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Roll Call: 10 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
Chairperson May called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that seven (7) Commissioners were present.
(2) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular meeting on September 24, 2013.
Motion to Approve to Approve the Minutes for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on July 23, 2013. Moved by Commissioner Vicki Hayes, seconded by Commissioner John Robertson.
Vote to Approve to Approve the Minutes for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on July 23, 2013. (Approved)
Ayes: Campbell, Hayes, May, Robertson, North, West, Hooper
Nays: None
(3) Consider Case Z-1264-13; a request to amend Daniel Farms Planned Development 121 (PD-121). The property in question is located west of Bolton Boone Road and north of Danieldale Road. The applicant is requesting to change the zoning of a Single Family tract to Multi-family, Office and General Retail. In addition, the applicant is requesting the following deviations from the Zoning Ordinance: Omit requirement for a tree survey; omit requirement to submit a Landscape Plan for the Multi-family, as part of the PD application; allow minimum square footage to be less than the required for Multi-Family zoning; omit the requirement to submit site plans, landscape plans and elevations for each development proposed in the office and retail areas; ; variance to the percentage of enclosed & covered parking and to allow driveway access easements to serve as access points. The property in question consists of 3 proposed tracts and 82.19 acres. The applicant is Jay Childs.
Management Report for Z-1264-13
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1264-13.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there was any questions of staff.
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Vatthauer to clarify the Multi-Family parking requirement of 50 percent covered and 50 percent enclosed parking spaces.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the multi-family parking requirement of 50 percent covered and 50 percent enclosed parking spaces was an attempt to have more upscale multi-family development throughout the city.
Commisisoner Campbell asked Mr. Vatthauer if it was the city position to have more upscale multi-family development.
Mr. Vatthauer stated that it remains the city position to have more upscale multi-family development.
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Vatthauer if the proposed request would detour away from the more upscale multi-family development.
Mr. Vatthauer stated that the proposed deviation request to change the multi-family 50-50 covered & enclosed parking requirement would be for the Planning & Zoning Commission to decide.
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Vatthauer if property owners to the west have expressed concern regarding the proposed multi-family development.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the property owners to the west have not expressed any concern about the proposed development. He also mentioned that the property owner of Mount Vernon apartments (property to the north) was opposed to the proposed development.
Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Vatthauer to expand upon the request to exclude the tree survey from the Planned Development.
Mr. Vatthauer provided the Commission with history about the requirement of tree surveys within new/proposed residential subdivisions.
The Commission and staff discussed the need for tree surveys within new/proposed residential subdivision development, as well as the need for a tree survey on the proposed development.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions of staff. There being no response, she opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Jay Childs, of 209 E. Main Street, Waxahachie, representing Wildwood Development, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that he was available to answer questions regarding the proposed project.
Mr. Childs also provided the Commission with construction information for both Janice Orr Boulevard (right-of-way) and the detention pond easements, as well as the request to exclude the tree survey from the proposed development.
The Commission and Mr. Childs discussed the type of trees located on the property, which consists of mostly juniper and cedar trees.
Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Childs if there were any valuable trees on the property that should be preserved.
Mr. Childs informed the Commission that he was not aware of any trees worth preserving on the property.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions for Mr. Childs.
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Childs to provide the reason behind the change in the amount of parking from 50% enclosed and 50% covered to 30% enclosed, 52% covered & 17% uncovered.
Mr. Childs told the Commission that he would be speculating, but the deviation request for 30% covered, 52% uncovered and 17% uncovered parking spaces was an attempt to mimic the multi-family complex directly to the northwest within the Planned Development.
Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Childs to provide information about the error in the parking space calculation, because it did not equate to 100% and five (5) parking spaces are unaccounted for.
Mr. Childs stated that it was a simple error that could be easily fixed by including the 1% or five (5) parking spaces into the enclosed percentage.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions or comments for the applicant.
Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Childs about the need to eliminate the requirement for a landscaping plan as it pertains to the Planned Development 121 (PD-121).
Mr. Childs informed the Commission that the Planned Development is in the conceptual stage, and the developer would prefer to submit the landscape plan when the site plan is finalized.
The Commission and Mr. Childs discussed who will review the landscape plans once they are submitted for approval.
Mr. Vatthauer stated if they approve to eliminate the landscape plans from the Planned Development, staff would review the landscape plans, and the Planning & Zoning Commission would not have an opportunity to review them.
The Commission, staff and Mr. Childs discussed the request to decrease the square footage of one bedroom units from 800 square feet to 671 square feet and the two bedroom units from 950 square feet to 766 square feet, as well as the different type of occupants.
Commissioner West asked Mr. Childs if Dietz Engineering has ever designed a development like the proposed project.
Mr. Childs explained that Dietz Engineering has previously designed the site infrastructure for apartment complexes but strictly the civil engineering side which include streets, drainage and utilities, etc. He also mentioned that Dietz Engineering does not design the structures and buildings.
Commissioner West informed Mr. Childs that he was specifically speaking of the supporting development for a medical facility.
Mr. Childs stated he personally has not designed site infrastructure for developments such as the proposed project, but he did the civil engineering at Mansfield Methodist Hospital for both the hospital site and professional office building.
The Commission and Mr. Childs discuss the background of the design team who designed the proposed multi-family complex and the need for more definite information about the project.
Commissioner North asked about the enclosed parking elevations, because elevations were not included with the multi-family complex submittal.
Mr. Childs informed the Commission that the enclosed parking would be included in the building, and the covered parking would be standard.
Chairperson May asked if there were any other questions of Mr. Childs.
Commissioner Robertson asked if Janice Orr Boulevard has to be put in before the Planned Development can be developed out.
Mr. Childs informed the Commission that Janice Orr Boulevard does in fact have to be put in before the Planned Development can be developed out.
Mr. Childs and the Commission discussed the plans of the twenty foot strip that runs along side of the cemetery and between the roadway.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions for Mr. Childs. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission if there were any questions regarding the request to treat part of the Planned Development tracts as straight zoning for office or general retail. There being no response, Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any questions regarding the driveway access easements serving as access for lots not adjoining a street. Hearing no response, she asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1264-13. There being no response, Chairperson May closed the public hearing, and asked the Commission if there was any discussion.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there was any discussion or comments for amending the Planned Development to change the zoning on the tract from Single Family Residential zoning to Multi-Family, Office and General Retail. Hearing none, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion by Commissioner Hayes with second by Commissioner Robertson
to Approve an amendment to Planned Development 121 with regards to changing the zoning of Single Family Residential tract to Multi-Family, Office and General Retail. Motion passed Unanimously, with seven (7) members voting.
Ayes: Hayes, Robertson, North, Campbell, Hooper, West, May
Nays: None
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there was any discussion regarding the deviation request to exclude the requirement for a tree survey. There being none, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Commissioner Campbell expressed his concerns that the initial deviation request to decrease the square footage of both proposed one and two bedroom apartment units was not adequately answered by the applicant, and should be taken into consideration when voting.
The Commission, Mr. Childs and staff discussed the issue of decreasing the square footage of the proposed apartment units and the long-term effects of smaller apartment units, along with the issues of changing the amount of enclosed, covered & uncovered parking and the anticipated stay of future tenants.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there was any other discussion. There being no response, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve a request to amend Daniel Farms Planned Development 121 (PD-121). Moved by Chairperson April May, seconded by Commissioner John Robertson.
Vote to Approve to Approve a request to amend Daniel Farms Planned Development 121 (PD-121). (Approved)
with the following stipulations:
(1) Exclude the requirement for a tree survey.
(2) Omit the requirement for landscape plan submittal as part of the required information for the multi-family areas of the Planned Development.
(3) Allow the minimum size of both one and two bedroom units to remain at 800 square feet (for the one bedroom units) and 950 square feet (for the two bedroom units).
(4) Allow the tract designations for Office or General Retail, within this Planned Development, to be treated as straight zoning thus eliminating Planned Development amendments each time a development is proposed to incorporate the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Elevations into the Planned Development ordinance.
(5) Allow driveway access easements to serve as access for lots not adjoining a street.
(6) Allow the parking to remain at 50% enclosed and 50% covered.
Ayes: Robertson, May, Hooper, West, Hayes, North
Nays: Campbell
(4) Elect both a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Chairperson May asked for nominations for Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Commissioner Robertson nominated Chairperson May as the Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission, with Commissioner North seconding the motion.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other nominations for the Planning & Zoning Commission Chairperson. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission for a vote on the nomination for Planning & Zoning Commission Chairperson.
The Commission voted unanimously to approve Chairperson May as the Planning & Zoning Commission Chairperson, with seven (7) members voting.
Ayes: West, Hayes, May, Campbell, Robertson, Hooper, North
Nays: None
Chairperson May asked for nominations for Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Commissioner Hayes nominated Commissioner North as the Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission, with Commissioner Robertson seconding the motion.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other nominations for the Planning & Zoning Commission Vice Chairperson. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission for a vote on the nomination for Planning & Zoning Commission Vice Chairperson.
The Commission voted unanimously to approve Commissioner North as the Planning & Zoning Commission Vice Chairperson, with seven (7) members voting.
Ayes: West, Hayes, May, Campbell, Robertson, Hooper, North
Nays: None
Being there was no other business; Chairperson May asked the Commission for a motion to adjourn the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting of Tuesday, October 22, 2013.
Motion to to Adjourn the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 8 PM. Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commissioner Russell Hooper.
Vote to to Adjourn the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 8 PM. (Approved)
Ayes: May, Hayes, Hooper, West, Robertson, North, Campbell
Nays: None
Oct 22, 2013 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 10 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
(1) Discuss agenda items.
Chairperson May called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted for the record that seven (7) Commissioners were present.
(2) Approval of the Minutes for the Regular meeting on September 24, 2013.
Motion to Approve to Approve the Minutes for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on July 23, 2013. Moved by Commissioner Vicki Hayes, seconded by Commissioner John Robertson.
Vote to Approve to Approve the Minutes for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on July 23, 2013. (Approved)
Ayes: Campbell, Hayes, May, Robertson, North, West, Hooper
Nays: None
(3) Consider Case Z-1264-13; a request to amend Daniel Farms Planned Development 121 (PD-121). The property in question is located west of Bolton Boone Road and north of Danieldale Road. The applicant is requesting to change the zoning of a Single Family tract to Multi-family, Office and General Retail. In addition, the applicant is requesting the following deviations from the Zoning Ordinance: Omit requirement for a tree survey; omit requirement to submit a Landscape Plan for the Multi-family, as part of the PD application; allow minimum square footage to be less than the required for Multi-Family zoning; omit the requirement to submit site plans, landscape plans and elevations for each development proposed in the office and retail areas; ; variance to the percentage of enclosed & covered parking and to allow driveway access easements to serve as access points. The property in question consists of 3 proposed tracts and 82.19 acres. The applicant is Jay Childs.
Management Report for Z-1264-13
Mr. Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, presented the management report for case Z-1264-13.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there was any questions of staff.
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Vatthauer to clarify the Multi-Family parking requirement of 50 percent covered and 50 percent enclosed parking spaces.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the multi-family parking requirement of 50 percent covered and 50 percent enclosed parking spaces was an attempt to have more upscale multi-family development throughout the city.
Commisisoner Campbell asked Mr. Vatthauer if it was the city position to have more upscale multi-family development.
Mr. Vatthauer stated that it remains the city position to have more upscale multi-family development.
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Vatthauer if the proposed request would detour away from the more upscale multi-family development.
Mr. Vatthauer stated that the proposed deviation request to change the multi-family 50-50 covered & enclosed parking requirement would be for the Planning & Zoning Commission to decide.
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Vatthauer if property owners to the west have expressed concern regarding the proposed multi-family development.
Mr. Vatthauer informed the Commission that the property owners to the west have not expressed any concern about the proposed development. He also mentioned that the property owner of Mount Vernon apartments (property to the north) was opposed to the proposed development.
Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Vatthauer to expand upon the request to exclude the tree survey from the Planned Development.
Mr. Vatthauer provided the Commission with history about the requirement of tree surveys within new/proposed residential subdivisions.
The Commission and staff discussed the need for tree surveys within new/proposed residential subdivision development, as well as the need for a tree survey on the proposed development.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions of staff. There being no response, she opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward to address the Commission.
Mr. Jay Childs, of 209 E. Main Street, Waxahachie, representing Wildwood Development, came forward to address the Commission. He informed the Commission that he was available to answer questions regarding the proposed project.
Mr. Childs also provided the Commission with construction information for both Janice Orr Boulevard (right-of-way) and the detention pond easements, as well as the request to exclude the tree survey from the proposed development.
The Commission and Mr. Childs discussed the type of trees located on the property, which consists of mostly juniper and cedar trees.
Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Childs if there were any valuable trees on the property that should be preserved.
Mr. Childs informed the Commission that he was not aware of any trees worth preserving on the property.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions for Mr. Childs.
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Childs to provide the reason behind the change in the amount of parking from 50% enclosed and 50% covered to 30% enclosed, 52% covered & 17% uncovered.
Mr. Childs told the Commission that he would be speculating, but the deviation request for 30% covered, 52% uncovered and 17% uncovered parking spaces was an attempt to mimic the multi-family complex directly to the northwest within the Planned Development.
Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Childs to provide information about the error in the parking space calculation, because it did not equate to 100% and five (5) parking spaces are unaccounted for.
Mr. Childs stated that it was a simple error that could be easily fixed by including the 1% or five (5) parking spaces into the enclosed percentage.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions or comments for the applicant.
Commissioner Robertson asked Mr. Childs about the need to eliminate the requirement for a landscaping plan as it pertains to the Planned Development 121 (PD-121).
Mr. Childs informed the Commission that the Planned Development is in the conceptual stage, and the developer would prefer to submit the landscape plan when the site plan is finalized.
The Commission and Mr. Childs discussed who will review the landscape plans once they are submitted for approval.
Mr. Vatthauer stated if they approve to eliminate the landscape plans from the Planned Development, staff would review the landscape plans, and the Planning & Zoning Commission would not have an opportunity to review them.
The Commission, staff and Mr. Childs discussed the request to decrease the square footage of one bedroom units from 800 square feet to 671 square feet and the two bedroom units from 950 square feet to 766 square feet, as well as the different type of occupants.
Commissioner West asked Mr. Childs if Dietz Engineering has ever designed a development like the proposed project.
Mr. Childs explained that Dietz Engineering has previously designed the site infrastructure for apartment complexes but strictly the civil engineering side which include streets, drainage and utilities, etc. He also mentioned that Dietz Engineering does not design the structures and buildings.
Commissioner West informed Mr. Childs that he was specifically speaking of the supporting development for a medical facility.
Mr. Childs stated he personally has not designed site infrastructure for developments such as the proposed project, but he did the civil engineering at Mansfield Methodist Hospital for both the hospital site and professional office building.
The Commission and Mr. Childs discuss the background of the design team who designed the proposed multi-family complex and the need for more definite information about the project.
Commissioner North asked about the enclosed parking elevations, because elevations were not included with the multi-family complex submittal.
Mr. Childs informed the Commission that the enclosed parking would be included in the building, and the covered parking would be standard.
Chairperson May asked if there were any other questions of Mr. Childs.
Commissioner Robertson asked if Janice Orr Boulevard has to be put in before the Planned Development can be developed out.
Mr. Childs informed the Commission that Janice Orr Boulevard does in fact have to be put in before the Planned Development can be developed out.
Mr. Childs and the Commission discussed the plans of the twenty foot strip that runs along side of the cemetery and between the roadway.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other questions for Mr. Childs. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission if there were any questions regarding the request to treat part of the Planned Development tracts as straight zoning for office or general retail. There being no response, Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any questions regarding the driveway access easements serving as access for lots not adjoining a street. Hearing no response, she asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to case Z-1264-13. There being no response, Chairperson May closed the public hearing, and asked the Commission if there was any discussion.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there was any discussion or comments for amending the Planned Development to change the zoning on the tract from Single Family Residential zoning to Multi-Family, Office and General Retail. Hearing none, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion by Commissioner Hayes with second by Commissioner Robertson
to Approve an amendment to Planned Development 121 with regards to changing the zoning of Single Family Residential tract to Multi-Family, Office and General Retail. Motion passed Unanimously, with seven (7) members voting.
Ayes: Hayes, Robertson, North, Campbell, Hooper, West, May
Nays: None
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there was any discussion regarding the deviation request to exclude the requirement for a tree survey. There being none, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Commissioner Campbell expressed his concerns that the initial deviation request to decrease the square footage of both proposed one and two bedroom apartment units was not adequately answered by the applicant, and should be taken into consideration when voting.
The Commission, Mr. Childs and staff discussed the issue of decreasing the square footage of the proposed apartment units and the long-term effects of smaller apartment units, along with the issues of changing the amount of enclosed, covered & uncovered parking and the anticipated stay of future tenants.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there was any other discussion. There being no response, she asked the Commission for a motion.
Motion to Approve to Approve a request to amend Daniel Farms Planned Development 121 (PD-121). Moved by Chairperson April May, seconded by Commissioner John Robertson.
Vote to Approve to Approve a request to amend Daniel Farms Planned Development 121 (PD-121). (Approved)
with the following stipulations:
(1) Exclude the requirement for a tree survey.
(2) Omit the requirement for landscape plan submittal as part of the required information for the multi-family areas of the Planned Development.
(3) Allow the minimum size of both one and two bedroom units to remain at 800 square feet (for the one bedroom units) and 950 square feet (for the two bedroom units).
(4) Allow the tract designations for Office or General Retail, within this Planned Development, to be treated as straight zoning thus eliminating Planned Development amendments each time a development is proposed to incorporate the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Elevations into the Planned Development ordinance.
(5) Allow driveway access easements to serve as access for lots not adjoining a street.
(6) Allow the parking to remain at 50% enclosed and 50% covered.
Ayes: Robertson, May, Hooper, West, Hayes, North
Nays: Campbell
(4) Elect both a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Chairperson May asked for nominations for Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Commissioner Robertson nominated Chairperson May as the Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission, with Commissioner North seconding the motion.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other nominations for the Planning & Zoning Commission Chairperson. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission for a vote on the nomination for Planning & Zoning Commission Chairperson.
The Commission voted unanimously to approve Chairperson May as the Planning & Zoning Commission Chairperson, with seven (7) members voting.
Ayes: West, Hayes, May, Campbell, Robertson, Hooper, North
Nays: None
Chairperson May asked for nominations for Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Commissioner Hayes nominated Commissioner North as the Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission, with Commissioner Robertson seconding the motion.
Chairperson May asked the Commission if there were any other nominations for the Planning & Zoning Commission Vice Chairperson. Hearing no response, she asked the Commission for a vote on the nomination for Planning & Zoning Commission Vice Chairperson.
The Commission voted unanimously to approve Commissioner North as the Planning & Zoning Commission Vice Chairperson, with seven (7) members voting.
Ayes: West, Hayes, May, Campbell, Robertson, Hooper, North
Nays: None
Being there was no other business; Chairperson May asked the Commission for a motion to adjourn the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting of Tuesday, October 22, 2013.
Motion to to Adjourn the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 8 PM. Moved by Vice Chairperson Thomas North, seconded by Commissioner Russell Hooper.
Vote to to Adjourn the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 8 PM. (Approved)
Ayes: May, Hayes, Hooper, West, Robertson, North, Campbell
Nays: None
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