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Roll Call: 9 members present, 2 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
(2) Review General Retail Regulations
Chairman Hudson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
Chairman Hudson announced a change in the order of the scheduled agenda items. The cases were heard in the following order: (4) Case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows, (5) Case Z-1094-07; an Amendment to Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) and (6) Case Z-1095-07; a rezoning request from PD-58 (Planned Development Office) to a General Retail Mixed Use Planned Development.
Any item may be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda and acted upon separately. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the approval of each item in accordance with Staff Recommendations.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on January 9, 2007.
Motion to Approve to approve the Consent Agenda items. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to Approve to approve the Consent Agenda items. (Approved)
Public Hearing: (4) Consider Case Z-1094-07; a request to amend Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) to allow the subdivision to be developed in two phases; realignment of some streets; move the detention pond to the north side of the subdivision and allow a screening wall that is a combination of masonry & iron fence at the Hampton entrance. The property in question consists of 44.5 acres and is located east of Hampton Road and south of Parkerville Road. The applicant is Alan Lauhoff/ R&B Associates.
Management Report for Case Z-1094-07
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, Chairman Hudson declared the Public Hearing open. He asked for the representative to come forward and make their presentation.
Mr. Randy Lockhart, representing R&B Associates, 101 N. Hwy 67, Suite B, Cedar Hill, Texas, came forward to address the Commission. He stated that he was available to answer any questions the Commission might have.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Lockhart. Hearing no response, he asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak either in favor or in opposition of Case Z-1094-07. There being no response, Chairman Hudson declared the Public Hearing closed.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions or comments. Hearing no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to approve case Z-1094-07;a request to amend Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) . Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to Approve to approve case Z-1094-07;a request to amend Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) . (Approved)
(5) Consider Case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows out of the John Lewis Survey, Abstract No. 774. The property in question consists of 44.8 acres and is located east of Hampton Road and south of Parkerville Road The applicant is Alan Lauhoff/ R&B Associates.
Management Report for Case P-298-07
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave staff report.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, he asked the Commission if they had questions for the applicant. There being no response, Chairman Hudson asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to approve case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows. Moved by Commissioner Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Denise Valentine.
Vote to Approve to approve case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows. (Approved)
(6) Consider Case Z-1095-07; a rezoning request from PD-58 (Planned Development Office) to a General Retail Mixed Use Planned Development. The property in question is Lots 1 & 3 of Village Shopping Center as well as Tracts 25 & 26 of the Pleasant Taylor Abstract which consists of 19.175 acres and is located at the northeast corner of Pleasant Road and Hampton Road. The applicant is the City of DeSoto.
Management Report for Case Z-1095-07
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were questions or comments for staff. Hearing no response he declared the public hearing open.
Commissioner Tom Simerly excused himself from the discussion of case Z-1095-07.
Ms. Cindy Harris, representing Trammell Crow Company, 2001 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas, came forward to discuss in more detail the Town Center Project design.
Mr. Paul Shaw, JH&P Architects, 1717 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, Texas, came forward to discuss the standard details/architecture of the Town Center project.
Chairman Hudson asked Commissioner Valentine if the presentations by both Ms. Harris and Mr. Shaw addressed her concerns voiced during the worksession.
The Commission discussed adding a stipulation which included completing the new parking area prior to any construction in the current parking lot.
Commissioner Valentine stated that a detailed Site Plan would provide more detailed information, but the photos presented by both Ms. Harris and Mr. Shaw gave a more visual picture about the proposed project.
Commissioner Vaughn asked about the rear entry to the existing buildings during construction.
Mr. Shaw informed the Commission that the rear entries would be addressed once the detailed site plan is brought forward for approval.
Commissioner McDonald asked about the density per acre on the proposed residental area.
Ms. Cindy Harris came forward to explain in more detail the various types of environment proposed for the Town Center project.
Ms. Harris stated that the density per acre for the proposed residential area was about 50 units to the acre considering the three (3) story structure and parking.
Commissioner McDonald asked about the amount of existing parking at Town Center versus the proposed parking for the Town Center Project, as well as, the increased traffic impact.
Mr. Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, came forward to address the Commission. He explained that the total existing parking would possibly range from 400 to 500 spaces. He also informed the Commission that the parking study done by DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Inc. includes the total Town Center parking spaces and the report was provided to the Comission in the packet.
City Manager Jim Baugh came forward to the address the Commission. He stated that the City is in the process of creating a development agreement with Trammell Crow that would contain a stipulation to constructed all buildings at one time.
City Manger Baugh also addressed the Commission concerns about the expansion of Town Center facilities and the possiblity of relocating some of these uses to other locations around the City.
Commissioner Valentine asked about the multi-family use proposed as a part of the Town Center project.
Commissioner Vaughn asked City Manager Baugh about construction having an impact on traffic during the construction process.
City Manager Baugh agreed with Commissioner Valentine’s statement to take a lot of consideration before relocate any of the facilities from Town Center.
City Manager Baugh informed the Commission that construction would definitely have an impact that would be inconvenient until the construction process was complete.
City Manager Jim Baugh address the Commissions concerns about the multi-family use proposed as a part of the mixed use Planned Development for Town Center.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any other questions regarding the multi-family use. Hearing no response, he asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Commission regarding case Z-1095-07. There being no response, he declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission if there were any additional questions or concerns that needed to be addressed.
Commissioner Dewberry stated that this mixed use Planned Development would be a paradigm change, but should be considered. Consideration would show DeSoto being a progressive City that can embrace modernization.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any other questions or comments that needed to be addressed. Hearing no response, Chairman Hudson said he agreed with Commissioner Dewberry’s comments.
Commissioner Valentine explained to City Manager Jim Baugh that a lot of care should be taken before deciding to move any of the existing City facilities that have anchored Town Center to other locations.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or concerns that needed to be discussed. There being no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to approve case Z-1095-07; a rezoning request from PD-58 (Planned Development Office) to a General Retail Mixed Use Planned Development. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
with the following stipulations:
1. The parking lot proposed to the east of City Hall must be built prior to demolition or construction starting on the Town Center project.
Vote to Approve to approve case Z-1095-07; a rezoning request from PD-58 (Planned Development Office) to a General Retail Mixed Use Planned Development. (Approved)
(6) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(7) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairman Hudson adjourned the meeting at 8:20 PM.
Feb 27, 2007 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 9 members present, 2 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
(2) Review General Retail Regulations
Chairman Hudson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
Chairman Hudson announced a change in the order of the scheduled agenda items. The cases were heard in the following order: (4) Case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows, (5) Case Z-1094-07; an Amendment to Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) and (6) Case Z-1095-07; a rezoning request from PD-58 (Planned Development Office) to a General Retail Mixed Use Planned Development.
Any item may be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda and acted upon separately. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the approval of each item in accordance with Staff Recommendations.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on January 9, 2007.
Motion to Approve to approve the Consent Agenda items. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to Approve to approve the Consent Agenda items. (Approved)
Public Hearing: (4) Consider Case Z-1094-07; a request to amend Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) to allow the subdivision to be developed in two phases; realignment of some streets; move the detention pond to the north side of the subdivision and allow a screening wall that is a combination of masonry & iron fence at the Hampton entrance. The property in question consists of 44.5 acres and is located east of Hampton Road and south of Parkerville Road. The applicant is Alan Lauhoff/ R&B Associates.
Management Report for Case Z-1094-07
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, Chairman Hudson declared the Public Hearing open. He asked for the representative to come forward and make their presentation.
Mr. Randy Lockhart, representing R&B Associates, 101 N. Hwy 67, Suite B, Cedar Hill, Texas, came forward to address the Commission. He stated that he was available to answer any questions the Commission might have.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Lockhart. Hearing no response, he asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak either in favor or in opposition of Case Z-1094-07. There being no response, Chairman Hudson declared the Public Hearing closed.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions or comments. Hearing no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to approve case Z-1094-07;a request to amend Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) . Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
Vote to Approve to approve case Z-1094-07;a request to amend Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) . (Approved)
(5) Consider Case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows out of the John Lewis Survey, Abstract No. 774. The property in question consists of 44.8 acres and is located east of Hampton Road and south of Parkerville Road The applicant is Alan Lauhoff/ R&B Associates.
Management Report for Case P-298-07
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave staff report.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, he asked the Commission if they had questions for the applicant. There being no response, Chairman Hudson asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to approve case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows. Moved by Commissioner Donald Dewberry, seconded by Commissioner Denise Valentine.
Vote to Approve to approve case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows. (Approved)
(6) Consider Case Z-1095-07; a rezoning request from PD-58 (Planned Development Office) to a General Retail Mixed Use Planned Development. The property in question is Lots 1 & 3 of Village Shopping Center as well as Tracts 25 & 26 of the Pleasant Taylor Abstract which consists of 19.175 acres and is located at the northeast corner of Pleasant Road and Hampton Road. The applicant is the City of DeSoto.
Management Report for Case Z-1095-07
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the staff report.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were questions or comments for staff. Hearing no response he declared the public hearing open.
Commissioner Tom Simerly excused himself from the discussion of case Z-1095-07.
Ms. Cindy Harris, representing Trammell Crow Company, 2001 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas, came forward to discuss in more detail the Town Center Project design.
Mr. Paul Shaw, JH&P Architects, 1717 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, Texas, came forward to discuss the standard details/architecture of the Town Center project.
Chairman Hudson asked Commissioner Valentine if the presentations by both Ms. Harris and Mr. Shaw addressed her concerns voiced during the worksession.
The Commission discussed adding a stipulation which included completing the new parking area prior to any construction in the current parking lot.
Commissioner Valentine stated that a detailed Site Plan would provide more detailed information, but the photos presented by both Ms. Harris and Mr. Shaw gave a more visual picture about the proposed project.
Commissioner Vaughn asked about the rear entry to the existing buildings during construction.
Mr. Shaw informed the Commission that the rear entries would be addressed once the detailed site plan is brought forward for approval.
Commissioner McDonald asked about the density per acre on the proposed residental area.
Ms. Cindy Harris came forward to explain in more detail the various types of environment proposed for the Town Center project.
Ms. Harris stated that the density per acre for the proposed residential area was about 50 units to the acre considering the three (3) story structure and parking.
Commissioner McDonald asked about the amount of existing parking at Town Center versus the proposed parking for the Town Center Project, as well as, the increased traffic impact.
Mr. Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, came forward to address the Commission. He explained that the total existing parking would possibly range from 400 to 500 spaces. He also informed the Commission that the parking study done by DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Inc. includes the total Town Center parking spaces and the report was provided to the Comission in the packet.
City Manager Jim Baugh came forward to the address the Commission. He stated that the City is in the process of creating a development agreement with Trammell Crow that would contain a stipulation to constructed all buildings at one time.
City Manger Baugh also addressed the Commission concerns about the expansion of Town Center facilities and the possiblity of relocating some of these uses to other locations around the City.
Commissioner Valentine asked about the multi-family use proposed as a part of the Town Center project.
Commissioner Vaughn asked City Manager Baugh about construction having an impact on traffic during the construction process.
City Manager Baugh agreed with Commissioner Valentine’s statement to take a lot of consideration before relocate any of the facilities from Town Center.
City Manager Baugh informed the Commission that construction would definitely have an impact that would be inconvenient until the construction process was complete.
City Manager Jim Baugh address the Commissions concerns about the multi-family use proposed as a part of the mixed use Planned Development for Town Center.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any other questions regarding the multi-family use. Hearing no response, he asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Commission regarding case Z-1095-07. There being no response, he declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission if there were any additional questions or concerns that needed to be addressed.
Commissioner Dewberry stated that this mixed use Planned Development would be a paradigm change, but should be considered. Consideration would show DeSoto being a progressive City that can embrace modernization.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any other questions or comments that needed to be addressed. Hearing no response, Chairman Hudson said he agreed with Commissioner Dewberry’s comments.
Commissioner Valentine explained to City Manager Jim Baugh that a lot of care should be taken before deciding to move any of the existing City facilities that have anchored Town Center to other locations.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any additional comments or concerns that needed to be discussed. There being no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to approve case Z-1095-07; a rezoning request from PD-58 (Planned Development Office) to a General Retail Mixed Use Planned Development. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Donald Dewberry.
with the following stipulations:
1. The parking lot proposed to the east of City Hall must be built prior to demolition or construction starting on the Town Center project.
Vote to Approve to approve case Z-1095-07; a rezoning request from PD-58 (Planned Development Office) to a General Retail Mixed Use Planned Development. (Approved)
(6) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(7) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairman Hudson adjourned the meeting at 8:20 PM.
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