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Roll Call: 9 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
Chairperson May called the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:00PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
(2) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular meeting on November 26, 2013.
P&Z Minutes 2013-11-26
Motion to Approve Approval of the minutes for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on November 26, 2013. Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commissioner Vicki Hayes.
Vote to Approve Approval of the minutes for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on November 26, 2013. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Hayes, Hooper, Campbell, West, May
Nays: None
Chairperson May announced a change in order of the scheduled agenda items. The cases were heard in the following order: (1) Case SP-648-13; Site Plan for an office to be located on Site C1-A, Tract Q of Williamsburg Village; (2) Case Z-1270-13; an amendment to Kentsdale Farms Planned Development (PD-92) and (3) Case Z-1271-13; a General Retail (GR) Planned Development to allow a mini-warehouse by-right.
(5) Consider Case SP-648-13; a Site Plan for an office to be located on Site C1-A, Tract Q of Williamsburg Village. The applicant is Physician's Capital Investment.
Management Report for Case SP-648-13
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case SP-648-13.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners for a motion.
Motion to Approve Approve case SP-648-13; Site Plan for an office to be located on Site C1-A, Tract Q of Williamsburg Village. Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commissioner Vicki Hayes.
Vote to Approve Approve case SP-648-13; Site Plan for an office to be located on Site C1-A, Tract Q of Williamsburg Village. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Hayes, Hooper, Campbell, West, May
Nays: None
(3) Consider Case Z-1270-13; an amendment to Kentsdale Farms Planned Development (PD-92) to create two phases out of one phase and to remove a 10 foot landscape easement. The property in question consists of 216 lots and 80.3 acres and is located south of Parkerville Road and approximately 350 feet west of Melody lane. The applicant is Nicholas Ross, LLC.
Management Report for Case Z-1270-13
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1270-13.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, she opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Blake Gavin, of 1050 E. Highway 114, Suite 210, Southlake, representing both Nicholas Properties & Bloomfield Homes, came forward to address the Commission. He provided information about the product associated with Bloomfield Homes and a little history regarding the subject site, as well as information about the requested deviations (to remove the requirement of a 10 foot landscape easement along the east property line in Kentsdale Farms, Phase II and add the requirement of a six (6) foot cedar fence to be constructed with steel posts along the east property line).
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there were any questions or comments for Mr. Gavin. There being no response, she asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1270-13.
Mr. Ernest Jakes, of 1004 Surrey Drive, came forward to address the Commission in opposition to case Z-1270-13. He asked the Commission to address the egress strategy from the subdivision and theft issues associated with property development.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the second phase of Kentsdale Farms Planned Development was initially approved when the subdivision was established and zoned for residential use.
Ms. Sandra Carder, of 1215 Melody Lane, expressed her concerns about the proposal to remove the requirement for a 10 foot landscape easement, along the east property line of Kentsdale Farms subdivision, from proposed phases two and three.
Ms. Jacqualine Lewis, of 1012 Kittery Drive, asked the Commission if the existing 10 foot landscape buffer (behind property on Kittery Drive) would be removed, and who is responsible for maintaining the easement.
Mr. Vatthauer explained the existing 10 foot landscape easement would remain intact, but the proposed deviation request would remove the requirement of the landscape easement from the two additional phases of Kentsdale Farms.
Chairperson May asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1270-13. Hearing no response, she closed the public hearing and asked the Commissioners if there was any discussion or comments.
The Commission and staff discussed the request for removal of a 10 foot landscape buffer along the east property line of the two additional phases for Kentsdale Farms.
Motion to Approve to Approve case Z-1270-13; an amendment to Kentsdale Farms Planned Development (PD-92). Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commission Russell Hooper.
Vote to Approve to Approve case Z-1270-13; an amendment to Kentsdale Farms Planned Development (PD-92). (Approved)
with the following stipulations:
(1) The developer be allowed to split phase two into phases two and three.
(2) The requirement for the 10 foot landscape easement along the east property line of phase two and three remain intact.
Ayes: North, Hooper, Hayes, May, Campbell, West
Nayes: None
(4) Consider Case Z-1271-13; a General Retail (GR) Planned Development, which will allow a mini-warehouse by-right. The property in question consists of one (1) proposed tract and approximately 8.8 acres, located east of Cockrell Hill Road and approximately 300 feet south of Carriage Creek Drive. The applicant is Krisha Morris/The Assured Group.
Management Report for Case Z-1271-13
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1271-13.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there were any questions of staff. There being no response, she opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Ms. Krisha Morris, of 931 W. Pleasant Run Road, representing property owner Don Valk, came forward to address the Commission. She provided information about the history of the subject site, and she also made mention of the proposed request for a general retail planned development to allow a mini-warehouse by-right.
Mr. Brent Shockley, of 5613 Bluebird Avenue, Dallas, representing the property owner Don Valk, addressed the Commission. He stated that there has been minimal developer interest, and he also mentioned the additional upgrade aesthetics proposed for the property.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there were any questions or comments for Ms. Morris or Mr. Shockley.
Commissioner Campbell asked Ms. Morris to provide the location of different self storage facilities in the surrounding areas.
Ms. Morris informed the Commission that there is an existing facility on Parkerville Road and Hampton Road in Desoto, and another facility along Highway 67 and one further north on Cockrell Hill Road.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions for the applicant.
Chairperson May asked Ms. Morris about the security camera along the masonry wall on the east side of the property and which direction the security cameras would be facing. She also asked about the privacy of the surrounding property owners.
Ms. Morris informed the Commission that the security cameras would point toward the masonry wall and alley way, but the cameras would not encroach on the privacy of the surrounding property owners.
Mr. Shockley informed the Commission that at the request of the surrounding property owners additional security cameras were added to the proposed project.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions for the applicant. There being no response, she asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1271-13.
Mr. Terry Flowers, of 401 Royal Crest, representing Churchill Estates Home Owner Association (HOA), came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that he would not consider the proposed mini-storage facility to be the highest and best use for the community. He also told the Commission that his HOA was not approached about the proposed planned development.
Mr. Waller Collie, of 1137 Silver Creek Drive, expressed concerns that the proposed mini-storage facility was not a compatible use within a residential area. He also expressed concerns with flood and drainage issues associated with the development of the subject site.
Ms. Elma Goodwin, of 401 Bent Creek Drive, came forward to address the Commission. She informed the Commission that the proposed mini-storage facility was the third attempt at the subject site. Ms. Elma also told the Commission that nothing has changed in each attempt.
Ms. Agnes Douglas, of 157 Galleria Drive, came forward to speak in favor of case Z-1271-13. She informed the Commission that Chapel Hill Estates HOA is in favor of the proposed mini-storage.
Mr. Tom Simerly, of 624 Regalwood Drive, came forward to speak in favor of case Z-1271-13. He provided information about the amount of traffic that a storage facility would generate versus general retail stores. He also informed the Commission that general retail stores would generate significantly more traffic in and around the surrounding neighborhoods.
Mr. Leon Tilley, of 1225 Stinnett Place, came forward to express his concerns regarding the proposed mini-storage facility not contributing to any type of property tax reduction in the city.
Ms. Danica Williams, of 1208 W. Pleasant Run Road, came forward to speak in opposition to the proposed storage facility.
Chairperson May asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1271-13.
Mr. Arthur Busby, of 1100 Stinnett Place, expressed concerns about the proposed mini-storage facility being a potential location for crime, which would effect surrounding properties and neighborhoods.
Ms. Renee Edwards-Current, of 1237 Boysenberry Drive, came forward to speak in opposition to the proposed storage facility.
Chairperson May asked if there was anyone else who wished to address the Commission. There being no response, she closed the public hearing and asked the Commissioners if there were any comments.
Chairperson May informed the Commissioners and the general public that the role of the Planning & Zoning Commission is to consider recommendations on zoning matters, and not matters associated with economic impact or tax base impact. She also explained that economic impact or tax base impact matters would be addressed by the City Council.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there was any discussion or comments regarding case Z-1271-13. Hearing no response, she asked the Commissioners for a motion.
Motion to Deny to Deny case Z-1271-13; a General Retail (GR) Planned Development, allowing a mini-warehouse by-right. Moved by Commissioner Terrence Campbell, seconded by Commission Russell Hooper.
Vote to Deny to Deny case Z-1271-13; a General Retail (GR) Planned Development, allowing a mini-warehouse by-right. (Approved)
Ayes: Campbell, Hooper, Hayes, West, North
Nayes: May
Mr. Vatthauer informed Ms. Morris that she had ten days to appeal the denial recommendation to City Council.
Being there was no other business, Chairperson May asked the Commissioners for a motion to adjourn the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2013.
Motion to Adjourn to adjourn the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on December 10, 2013. Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commissioner Vicki Hayes.
Vote to Adjourn to adjourn the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on December 10, 2013. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Hayes, Hooper, May, West, Campbell
Nays: None
Dec 10, 2013 Planning and Zoning Meeting 12-10-2013
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 9 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
Chairperson May called the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:00PM and noted for the record that six (6) Commissioners were present.
(2) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular meeting on November 26, 2013.
P&Z Minutes 2013-11-26
Motion to Approve Approval of the minutes for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on November 26, 2013. Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commissioner Vicki Hayes.
Vote to Approve Approval of the minutes for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on November 26, 2013. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Hayes, Hooper, Campbell, West, May
Nays: None
Chairperson May announced a change in order of the scheduled agenda items. The cases were heard in the following order: (1) Case SP-648-13; Site Plan for an office to be located on Site C1-A, Tract Q of Williamsburg Village; (2) Case Z-1270-13; an amendment to Kentsdale Farms Planned Development (PD-92) and (3) Case Z-1271-13; a General Retail (GR) Planned Development to allow a mini-warehouse by-right.
(5) Consider Case SP-648-13; a Site Plan for an office to be located on Site C1-A, Tract Q of Williamsburg Village. The applicant is Physician's Capital Investment.
Management Report for Case SP-648-13
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case SP-648-13.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners for a motion.
Motion to Approve Approve case SP-648-13; Site Plan for an office to be located on Site C1-A, Tract Q of Williamsburg Village. Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commissioner Vicki Hayes.
Vote to Approve Approve case SP-648-13; Site Plan for an office to be located on Site C1-A, Tract Q of Williamsburg Village. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Hayes, Hooper, Campbell, West, May
Nays: None
(3) Consider Case Z-1270-13; an amendment to Kentsdale Farms Planned Development (PD-92) to create two phases out of one phase and to remove a 10 foot landscape easement. The property in question consists of 216 lots and 80.3 acres and is located south of Parkerville Road and approximately 350 feet west of Melody lane. The applicant is Nicholas Ross, LLC.
Management Report for Case Z-1270-13
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1270-13.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there were any questions of staff. Hearing no response, she opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Blake Gavin, of 1050 E. Highway 114, Suite 210, Southlake, representing both Nicholas Properties & Bloomfield Homes, came forward to address the Commission. He provided information about the product associated with Bloomfield Homes and a little history regarding the subject site, as well as information about the requested deviations (to remove the requirement of a 10 foot landscape easement along the east property line in Kentsdale Farms, Phase II and add the requirement of a six (6) foot cedar fence to be constructed with steel posts along the east property line).
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there were any questions or comments for Mr. Gavin. There being no response, she asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Commission either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1270-13.
Mr. Ernest Jakes, of 1004 Surrey Drive, came forward to address the Commission in opposition to case Z-1270-13. He asked the Commission to address the egress strategy from the subdivision and theft issues associated with property development.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the second phase of Kentsdale Farms Planned Development was initially approved when the subdivision was established and zoned for residential use.
Ms. Sandra Carder, of 1215 Melody Lane, expressed her concerns about the proposal to remove the requirement for a 10 foot landscape easement, along the east property line of Kentsdale Farms subdivision, from proposed phases two and three.
Ms. Jacqualine Lewis, of 1012 Kittery Drive, asked the Commission if the existing 10 foot landscape buffer (behind property on Kittery Drive) would be removed, and who is responsible for maintaining the easement.
Mr. Vatthauer explained the existing 10 foot landscape easement would remain intact, but the proposed deviation request would remove the requirement of the landscape easement from the two additional phases of Kentsdale Farms.
Chairperson May asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1270-13. Hearing no response, she closed the public hearing and asked the Commissioners if there was any discussion or comments.
The Commission and staff discussed the request for removal of a 10 foot landscape buffer along the east property line of the two additional phases for Kentsdale Farms.
Motion to Approve to Approve case Z-1270-13; an amendment to Kentsdale Farms Planned Development (PD-92). Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commission Russell Hooper.
Vote to Approve to Approve case Z-1270-13; an amendment to Kentsdale Farms Planned Development (PD-92). (Approved)
with the following stipulations:
(1) The developer be allowed to split phase two into phases two and three.
(2) The requirement for the 10 foot landscape easement along the east property line of phase two and three remain intact.
Ayes: North, Hooper, Hayes, May, Campbell, West
Nayes: None
(4) Consider Case Z-1271-13; a General Retail (GR) Planned Development, which will allow a mini-warehouse by-right. The property in question consists of one (1) proposed tract and approximately 8.8 acres, located east of Cockrell Hill Road and approximately 300 feet south of Carriage Creek Drive. The applicant is Krisha Morris/The Assured Group.
Management Report for Case Z-1271-13
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1271-13.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there were any questions of staff. There being no response, she opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Ms. Krisha Morris, of 931 W. Pleasant Run Road, representing property owner Don Valk, came forward to address the Commission. She provided information about the history of the subject site, and she also made mention of the proposed request for a general retail planned development to allow a mini-warehouse by-right.
Mr. Brent Shockley, of 5613 Bluebird Avenue, Dallas, representing the property owner Don Valk, addressed the Commission. He stated that there has been minimal developer interest, and he also mentioned the additional upgrade aesthetics proposed for the property.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there were any questions or comments for Ms. Morris or Mr. Shockley.
Commissioner Campbell asked Ms. Morris to provide the location of different self storage facilities in the surrounding areas.
Ms. Morris informed the Commission that there is an existing facility on Parkerville Road and Hampton Road in Desoto, and another facility along Highway 67 and one further north on Cockrell Hill Road.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions for the applicant.
Chairperson May asked Ms. Morris about the security camera along the masonry wall on the east side of the property and which direction the security cameras would be facing. She also asked about the privacy of the surrounding property owners.
Ms. Morris informed the Commission that the security cameras would point toward the masonry wall and alley way, but the cameras would not encroach on the privacy of the surrounding property owners.
Mr. Shockley informed the Commission that at the request of the surrounding property owners additional security cameras were added to the proposed project.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions for the applicant. There being no response, she asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1271-13.
Mr. Terry Flowers, of 401 Royal Crest, representing Churchill Estates Home Owner Association (HOA), came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that he would not consider the proposed mini-storage facility to be the highest and best use for the community. He also told the Commission that his HOA was not approached about the proposed planned development.
Mr. Waller Collie, of 1137 Silver Creek Drive, expressed concerns that the proposed mini-storage facility was not a compatible use within a residential area. He also expressed concerns with flood and drainage issues associated with the development of the subject site.
Ms. Elma Goodwin, of 401 Bent Creek Drive, came forward to address the Commission. She informed the Commission that the proposed mini-storage facility was the third attempt at the subject site. Ms. Elma also told the Commission that nothing has changed in each attempt.
Ms. Agnes Douglas, of 157 Galleria Drive, came forward to speak in favor of case Z-1271-13. She informed the Commission that Chapel Hill Estates HOA is in favor of the proposed mini-storage.
Mr. Tom Simerly, of 624 Regalwood Drive, came forward to speak in favor of case Z-1271-13. He provided information about the amount of traffic that a storage facility would generate versus general retail stores. He also informed the Commission that general retail stores would generate significantly more traffic in and around the surrounding neighborhoods.
Mr. Leon Tilley, of 1225 Stinnett Place, came forward to express his concerns regarding the proposed mini-storage facility not contributing to any type of property tax reduction in the city.
Ms. Danica Williams, of 1208 W. Pleasant Run Road, came forward to speak in opposition to the proposed storage facility.
Chairperson May asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak either in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1271-13.
Mr. Arthur Busby, of 1100 Stinnett Place, expressed concerns about the proposed mini-storage facility being a potential location for crime, which would effect surrounding properties and neighborhoods.
Ms. Renee Edwards-Current, of 1237 Boysenberry Drive, came forward to speak in opposition to the proposed storage facility.
Chairperson May asked if there was anyone else who wished to address the Commission. There being no response, she closed the public hearing and asked the Commissioners if there were any comments.
Chairperson May informed the Commissioners and the general public that the role of the Planning & Zoning Commission is to consider recommendations on zoning matters, and not matters associated with economic impact or tax base impact. She also explained that economic impact or tax base impact matters would be addressed by the City Council.
Chairperson May asked the Commissioners if there was any discussion or comments regarding case Z-1271-13. Hearing no response, she asked the Commissioners for a motion.
Motion to Deny to Deny case Z-1271-13; a General Retail (GR) Planned Development, allowing a mini-warehouse by-right. Moved by Commissioner Terrence Campbell, seconded by Commission Russell Hooper.
Vote to Deny to Deny case Z-1271-13; a General Retail (GR) Planned Development, allowing a mini-warehouse by-right. (Approved)
Ayes: Campbell, Hooper, Hayes, West, North
Nayes: May
Mr. Vatthauer informed Ms. Morris that she had ten days to appeal the denial recommendation to City Council.
Being there was no other business, Chairperson May asked the Commissioners for a motion to adjourn the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2013.
Motion to Adjourn to adjourn the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on December 10, 2013. Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commissioner Vicki Hayes.
Vote to Adjourn to adjourn the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on December 10, 2013. (Approved)
Ayes: North, Hayes, Hooper, May, West, Campbell
Nays: None
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