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Roll Call: 8 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
Commissioner Valentine asked the applicant if there were any Engineering studies conducted to determine the best placement of the telecommunication stealth pole.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
(2) Presentation by developers considering a residential property west of Franklin and north of Parkerville Road.
Vice Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that four (4) Commissioners were present.
Any item may be withdrawn from the consent agenda and accted on separately. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the approval of each item in accordance with Staff Recommendations.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on May 9, 2006.
Draft Minutes for May 9, 2006
(4) Approval of the Minutes for the Worksession on May 23, 2006.
Draft Minutes for May 23, 2006
Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda, Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Denise Valentine.
Vote to Approve the Consent Agenda, (Approved)
(5) Consider Case Z-1060-06; a SUP request to allow a telecommunication tower in the Single Family Residential 9 (SF-9) Zoning District. The proposed telecommunication tower will be 80 feet in height and located at 1430 North Polk Street. The applicant is Dave Kirk/ T-Mobile.
Ms. Linda Zombeck gave the staff report.
Management Report for Case Z-1060-06
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked the applicant to come forward.
Mr. Dave Kirk, of 7668 North Parkway Irving, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that T-Mobile was expanding service to the immediate residential area to better service their customer base. He also explained that the design of the stealth pole was created to better blend into the environment, verses standing out from the surrounding residential area.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Kirk.
The Commission asked the applicant to address their concerns regarding different options for covering the telecommunication stealth pole and the necessary height requirements for the stealth pole.
Mr. Kirk addressed the Commissions concerns regarding different covering options and the necessary height requirements for the stealth pole.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any more questions for Mr. Kirk. There being no response he asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor or in opposition of Case Z-1060-06.
Ms. Erma Pointer, of 805 Aspen Drive, came forward to address the Commission. She asked the Commission why the proposed telecommunication pole was being considered for a residential area. She stated that the telecommuciation pole would be unsafe for the surrounding residents.
The Commission explained to Ms. Pointer that the Planning & Zoning Commission would be making a recommendation to the City Council on whether the SUP request for the telecommunication pole meets City guidelines or not.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak in opposition of Case Z-1060-06. There being no response he declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission if there was any questions or comments that needed to be discussed.
The Commission discussed their concerns about the neighboring residential area not being aware of how the telecommunication tower would look near the church. They also asked the applicant to give the neighboring residential area an opportunity to review different cover options and photos of the telecommunication tower without covering before the next City Council.
Vice McDonald asked the Commission if there were any other comments or questions that needed to be discussed. There being no response he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve case Z-1060-06; a SUP request to allow a telecommunication tower in the Single Family Residential 9 (SF-9) Zoning District. Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve case Z-1060-06; a SUP request to allow a telecommunication tower in the Single Family Residential 9 (SF-9) Zoning District. (Approved)
(6) Consider Case Z-1063-06; an Amendment to Planned Development 74 (PD-74) DeSoto Ranch, Phase II. This proposed amendment would revise the site plan and building elevations for the remaining phases. The area in question is located west on Polk Street and north of Parkerville Road. The applicant is Donald L. Hudgins.
Management Report for Case Z-1063-06
Vice Chairman McDonald excused himself from partaking in the hearing and voting process of Case Z-1063-06. He selected Commissioner Valentine as the acting Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting in his absence.
Commissioner Valentine stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission no longer had a quorum, after Vice Chairman McDonald excused himself. She made a motion to postpone case Z-1063-06 until Tuesday, June 27, 2006.
Motion to Postpone Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Postpone (Approved)
Case Z-1063-06 was postponed until the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting scheduled for June 27, 2006, because three (3) Commissioners were present to vote and a quorum of at least (4) Commissioners was necessary to take action.
(7) Consider Case Z-1064-06; an Amendment to Planned Development 100 (PD-100) Vista Village Ordinance 1653-05. The proposed amendment request would allow the masonry screening wall to be constructed in phases as each lot is developed. In addition, the amendment request would include omitting the requirement for architectural review and also omitting the 5’ landscape buffer requirement between the internal lot lines. The applicant is Bruce H. Harbour.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Management Report for Case Z-1064-06
Vice Chairman McDonald opened the public hearing and call the applicant forward.
Mr. Kurt Williams, of 5400 Renaissance Tower, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, came forward to address the Commission on the behalf of the property owner. He explained to the Commission that the developer has requested the masonry screening wall construction be allowed to occur in phases as each individual lot develops. In addition, omitting the compatibitly of architectural design for all developed lots on the property and a ten foot wide landscape buffer located along the west boundary of Lot 1B.
Mr. Ken Morris, of 8911 Lakewood Drive, Irving, came forward to address the Commission. He explained to the Commission the construction and grading that would take place on Lot 1B.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Williams.
Commissioner Simerly and Vice Chairman McDonald asked Mr. Williams to address their concerns about the screening wall and height options for the proposed chainlink fencing on the north and east boundaries of Lot 1B.
Mr. Williams addressed the Commissioners concerns about the screening wall and height options for the proposed chainlink fence on the north and east boundaries of Lot 1B.
Vice Chairman McDonald called for a five minute break at 8:32 p.m.
The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting reconvened at 8:38 PM.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor of case Z-1064-06. There being no response, he asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in opposition of case Z-1064-06.
Mr. Paul Akins, of 701 West Belt Line Road, came forward to address the Commissionn. He informed the Commission that the developer has no reason not to construct the screening wall as the ordinance states.
Ms. Desiree Akins, of 701 W. Belt Line Road, came forward to address the Commission. She stated that the developer should not be allowed to omit the landscaping requirement, because there is no good reason for this omission from the Vista Village project.
Ms. Ateria McDaniel, of 809 Longmeadow Court, came forward to address the Commission. She stated that she is strongly opposed to this Planned Development Amendment.
Mr. Keith Akins, of 701 West Belt Line Road, came forward to address the Commission. He stated that the screening wall is necessary in order to maintain privacy. Since grading will take place for the detention pond and the east driveway , the screening wall can be constructed, because there will not be a need to come back later and remove the wall for additional grading.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak in opposition of case Z-1064-06. There being no response he declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission if there was any comments or questions that needed to be discussed.
The Commission discussed the need for landscaping buffers between Lots 1A and 1B. The also discussed the need for site plan and elevation approval prior to the development of Lot 1B and the need for the masonry wall at the northern and eastern boundaries of Lot 1B.
Motion to Approve an Amendment to Planned Development 100 (PD-100) Vista Village Ordinance 1653-05. Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve an Amendment to Planned Development 100 (PD-100) Vista Village Ordinance 1653-05. (Approved)
(8) Consider Case FP-969-06; a Final Plat for Summer Meadows, Phase II. Consisting of 34.8 acres and 125 lots out of the John Lewis Survey, Abstract No. 774. The applicant is John Cantrell, Jr.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Managment Report for Case FP-969-06
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve case FP-969-06; a Final Plat for Summer Meadows, Phase II. Moved by Commissioner Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve (Approved)
(9) Consider Case FP-970-06; a Final Plat of Lot 14, Block G for Summer Meadows, Phase III. Consisting of 0.383 acres and 1 lot out the John Lewis Survey, Abstract No. 774. The applicant is John Cantrell, Jr.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Managment Report for Case FP-970-06
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve case FP-970-06; a Final Plat of Lot 14, Block G for Summer Meadows, Phase III. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Denise Valentine.
Vote to Approve case FP-970-06; a Final Plat of Lot 14, Block G for Summer Meadows, Phase III. (Approved)
(8) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(9) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Jun 13, 2006 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 8 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
Commissioner Valentine asked the applicant if there were any Engineering studies conducted to determine the best placement of the telecommunication stealth pole.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
(2) Presentation by developers considering a residential property west of Franklin and north of Parkerville Road.
Vice Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that four (4) Commissioners were present.
Any item may be withdrawn from the consent agenda and accted on separately. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the approval of each item in accordance with Staff Recommendations.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on May 9, 2006.
Draft Minutes for May 9, 2006
(4) Approval of the Minutes for the Worksession on May 23, 2006.
Draft Minutes for May 23, 2006
Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda, Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Denise Valentine.
Vote to Approve the Consent Agenda, (Approved)
(5) Consider Case Z-1060-06; a SUP request to allow a telecommunication tower in the Single Family Residential 9 (SF-9) Zoning District. The proposed telecommunication tower will be 80 feet in height and located at 1430 North Polk Street. The applicant is Dave Kirk/ T-Mobile.
Ms. Linda Zombeck gave the staff report.
Management Report for Case Z-1060-06
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked the applicant to come forward.
Mr. Dave Kirk, of 7668 North Parkway Irving, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that T-Mobile was expanding service to the immediate residential area to better service their customer base. He also explained that the design of the stealth pole was created to better blend into the environment, verses standing out from the surrounding residential area.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Kirk.
The Commission asked the applicant to address their concerns regarding different options for covering the telecommunication stealth pole and the necessary height requirements for the stealth pole.
Mr. Kirk addressed the Commissions concerns regarding different covering options and the necessary height requirements for the stealth pole.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any more questions for Mr. Kirk. There being no response he asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor or in opposition of Case Z-1060-06.
Ms. Erma Pointer, of 805 Aspen Drive, came forward to address the Commission. She asked the Commission why the proposed telecommunication pole was being considered for a residential area. She stated that the telecommuciation pole would be unsafe for the surrounding residents.
The Commission explained to Ms. Pointer that the Planning & Zoning Commission would be making a recommendation to the City Council on whether the SUP request for the telecommunication pole meets City guidelines or not.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak in opposition of Case Z-1060-06. There being no response he declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission if there was any questions or comments that needed to be discussed.
The Commission discussed their concerns about the neighboring residential area not being aware of how the telecommunication tower would look near the church. They also asked the applicant to give the neighboring residential area an opportunity to review different cover options and photos of the telecommunication tower without covering before the next City Council.
Vice McDonald asked the Commission if there were any other comments or questions that needed to be discussed. There being no response he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve case Z-1060-06; a SUP request to allow a telecommunication tower in the Single Family Residential 9 (SF-9) Zoning District. Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve case Z-1060-06; a SUP request to allow a telecommunication tower in the Single Family Residential 9 (SF-9) Zoning District. (Approved)
(6) Consider Case Z-1063-06; an Amendment to Planned Development 74 (PD-74) DeSoto Ranch, Phase II. This proposed amendment would revise the site plan and building elevations for the remaining phases. The area in question is located west on Polk Street and north of Parkerville Road. The applicant is Donald L. Hudgins.
Management Report for Case Z-1063-06
Vice Chairman McDonald excused himself from partaking in the hearing and voting process of Case Z-1063-06. He selected Commissioner Valentine as the acting Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting in his absence.
Commissioner Valentine stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission no longer had a quorum, after Vice Chairman McDonald excused himself. She made a motion to postpone case Z-1063-06 until Tuesday, June 27, 2006.
Motion to Postpone Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Postpone (Approved)
Case Z-1063-06 was postponed until the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting scheduled for June 27, 2006, because three (3) Commissioners were present to vote and a quorum of at least (4) Commissioners was necessary to take action.
(7) Consider Case Z-1064-06; an Amendment to Planned Development 100 (PD-100) Vista Village Ordinance 1653-05. The proposed amendment request would allow the masonry screening wall to be constructed in phases as each lot is developed. In addition, the amendment request would include omitting the requirement for architectural review and also omitting the 5’ landscape buffer requirement between the internal lot lines. The applicant is Bruce H. Harbour.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Management Report for Case Z-1064-06
Vice Chairman McDonald opened the public hearing and call the applicant forward.
Mr. Kurt Williams, of 5400 Renaissance Tower, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, came forward to address the Commission on the behalf of the property owner. He explained to the Commission that the developer has requested the masonry screening wall construction be allowed to occur in phases as each individual lot develops. In addition, omitting the compatibitly of architectural design for all developed lots on the property and a ten foot wide landscape buffer located along the west boundary of Lot 1B.
Mr. Ken Morris, of 8911 Lakewood Drive, Irving, came forward to address the Commission. He explained to the Commission the construction and grading that would take place on Lot 1B.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions for Mr. Williams.
Commissioner Simerly and Vice Chairman McDonald asked Mr. Williams to address their concerns about the screening wall and height options for the proposed chainlink fencing on the north and east boundaries of Lot 1B.
Mr. Williams addressed the Commissioners concerns about the screening wall and height options for the proposed chainlink fence on the north and east boundaries of Lot 1B.
Vice Chairman McDonald called for a five minute break at 8:32 p.m.
The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting reconvened at 8:38 PM.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor of case Z-1064-06. There being no response, he asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in opposition of case Z-1064-06.
Mr. Paul Akins, of 701 West Belt Line Road, came forward to address the Commissionn. He informed the Commission that the developer has no reason not to construct the screening wall as the ordinance states.
Ms. Desiree Akins, of 701 W. Belt Line Road, came forward to address the Commission. She stated that the developer should not be allowed to omit the landscaping requirement, because there is no good reason for this omission from the Vista Village project.
Ms. Ateria McDaniel, of 809 Longmeadow Court, came forward to address the Commission. She stated that she is strongly opposed to this Planned Development Amendment.
Mr. Keith Akins, of 701 West Belt Line Road, came forward to address the Commission. He stated that the screening wall is necessary in order to maintain privacy. Since grading will take place for the detention pond and the east driveway , the screening wall can be constructed, because there will not be a need to come back later and remove the wall for additional grading.
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak in opposition of case Z-1064-06. There being no response he declared the public hearing closed and asked the Commission if there was any comments or questions that needed to be discussed.
The Commission discussed the need for landscaping buffers between Lots 1A and 1B. The also discussed the need for site plan and elevation approval prior to the development of Lot 1B and the need for the masonry wall at the northern and eastern boundaries of Lot 1B.
Motion to Approve an Amendment to Planned Development 100 (PD-100) Vista Village Ordinance 1653-05. Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve an Amendment to Planned Development 100 (PD-100) Vista Village Ordinance 1653-05. (Approved)
(8) Consider Case FP-969-06; a Final Plat for Summer Meadows, Phase II. Consisting of 34.8 acres and 125 lots out of the John Lewis Survey, Abstract No. 774. The applicant is John Cantrell, Jr.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Managment Report for Case FP-969-06
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve case FP-969-06; a Final Plat for Summer Meadows, Phase II. Moved by Commissioner Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve (Approved)
(9) Consider Case FP-970-06; a Final Plat of Lot 14, Block G for Summer Meadows, Phase III. Consisting of 0.383 acres and 1 lot out the John Lewis Survey, Abstract No. 774. The applicant is John Cantrell, Jr.
Ms. Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the staff report.
Managment Report for Case FP-970-06
Vice Chairman McDonald asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve case FP-970-06; a Final Plat of Lot 14, Block G for Summer Meadows, Phase III. Moved by Commissioner Karen Vaughn, seconded by Commissioner Denise Valentine.
Vote to Approve case FP-970-06; a Final Plat of Lot 14, Block G for Summer Meadows, Phase III. (Approved)
(8) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(9) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
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