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Roll Call: 10 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items
(2) Discuss Port Caches
(3) Discuss Wind Generator & Solar Panels
(4) Discuss Landscaping Requirements
Vice Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
Any item may be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda and acted upon separately. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the approval of each item in accordance with Staff Recommendations.
(5) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on April 10, 2007.
Motion to Approve to approve the Consent Agenda Items. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Tom Simerly.
Vote to Approve to approve the Consent Agenda Items. (Approved)
Ayes: McDonald, Dewberry, Valentine, Vaughn, North,Simerly
Nays: None
(6) Consider Case Z-1102-07; a Specific Use Permit Request (SUP). This SUP would allow a Pawn Shop at 909 South I-35 E in the Commercial 1 (C-1) Zoning District. The property in question is located at the southwest corner of South I-35 E and Parkerville Road. The applicant is Todd Bonner (General location for this case has been corrected) .
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Commissioner Simerly asked if there was any limitations to outside storage with a Specific Use Permit.
Ms. Zombeck informed the Commission that outside storage limitations would have to conform to the Zoning requirements for Commercial 1 (C-1).
Mr. Vatthauer stated that outside storage had to be screened but being this was an Specific Use Permit request the Commission could stipulate no outside storage.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were additional questions of staff. Hearing no response, he declared the public hearing open and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Todd Behringer, of 900 West Highway 6, Waco, Texas, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that he was available to answer questions.
Mr. Bonner said the area for the lawn mowers and other gas powered equipment would have separate ventilatation and there was an overhead door on the exterior to help with ventilation.
Mr. Tim Bonner, of 737 S. R L Thornton Frwy., Dallas, Texas, came forward representing Top Dollar Pawn Superstores. He explained to the Commission that the proposed building alterations for 909 I-35 E through site plans and picture displays.
Commissioner Dewberry asked about the type of ventillation available for the fumes of lawn mowers and other gas powered equipment and where it would be located within the facility.
Mr. Behringer informed the Commission that the equipment would not be operated in doors preventing fumes to circulate throughout the facility.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any additional questions for either Mr. Behringer or Mr. Bonner. Hearing no response, he asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of case Z-1102-07. There being no response, Vice Chairman McDonald asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in opposition of case Z-1102-07.
Mr. Behringer informed the Commission that security for the Pawn shop would consist of surveilence cameras, motion detectors and alarm systems.
Commissioner North asked about the amount of security suggested for the Pawn shop.
Mr. Tommy Cole, of 1001 N. Hampton Road, DeSoto, Texas, came forward to address the Commisison in opposition of the request. He stated that a Pawn Shop would hender future development in the area.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if there was anyone else in the audience who wished to speak in opposition of case Z-1102-07. Hearing no response, he declared the public hearing closed. Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions or comments that needed to be discussed.
Commissioner Valentine stated that she had the same concerns as Mr. Tommy Cole regarding future development in the area. She also informed the Commisison that a Pawn Shop would not be considered an improvement to one of the main entrances into the City of DeSoto. She said the proposed location was not appropriate for a Pawn Shop.
Commissioner Dewberry stated that he agreed with Commissioner Valentine’s comments. He said the pawn shop was not the highest and best use for the property in question.
Commissioner North stated that a Pawn Shop would have a negative impact on the City of DeSoto being located at the southern gateway.
Commissioner Vaughn stated the she was concerned with the people living nearby this site. She also informed the Commission that she was not against pawn shops in general, but does not feel the City of DeSoto needs a Pawn Shop superstore.
Commissioner Simerly stated that he understands the pawn shop industry and feels there are a lot of misconceptions about Pawn Shops, but allowing a Pawn Shop at the proposed location would not be using this property to the best and highest use.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any other comments or concerns that needed to be discussed. Hearing no response he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Deny to deny case Z-1102-07; a Specific Use Permit (SUP). This SUP would allow a Pawn Shop at 909 I-35 E in the Commercial 1 (C-1) Zoning District. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Richard North.
Vote to Deny to deny case Z-1102-07; a Specific Use Permit (SUP). This SUP would allow a Pawn Shop at 909 I-35 E in the Commercial 1 (C-1) Zoning District. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Dewberry, Simerly, McDonald, Valentine, Vaughn
Nays: None
(7) Consider Case Z-1103-07; an Amendment to Section 36, Use Regulations; Section A-3, Definitions; and Section 43, Supplemental Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment would classify the use City Entry Features and provide a definition for the use and supplemental standards.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Vice Chairman asked the Commission if there were questions of staff. Hearing no response, he declared the public hearing open. Vice Chairman McDonald asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak either in favor or in opposition to case Z-1103-07. There being no response, he declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to approve case Z-1103-07; an Amendment to Section 36, Use Regulations; Section A-3, Definitions; and Section 43, Supplemental Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve to approve case Z-1103-07; an Amendment to Section 36, Use Regulations; Section A-3, Definitions; and Section 43, Supplemental Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. (Approved)
Ayes: Vaughn, Simerly, McDonald, North, Dewberry, Valentine
Nays: None
(8) No items.
(7) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(8) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Vice Chairman McDonald adjourned the meeting at 7:47PM.
May 08, 2007 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 10 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items
(2) Discuss Port Caches
(3) Discuss Wind Generator & Solar Panels
(4) Discuss Landscaping Requirements
Vice Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
Any item may be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda and acted upon separately. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the approval of each item in accordance with Staff Recommendations.
(5) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on April 10, 2007.
Motion to Approve to approve the Consent Agenda Items. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Tom Simerly.
Vote to Approve to approve the Consent Agenda Items. (Approved)
Ayes: McDonald, Dewberry, Valentine, Vaughn, North,Simerly
Nays: None
(6) Consider Case Z-1102-07; a Specific Use Permit Request (SUP). This SUP would allow a Pawn Shop at 909 South I-35 E in the Commercial 1 (C-1) Zoning District. The property in question is located at the southwest corner of South I-35 E and Parkerville Road. The applicant is Todd Bonner (General location for this case has been corrected) .
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Commissioner Simerly asked if there was any limitations to outside storage with a Specific Use Permit.
Ms. Zombeck informed the Commission that outside storage limitations would have to conform to the Zoning requirements for Commercial 1 (C-1).
Mr. Vatthauer stated that outside storage had to be screened but being this was an Specific Use Permit request the Commission could stipulate no outside storage.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were additional questions of staff. Hearing no response, he declared the public hearing open and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Todd Behringer, of 900 West Highway 6, Waco, Texas, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that he was available to answer questions.
Mr. Bonner said the area for the lawn mowers and other gas powered equipment would have separate ventilatation and there was an overhead door on the exterior to help with ventilation.
Mr. Tim Bonner, of 737 S. R L Thornton Frwy., Dallas, Texas, came forward representing Top Dollar Pawn Superstores. He explained to the Commission that the proposed building alterations for 909 I-35 E through site plans and picture displays.
Commissioner Dewberry asked about the type of ventillation available for the fumes of lawn mowers and other gas powered equipment and where it would be located within the facility.
Mr. Behringer informed the Commission that the equipment would not be operated in doors preventing fumes to circulate throughout the facility.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any additional questions for either Mr. Behringer or Mr. Bonner. Hearing no response, he asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of case Z-1102-07. There being no response, Vice Chairman McDonald asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in opposition of case Z-1102-07.
Mr. Behringer informed the Commission that security for the Pawn shop would consist of surveilence cameras, motion detectors and alarm systems.
Commissioner North asked about the amount of security suggested for the Pawn shop.
Mr. Tommy Cole, of 1001 N. Hampton Road, DeSoto, Texas, came forward to address the Commisison in opposition of the request. He stated that a Pawn Shop would hender future development in the area.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if there was anyone else in the audience who wished to speak in opposition of case Z-1102-07. Hearing no response, he declared the public hearing closed. Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions or comments that needed to be discussed.
Commissioner Valentine stated that she had the same concerns as Mr. Tommy Cole regarding future development in the area. She also informed the Commisison that a Pawn Shop would not be considered an improvement to one of the main entrances into the City of DeSoto. She said the proposed location was not appropriate for a Pawn Shop.
Commissioner Dewberry stated that he agreed with Commissioner Valentine’s comments. He said the pawn shop was not the highest and best use for the property in question.
Commissioner North stated that a Pawn Shop would have a negative impact on the City of DeSoto being located at the southern gateway.
Commissioner Vaughn stated the she was concerned with the people living nearby this site. She also informed the Commission that she was not against pawn shops in general, but does not feel the City of DeSoto needs a Pawn Shop superstore.
Commissioner Simerly stated that he understands the pawn shop industry and feels there are a lot of misconceptions about Pawn Shops, but allowing a Pawn Shop at the proposed location would not be using this property to the best and highest use.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any other comments or concerns that needed to be discussed. Hearing no response he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Deny to deny case Z-1102-07; a Specific Use Permit (SUP). This SUP would allow a Pawn Shop at 909 I-35 E in the Commercial 1 (C-1) Zoning District. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Richard North.
Vote to Deny to deny case Z-1102-07; a Specific Use Permit (SUP). This SUP would allow a Pawn Shop at 909 I-35 E in the Commercial 1 (C-1) Zoning District. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Dewberry, Simerly, McDonald, Valentine, Vaughn
Nays: None
(7) Consider Case Z-1103-07; an Amendment to Section 36, Use Regulations; Section A-3, Definitions; and Section 43, Supplemental Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment would classify the use City Entry Features and provide a definition for the use and supplemental standards.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Vice Chairman asked the Commission if there were questions of staff. Hearing no response, he declared the public hearing open. Vice Chairman McDonald asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak either in favor or in opposition to case Z-1103-07. There being no response, he declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to approve case Z-1103-07; an Amendment to Section 36, Use Regulations; Section A-3, Definitions; and Section 43, Supplemental Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve to approve case Z-1103-07; an Amendment to Section 36, Use Regulations; Section A-3, Definitions; and Section 43, Supplemental Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. (Approved)
Ayes: Vaughn, Simerly, McDonald, North, Dewberry, Valentine
Nays: None
(8) No items.
(7) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(8) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Vice Chairman McDonald adjourned the meeting at 7:47PM.
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