage is allowed to the west of Building Four (4). No other outdoor storage is permitted in this area without amending the Planned Development ordinance.
(5) The following uses be allowed by-right:
a) Commercial Indoor Amusement
b) Motor Freight Company
c) Building Materials, Hardware or Home Improvement Center (Indoor)
d) Furniture, Home Furnishings and Appliance Store
e) Wallpaper, Flooring and Carpet Store
f) Storage or Wholesale Warehouse
(6) The configuration, size and location of the lots and buildings may change without having to amend the Planned Development, as long as the other requirements of the Planned Development and Zoning Ordinance are being met.
Ayes: Vaughn, Simerly, Jones, Stripling, Dewberry, North, Chambers
Nays: None
(4) No items.
(5) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(6) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 8:15PM.
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