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Roll Call: 11 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
(2) Presentation on Granicus System.
Laura Hallmark, Administrative Assistant, presented the Granicus System project to the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Chairman Hudson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on March 28, 2006.
Draft Minutes for the Regular Meeting on March 28, 2006
(4) Approval of the Minutes for the Worksession on April 11, 2006.
Draft Minutes for the Worksession on April 11, 2006
Motion to Approve
Moved by Vice Chairman Scott McDonald, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve
(5) Consider Case Z-1059-06; an Amendment to Elerson Trace West Planned Development 107 (PD-107) to allow attached front facing, one car, garages for twenty-five percent (25%) of the lots that have side facing two car garages. The applicant is Rodney Holloman/ Wildwood Development.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer gave the managment report.
Case Z-1059-06 Management Report
Mr. Rodney Hollowman, of 301 N Duncanville Road, Cedar Hill, came forward to address the Commission. He stated that adding the third car garages to these lots makes it difficult to comply with city requirements, unless the garages are added as shown in the elevations. In addition the builder would provide carriage-style solid wood garage doors.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions or comments that needed to be addressed. The Commission discussed the aesthetics of the carriage-style design garage doors and how front facing third car garages would impact the surrounding community.
Commissioner Simerly informed the Commission that he was in favor of the addition of front facing third car garages on 25% of the lots within Elerson Trace West. He stated that the added third car garage was an enhancement to these homes and people would take advantage of having the extra garage space.
Commissioner Valentine informed the Commission that she was not in favor of the addition of front facing third car garages within Elerson Trace West. She explained that the arrangement of hiding the garage doors on one side and then adding another single garage door on the other side was not attractive.
Vice Chairman McDonald stated that he agreed with Commissioner Simerly statement. He also stated that the front facing third car garages would be aesthetically pleasing.
Commissioner Williams informed the Commission that the renderings of the front facing third car garage are attractive and are a better solution than having cars parked in the driveways.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any comments or issues that needed to be addressed. There being no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve case Z-1059-06; an Amendment to Elerson Trace West Planned Development 107 (PD-107) Moved by Commissioner Carl Williams, seconded by Commissioner Tom Simerly.
with the following stipulation:
1. The front facing garage doors wood construction carriage-style design as provided in the exhibits.
Vote to Approve (Declined)
Motion failed as a result of a 3:3 vote. Case Z-1059-06 will go forward to City Council without a recommendation from The Planning & Zoning Commission.
(6) Consider Case P-293-06; a Preliminary Plat for Elerson Ranch Phase III. Consisting of 32.6 acres and 101 lots out of the Thomas Bernard Survey, Abstract No. 114. The applicant is Steve Crowley/Spyglass Hill Investments, Ltd.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the management report.
Case P-293-06 Management Report
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve case P-293-06; a Preliminary Plat for Elerson Ranch Phase III Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Carl Williams.
Vote to Approve (Approved)
(7) Consider Case SP-631-06; a Site Plan for Williamsburg Village, Tract H-2A, located on Prince George Avenue. The applicant is Randy Gaubert.
with the following stipulations:
1. Approval shall be conditioned upon the approval of a Planned Development Amendment for PD-10 to delete both the north and south legs of England Way.
2. Signage shall be limited to one monument sign located approximately as shown on the site plan. The exact location to be approved by staff.
3. Required shrubs in the 10 foot (10') landscape buffer area shall be set back five feet from the parking lot curb. Wheel stops shall not be required. The five foot (5') are between the parking lot curb and the required shrubs shall be planted in groundcover to allow for car bumper overhang.
Ms Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the management report.
Case SP-631-06 Management Report
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve case SP-631-06; a Site Plan for Williamsburg Village, Tract H-2A. Moved by Commissioner Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve case SP-631-06; a Site Plan for Williamsburg Village, Tract H-2A. (Approved)
(8) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(9) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairman Hudson adjourned the meeting at 7:20 PM.
May 09, 2006 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 11 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
(2) Presentation on Granicus System.
Laura Hallmark, Administrative Assistant, presented the Granicus System project to the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Chairman Hudson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
(3) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on March 28, 2006.
Draft Minutes for the Regular Meeting on March 28, 2006
(4) Approval of the Minutes for the Worksession on April 11, 2006.
Draft Minutes for the Worksession on April 11, 2006
Motion to Approve
Moved by Vice Chairman Scott McDonald, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve
(5) Consider Case Z-1059-06; an Amendment to Elerson Trace West Planned Development 107 (PD-107) to allow attached front facing, one car, garages for twenty-five percent (25%) of the lots that have side facing two car garages. The applicant is Rodney Holloman/ Wildwood Development.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer gave the managment report.
Case Z-1059-06 Management Report
Mr. Rodney Hollowman, of 301 N Duncanville Road, Cedar Hill, came forward to address the Commission. He stated that adding the third car garages to these lots makes it difficult to comply with city requirements, unless the garages are added as shown in the elevations. In addition the builder would provide carriage-style solid wood garage doors.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions or comments that needed to be addressed. The Commission discussed the aesthetics of the carriage-style design garage doors and how front facing third car garages would impact the surrounding community.
Commissioner Simerly informed the Commission that he was in favor of the addition of front facing third car garages on 25% of the lots within Elerson Trace West. He stated that the added third car garage was an enhancement to these homes and people would take advantage of having the extra garage space.
Commissioner Valentine informed the Commission that she was not in favor of the addition of front facing third car garages within Elerson Trace West. She explained that the arrangement of hiding the garage doors on one side and then adding another single garage door on the other side was not attractive.
Vice Chairman McDonald stated that he agreed with Commissioner Simerly statement. He also stated that the front facing third car garages would be aesthetically pleasing.
Commissioner Williams informed the Commission that the renderings of the front facing third car garage are attractive and are a better solution than having cars parked in the driveways.
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any comments or issues that needed to be addressed. There being no response, he asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve case Z-1059-06; an Amendment to Elerson Trace West Planned Development 107 (PD-107) Moved by Commissioner Carl Williams, seconded by Commissioner Tom Simerly.
with the following stipulation:
1. The front facing garage doors wood construction carriage-style design as provided in the exhibits.
Vote to Approve (Declined)
Motion failed as a result of a 3:3 vote. Case Z-1059-06 will go forward to City Council without a recommendation from The Planning & Zoning Commission.
(6) Consider Case P-293-06; a Preliminary Plat for Elerson Ranch Phase III. Consisting of 32.6 acres and 101 lots out of the Thomas Bernard Survey, Abstract No. 114. The applicant is Steve Crowley/Spyglass Hill Investments, Ltd.
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, gave the management report.
Case P-293-06 Management Report
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve case P-293-06; a Preliminary Plat for Elerson Ranch Phase III Moved by Commissioner Denise Valentine, seconded by Commissioner Carl Williams.
Vote to Approve (Approved)
(7) Consider Case SP-631-06; a Site Plan for Williamsburg Village, Tract H-2A, located on Prince George Avenue. The applicant is Randy Gaubert.
with the following stipulations:
1. Approval shall be conditioned upon the approval of a Planned Development Amendment for PD-10 to delete both the north and south legs of England Way.
2. Signage shall be limited to one monument sign located approximately as shown on the site plan. The exact location to be approved by staff.
3. Required shrubs in the 10 foot (10') landscape buffer area shall be set back five feet from the parking lot curb. Wheel stops shall not be required. The five foot (5') are between the parking lot curb and the required shrubs shall be planted in groundcover to allow for car bumper overhang.
Ms Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, gave the management report.
Case SP-631-06 Management Report
Chairman Hudson asked the Commission if there were any questions of staff. There being no response he asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve case SP-631-06; a Site Plan for Williamsburg Village, Tract H-2A. Moved by Commissioner Tom Simerly, seconded by Commissioner Karen Vaughn.
Vote to Approve case SP-631-06; a Site Plan for Williamsburg Village, Tract H-2A. (Approved)
(8) Report on City Council activity.
No items.
(9) Report on upcoming agenda items, projects or meetings.
No items.
Being there was no other business; Chairman Hudson adjourned the meeting at 7:20 PM.
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