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Roll Call: 11 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Picked a temporary Chairperson to conduct the meeting until a Chairperson has been elected.
(2) Discussed agenda items
Commissioner Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that seven (7) Commissioners were present.
(3) No items.
(4) Elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission needed to elect both a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Commissioner Jones nominated Commissioner Vaughn as the Chairperson for the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Motion to To elect Commissioner Karen Vaughn as Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Moved by Commissioner Reginald Jones, seconded by Commissioner Dwight Chambers.
Vote to To elect Commissioner Karen Vaughn as Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Simerly, Dewberry, Jones, Stripling, Chambers, Vaughn
Nays: None
Chairperson Vaughn nominated Commissioner Simerly as the Vice Chairperson for the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Motion to To elect Commissioner Tom Simerly as Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Moved by Chairperson Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to To elect Commissioner Tom Simerly as Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission. (Approved)
Ayes: Vaughn, Stripling, Dewberry, North, Chambers, Jones, Simerly
Nays: None
(5) Consider Case FP-1003-07; a Replat of Lots 1A & 1B, Block A Fountain Village, located at the southeast corner of Pleasant Run Road and The Meadows Parkway. The property in question consists of 5.43 acres and 2 lots. The applicant is Sports City Retail Properties, LLC.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the report.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission if there was any discussion on the issue. There being no response, Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to To approve Case FP-1003-07, a replat of lot one (1) of Fountain Village. Moved by Vice Chairperson Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to To approve Case FP-1003-07, a replat of lot one (1) of Fountain Village. (Approved)
Ayes: Stripling, Vaughn, Dewberry, Jones, Chambers, North, Simerly
Nays: None
(6) Consider Case Z-1129-07; an Amendment to Silver Creek Meadows Planned Development (PD-93). This amendment would allow the addition of attached front facing one-car, garages for lots that have side facing two-car garages. The applicant is Silver Creek Meadows, LTD.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response, she opened the Public Hearing and asked the applicant to come forward.
Mr. Jed Dolson, of 3838 Oak Lawn, Suite 1212, Dallas, TX 75209, representing Silver Creek Meadows, LTD., came forward to address the Commission. He stated that he was available for questions.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Dolson. Hearing no response, she asked if anyone else wished to address the Commission on the issue. There being no response, Chairperson Vaughn closed the public hearing and asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve To approve Case Z-1129-07; an Amendment to Silver Creek Meadows Planned Development (PD-93). Moved by Commissioner Richard North, seconded by Vice Chairperson Tom Simerly.
with the following stipulations:
(1) The garage doors must be of cedar construction.
(2) The door of the front-facing one-car garage must sit back from the door of the two-car garage, so that it is not closer to the front property line than any portion of the two-car garage.
Vote to Approve To approve Case Z-1129-07; an Amendment to Silver Creek Meadows Planned Development (PD-93). (Approved)
Ayes: Simerly, Stripling, Dewberry, North, Chambers, Jones, Vaughn
Nays: None
(7) Consider Case Z-1126-07; an Amendment to Planned Development 130 (PD-130), DeSoto Town Center. This proposed amendment is to review the detailed site plans for both Multi-Family and General Retail uses. The applicant is also requesting deviations for both the Multi-Family and General Retail requirements which include area regulations, parking regulations, open space, exterior masonry requirements and sign regulations. The property in question is located on Pleasant Run Road and east of Hampton Road. The area in question consists of 9.7 acres. The applicant is the City of DeSoto.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Commissioner Tom Simerly recused himself from partaking in the hearing and voting process of Case Z-1126-07.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Vatthauer. Hearing no response, she opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward.
Kim McCormick, of 2001 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75201, representing Trammell Crow Company came forward to introduce herself as the developer of the DeSoto Town Center project. She also introduced both Mr. Mark Wolfe and Mr. Brett Lord as they present the detailed site plan, landscape plan and elevations.
Mr. Mark Wolfe, of 8340 Meadow Road, Suite 248, Dallas, representing JHP Architects, came forward to present the detailed site plan.
Mr. Brett Lord, of RTKL Associates, of 1717 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, came forward to present the detailed landscape plan.
Commissioner Dwight Chambers asked Mr. Lord if all the plants would be green or would there be some variation in color for plants.
Mr. Lord stated that plants with different flowering seasons will be planted, which will give variation in plant color year-round.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any additional questions regarding the site plan or landscape plan. Hearing no response, she asked Mr. Wolfe to present the elevations to the Commission.
Mr. Wolfe came forward again to present the detailed elevations to the Commission.
Commissioner Dwight Chambers inquired if the garage would be completely enclosed.
Mr. Wolfe explained that the top deck will be exposed to the elements and the sides of parking garage will be made up of concrete with openings.
Commissioner Richard North ask if something would be done to beautify the garage.
Mr. Wolfe stated that the parking garage would be concealed by surrounding buildings, with only small portions of the garage being visible.
Commissioner Jones ask if there would be some type of sound barrier between floors and walls of the residential units.
Mr. Wolfe informed the Commission that the residential units would have a sound barrier between floors & walls of each unit that would meet the standards of the building code.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any other questions. Hearing no response, she asked Mr. Vatthauer to present list of deviations requested.
Mr. Vatthauer presented the requested deviations.
Commissioner Chambers ask for clarification of the flat roof on Building Two (2).
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the flat roof on Building Two (2) would house the heating & cooling units, but would not be visible from the street.
Commissioner Jones ask for clarification of the required community building.
Mr. Vatthauer explained that facilities within DeSoto Town Center will serve as the required recreation facilities for the apartment tenants.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Tom Johnson, Managing Director Development Services, for clarification on the new parking areas and turning lane that is being constructed directly east of DeSoto Town Center.
Mr. Johnson came forward to address the Commission. He stated a left turn lane will be constructed, so citizens can enter the drive that is behind DeSoto Town Center safely.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Ms. McCormick to present deviations for signage.
Ms. Kim McCormick came forward to present deviations for signage.
Chairperson Vaughn asked if there were any questions or comments regarding the signage deviations.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission of uses that would not be permitted with the base zoning of Multi-Family or General Retail, because these uses were seen as inappropriate for the project.
Commissioner Chambers asks for clarification on designated parking for the apartment residents.
Ms. McCormick stated that the residents will be entitled to one parking space per bedroom. These parking spaces will be secured by an access gate on the top levels of the parking garage.
Commissioner Chambers asked about the type of lighting that will be used in and around the Town Center.
Mr. Lord came forward to address concerns about lighting.
Comissioner Van Stripling asked for clarification about the use "small convenient store" not being permitted in the development.
Mr. Vatthauer stated that a small convenient store could be include in the development, but the attachment of gasoline sales would need to remain an excluded use.
Chairperson Vaughn asked if there was anyone who wished to address the issue. Hearing no response, she declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission if there were any additional questions or comments.
Commissioner Chamber voiced concerns about the size of compact parking spaces.
Ms. McCormick came forward to address concerns about the size of compact parking spaces.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any other questions or comments. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve To approve Case Z-1126-07; an Amendment to Planned Development 130 (PD-130), DeSoto Town Center Moved by Commissioner Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Richard North.
with the following stipulations:
(1) Allow the minimum lot area to be 650 square feet per unit for Building One.
(2) Allow a maximum of 67 units per acre for Building One.
(3) Allow the minimum lot area to be 540 square feet per unit for Building Three.
(4) Allow a maximum of 81 units per acre for Building One.
(5) Allow Building Three to be a maximum square footage of 96,000.
(6) Allow the separation between Building One and the parking garage to be 15 feet.
(7) Allow the separation between Building Three and the parking garage to be zero.
(8) Allow the separation between Building Three and Building Four to be 10 feet.
(9) Allow one bedroom units to have a minimum square feet of 700 square feet.
(10) Allow the lot which will contain Building One to have a maximum lot coverage of 55%.
(11) Allow the lot which will contain Building Three to have a maximum lot coverage of 68%.
(12) Allow the parking requirement to be one (1) space for each one bedroom unit.
(13) Allow the refuse container to be located a maximum distance of 500 feet.
(14) Allow the maximum distance a unit can be located from a fire lane to be 500 feet.
(15) Allow the City Recreation Center and adjoining park to quality as the required recreation facility.
(16) Allow Building Three to have a maximum length of 310 feet.
(17) Allow secondary roofs to have a roof pitch of 3:12, rather that 4:12 and to allow the area where building equipment will be located to be flat.
(18) Not require that this multi-family development be enclosed with a fence.
(19) Allow the facilities in City Hall and the Community Center to qualify as the required community building.
(20) Allow the maximum usable open space for Building One to be 170 square feet per unit.
(21) Allow the minimum usable open space for Building Three to be 100 square feet per unit.
(22) Allow the lot for Building Two to have a minimum lot area of 12,500 square feet.
(23) Allow the lot for Building Four to have a minimum lot area of 15,000 square feet.
(24) Allow the lot for Building Two to have a minimum lot width of 130 feet.
(25) Allow the lot for Building Two to have minimum lot depth of 90 feet.
(26) Allow the lot for Building Four to have a minimum lot depth of 70 feet.
(27) Allow the lot for Building Two to have a maximum lot coverage of 100%.
(28) Allow the lot for Building Four to have a maximum lot coverage of 100%.
(29) Allow Building Two to have a maximum square footage of 23,000 square feet.
(30) Allow Building Four to have a maxinum square footage of 17,600 square feet.
(31) Allow the exterior walls located inside both courtyards to be cementatious siding or panels (i.e. hardiplank).
(32) Allow metal balonies, canopies and accent roofs.
(33) Allow compact parking spaces that would be placed in the parking structure to be 8 feet in width.
(34) Allow 20% of the parking in the parking garage to be compact parking.
(35) Allow the parking garage to be a maximum of 4 1/2 stories.
(36) Not require a Property Owners Association.
(37) Allow a convenience store without gas sales to be allowed by-right
Vote to Approve To approve Case Z-1126-07; an Amendment to Planned Development 130 (PD-130), DeSoto Town Center (Approved)
Ayes: Jones, North, Dewberry, Vaughn, Simerly, Stripling, Chambers
Nays: None
(8) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(9) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson Vaughn adjourned the meeting at 8:36PM.
Oct 09, 2007 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 11 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Picked a temporary Chairperson to conduct the meeting until a Chairperson has been elected.
(2) Discussed agenda items
Commissioner Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that seven (7) Commissioners were present.
(3) No items.
(4) Elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission needed to elect both a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Commissioner Jones nominated Commissioner Vaughn as the Chairperson for the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Motion to To elect Commissioner Karen Vaughn as Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Moved by Commissioner Reginald Jones, seconded by Commissioner Dwight Chambers.
Vote to To elect Commissioner Karen Vaughn as Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Simerly, Dewberry, Jones, Stripling, Chambers, Vaughn
Nays: None
Chairperson Vaughn nominated Commissioner Simerly as the Vice Chairperson for the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Motion to To elect Commissioner Tom Simerly as Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Moved by Chairperson Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to To elect Commissioner Tom Simerly as Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission. (Approved)
Ayes: Vaughn, Stripling, Dewberry, North, Chambers, Jones, Simerly
Nays: None
(5) Consider Case FP-1003-07; a Replat of Lots 1A & 1B, Block A Fountain Village, located at the southeast corner of Pleasant Run Road and The Meadows Parkway. The property in question consists of 5.43 acres and 2 lots. The applicant is Sports City Retail Properties, LLC.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the report.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission if there was any discussion on the issue. There being no response, Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to To approve Case FP-1003-07, a replat of lot one (1) of Fountain Village. Moved by Vice Chairperson Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to To approve Case FP-1003-07, a replat of lot one (1) of Fountain Village. (Approved)
Ayes: Stripling, Vaughn, Dewberry, Jones, Chambers, North, Simerly
Nays: None
(6) Consider Case Z-1129-07; an Amendment to Silver Creek Meadows Planned Development (PD-93). This amendment would allow the addition of attached front facing one-car, garages for lots that have side facing two-car garages. The applicant is Silver Creek Meadows, LTD.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response, she opened the Public Hearing and asked the applicant to come forward.
Mr. Jed Dolson, of 3838 Oak Lawn, Suite 1212, Dallas, TX 75209, representing Silver Creek Meadows, LTD., came forward to address the Commission. He stated that he was available for questions.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Dolson. Hearing no response, she asked if anyone else wished to address the Commission on the issue. There being no response, Chairperson Vaughn closed the public hearing and asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve To approve Case Z-1129-07; an Amendment to Silver Creek Meadows Planned Development (PD-93). Moved by Commissioner Richard North, seconded by Vice Chairperson Tom Simerly.
with the following stipulations:
(1) The garage doors must be of cedar construction.
(2) The door of the front-facing one-car garage must sit back from the door of the two-car garage, so that it is not closer to the front property line than any portion of the two-car garage.
Vote to Approve To approve Case Z-1129-07; an Amendment to Silver Creek Meadows Planned Development (PD-93). (Approved)
Ayes: Simerly, Stripling, Dewberry, North, Chambers, Jones, Vaughn
Nays: None
(7) Consider Case Z-1126-07; an Amendment to Planned Development 130 (PD-130), DeSoto Town Center. This proposed amendment is to review the detailed site plans for both Multi-Family and General Retail uses. The applicant is also requesting deviations for both the Multi-Family and General Retail requirements which include area regulations, parking regulations, open space, exterior masonry requirements and sign regulations. The property in question is located on Pleasant Run Road and east of Hampton Road. The area in question consists of 9.7 acres. The applicant is the City of DeSoto.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Commissioner Tom Simerly recused himself from partaking in the hearing and voting process of Case Z-1126-07.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Vatthauer. Hearing no response, she opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward.
Kim McCormick, of 2001 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75201, representing Trammell Crow Company came forward to introduce herself as the developer of the DeSoto Town Center project. She also introduced both Mr. Mark Wolfe and Mr. Brett Lord as they present the detailed site plan, landscape plan and elevations.
Mr. Mark Wolfe, of 8340 Meadow Road, Suite 248, Dallas, representing JHP Architects, came forward to present the detailed site plan.
Mr. Brett Lord, of RTKL Associates, of 1717 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, came forward to present the detailed landscape plan.
Commissioner Dwight Chambers asked Mr. Lord if all the plants would be green or would there be some variation in color for plants.
Mr. Lord stated that plants with different flowering seasons will be planted, which will give variation in plant color year-round.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any additional questions regarding the site plan or landscape plan. Hearing no response, she asked Mr. Wolfe to present the elevations to the Commission.
Mr. Wolfe came forward again to present the detailed elevations to the Commission.
Commissioner Dwight Chambers inquired if the garage would be completely enclosed.
Mr. Wolfe explained that the top deck will be exposed to the elements and the sides of parking garage will be made up of concrete with openings.
Commissioner Richard North ask if something would be done to beautify the garage.
Mr. Wolfe stated that the parking garage would be concealed by surrounding buildings, with only small portions of the garage being visible.
Commissioner Jones ask if there would be some type of sound barrier between floors and walls of the residential units.
Mr. Wolfe informed the Commission that the residential units would have a sound barrier between floors & walls of each unit that would meet the standards of the building code.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any other questions. Hearing no response, she asked Mr. Vatthauer to present list of deviations requested.
Mr. Vatthauer presented the requested deviations.
Commissioner Chambers ask for clarification of the flat roof on Building Two (2).
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the flat roof on Building Two (2) would house the heating & cooling units, but would not be visible from the street.
Commissioner Jones ask for clarification of the required community building.
Mr. Vatthauer explained that facilities within DeSoto Town Center will serve as the required recreation facilities for the apartment tenants.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Mr. Tom Johnson, Managing Director Development Services, for clarification on the new parking areas and turning lane that is being constructed directly east of DeSoto Town Center.
Mr. Johnson came forward to address the Commission. He stated a left turn lane will be constructed, so citizens can enter the drive that is behind DeSoto Town Center safely.
Chairperson Vaughn asked Ms. McCormick to present deviations for signage.
Ms. Kim McCormick came forward to present deviations for signage.
Chairperson Vaughn asked if there were any questions or comments regarding the signage deviations.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission of uses that would not be permitted with the base zoning of Multi-Family or General Retail, because these uses were seen as inappropriate for the project.
Commissioner Chambers asks for clarification on designated parking for the apartment residents.
Ms. McCormick stated that the residents will be entitled to one parking space per bedroom. These parking spaces will be secured by an access gate on the top levels of the parking garage.
Commissioner Chambers asked about the type of lighting that will be used in and around the Town Center.
Mr. Lord came forward to address concerns about lighting.
Comissioner Van Stripling asked for clarification about the use "small convenient store" not being permitted in the development.
Mr. Vatthauer stated that a small convenient store could be include in the development, but the attachment of gasoline sales would need to remain an excluded use.
Chairperson Vaughn asked if there was anyone who wished to address the issue. Hearing no response, she declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission if there were any additional questions or comments.
Commissioner Chamber voiced concerns about the size of compact parking spaces.
Ms. McCormick came forward to address concerns about the size of compact parking spaces.
Chairperson Vaughn asked the Commission if there were any other questions or comments. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve To approve Case Z-1126-07; an Amendment to Planned Development 130 (PD-130), DeSoto Town Center Moved by Commissioner Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Richard North.
with the following stipulations:
(1) Allow the minimum lot area to be 650 square feet per unit for Building One.
(2) Allow a maximum of 67 units per acre for Building One.
(3) Allow the minimum lot area to be 540 square feet per unit for Building Three.
(4) Allow a maximum of 81 units per acre for Building One.
(5) Allow Building Three to be a maximum square footage of 96,000.
(6) Allow the separation between Building One and the parking garage to be 15 feet.
(7) Allow the separation between Building Three and the parking garage to be zero.
(8) Allow the separation between Building Three and Building Four to be 10 feet.
(9) Allow one bedroom units to have a minimum square feet of 700 square feet.
(10) Allow the lot which will contain Building One to have a maximum lot coverage of 55%.
(11) Allow the lot which will contain Building Three to have a maximum lot coverage of 68%.
(12) Allow the parking requirement to be one (1) space for each one bedroom unit.
(13) Allow the refuse container to be located a maximum distance of 500 feet.
(14) Allow the maximum distance a unit can be located from a fire lane to be 500 feet.
(15) Allow the City Recreation Center and adjoining park to quality as the required recreation facility.
(16) Allow Building Three to have a maximum length of 310 feet.
(17) Allow secondary roofs to have a roof pitch of 3:12, rather that 4:12 and to allow the area where building equipment will be located to be flat.
(18) Not require that this multi-family development be enclosed with a fence.
(19) Allow the facilities in City Hall and the Community Center to qualify as the required community building.
(20) Allow the maximum usable open space for Building One to be 170 square feet per unit.
(21) Allow the minimum usable open space for Building Three to be 100 square feet per unit.
(22) Allow the lot for Building Two to have a minimum lot area of 12,500 square feet.
(23) Allow the lot for Building Four to have a minimum lot area of 15,000 square feet.
(24) Allow the lot for Building Two to have a minimum lot width of 130 feet.
(25) Allow the lot for Building Two to have minimum lot depth of 90 feet.
(26) Allow the lot for Building Four to have a minimum lot depth of 70 feet.
(27) Allow the lot for Building Two to have a maximum lot coverage of 100%.
(28) Allow the lot for Building Four to have a maximum lot coverage of 100%.
(29) Allow Building Two to have a maximum square footage of 23,000 square feet.
(30) Allow Building Four to have a maxinum square footage of 17,600 square feet.
(31) Allow the exterior walls located inside both courtyards to be cementatious siding or panels (i.e. hardiplank).
(32) Allow metal balonies, canopies and accent roofs.
(33) Allow compact parking spaces that would be placed in the parking structure to be 8 feet in width.
(34) Allow 20% of the parking in the parking garage to be compact parking.
(35) Allow the parking garage to be a maximum of 4 1/2 stories.
(36) Not require a Property Owners Association.
(37) Allow a convenience store without gas sales to be allowed by-right
Vote to Approve To approve Case Z-1126-07; an Amendment to Planned Development 130 (PD-130), DeSoto Town Center (Approved)
Ayes: Jones, North, Dewberry, Vaughn, Simerly, Stripling, Chambers
Nays: None
(8) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(9) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairperson Vaughn adjourned the meeting at 8:36PM.
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