Video index
Roll Call: 5 members present, 2 members absent, 0 members excused.
1. Review of Master Agenda by City Manager.
Jim Baugh, City Manager, reviewed upcoming items listed on the Master Agenda.
Mr. Baugh provided an update on the day's events, specifically the non-injury shooting outside the Recreation Center. Discussion followed regarding a concern for the youth of DeSoto and activities for them.
2. Discussion of Regular Agenda items.
3. Presentation/Briefing by a Representative of the U.S. Census Bureau on the Duties and Responsibilities of the Complete Count Committee.
Click Here to View A.3. Census Complete Count Committee
Ms. Muriel Hatcher provided information regarding the Complete Count Committee.
Mayor Waddle adjourned the Work Session at 7 p.m.
Roll Call: 6 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
Mayor Waddle called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
1. Invocation by: Ministerial Alliance Volunteer, Pastor Josef Rasheed with Crossroads Covenant Church
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Deshaundra Lockhart.
3. Ambassador: Karen Kirby, Information Technology.
Karen Kirby has worked for the city for over ten years, the last eight as the manager of the Information Technology Department. She has two sons, Chris, 20, a Junior at UT Austin and Tom, 18, a freshman in community college.
1. Presentation of the July 2009 Financial Reports.
Click Here to View July 2009 Financial Reports
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Edena Atmore, Assistant Director of Finance, who presented the report.
2. Presentation of the DEDC Third Quarter Report.
Click Here to View DEDC Third Quarter Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Curtistene McCowan, who presented the report.
Discussion regarding current businesses in the Industrial Park, the proposed Aldi location, and DEDC incentive agreements and payouts.
BW - discussed the power outage issue with companies in the industrial park
NN - meeting scheduled with oncor
CW - Marriott facility - tied to Quorum deal?
NN - none
SR - Hillwood/DeSoto -- there hasn’t been funding awarded to that
NN - the dates within the agreement indicated those grants would be paid after 10/1/09. had to wait until the values were completed. once the taxes have been paid, will move on paying
CS - Quorum - working with our attys - is there a dispute
NN - Q made the request for the grant and have not
CS - Aldi - any reason they would build a new location on Hampton north of 20
NN - that location was in the plans all along - just couldn’t work it out with the current owner
CS - twitter - is exciting - what kind of news do you put out
NN - any new news about DeSoto - Town Center project completion
BW - appreciate the DEDC moving out and great to see that and need to be positioning ourselves -- paying calls to the businesses in our industrial park shows them that we have a real interest in them being there. it’s interesting to learn that there have not been layoffs. commend the board and staff for the hard work they have been doing.
3. Presentation of new City Website Feature - "Emergency Alerts".
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Karen Kirby, Information Technology Manager, who presented the information.
1. Approval of City Council Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - 07-21-09
Click Here to View 2009-07-21 City Council Meeting Minutes
b. Special Meeting - N/A
2. Acceptance of Board and Commission Minutes
a. Board of Adjustment - N/A
b. Building and Standards Commission - N/A
c. Civil Service Commission - N/A
d. DeSoto Economic Development - 06-22-09
Click Here to View 2009-06-22 DEDC Meeting Minutes
e. Library Board - N/A
f. Park Development Corporation - 05-04-09,06-01-09
Click Here to View 2009-05-04 Park Development Meeting Minutes
Click Here to View 2009-06-01 Park Development Meeting Minutes
g. Planning and Zoning Commission - N/A
h. DeSoto Arts Commission - N/A
i. Keep DeSoto Beautiful - 06-18-09, 07-16-09
Click Here to View 2009-06-18 KDB Meeting Minutes
Click Here to View 2009-07-16 KDB Meeting Minutes
j. Zoning Board of Adjustment - N/A
k. DeSoto, Texas Historical Foundation - N/A
Ms. Hallmark listed the items submitted for Council's consideration.
Motion to approve Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to approve Consent Agenda as presented. (Approved)
1. Consider Zoning Case Z-1171-09; an Amendment to Planned Development 58 (PD-58), to Change the Designated Use of .512 acres from Office Use to General Retail Use; Located at 900 Hampton Road - the corner of Hampton Road and Pleasant Run Road; Applicant/Owner: Ross Peterson; and Adopting Ordinance.
Click Here to View E.1. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, who presented the staff report.
Motion to open Public Hearing Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman.
Vote to open Public Hearing (Approved)
Council discussion stating the Whataburger property would have to apply at a separate time should they wish to change their zoning.
(Editor's Note: SR - existing PD includes the whataburger property - does it affect that property
EV - no)
Motion to close Public Hearing Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to close Public Hearing (Approved)
Ms. Hallmark read the Ordinance caption into the public record.
Motion to Approve Ordinance #1825-09; Zoning Case Z-1171-09, an amendment to Planned Development-58 to change the designation of .512 acres from Office Use to General Retail Use. Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to Approve Ordinance #1825-09; Zoning Case Z-1171-09, an amendment to Planned Development-58 to change the designation of .512 acres from Office Use to General Retail Use. (Approved)
2. Consider Zoning Case Z-1173-09; an Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance concerning Appendix A-3; Definitions; Section 36, Use Regulations; and Section 38; Parking Requirements; Relating to the Classifying of the Uses Retail Tobacco Store and Smoking Paraphernalia Establishment; and adopting Ordinance.
Click Here to View E.2. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, who presented the staff report.
Motion to open Public Hearing Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to open Public Hearing (Approved)
Council discussion regarding items classified as "controlled substances"; possible changes to the definition; square footage; and the requirement of an SUP.
(Editor's Note: CW - share some details on Texas health and safety code as what it lists as controlled substances
JG - illegal or controlled substances i.e. marijuana or controlled substances
CW - can we vote down part of this
JG - recommendations of changes to the definition - yes
PL - what is a typical square footage of an establishment
JG - 200 to 1500 - totally varies
PL - can we lower the percentage - is 15% pretty common
JG - took that % from looking at other states - it can be lower -- trying to define a business that sells that type of item
BW - requires an SUP also?
EV - yes )
Motion to close Public Hearing Moved by Councilmember Lockhart, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to close Public Hearing (Approved)
Further Council discussion regarding advantage/disadvantage of not having this definition.
Ms. Hallmark read the Ordinance caption into the public record.
(Editor's Note: CW - what is advantage/disadvantage of smoking paraphernalia establishment of leaving it alone or the way it is. -- reason it’s here is because we don’t have a definition. what’s the disadvantage of not having a definition.
JG - someone will make an application and may think it’s a "gift shop". this gives planning the opportunity to ask the questions regarding use
JB - actually had that happen - smoke shop opened
Motion to Approve Ordinance #1826-09; Zoning Case Z-1173-09, an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to classify the two Uses Retail Tobacco Store and Smoking Paraphernalia Establishment. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to Approve Ordinance #1826-09; Zoning Case Z-1173-09, an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to classify the two Uses Retail Tobacco Store and Smoking Paraphernalia Establishment. (Approved)
3. Consider an Ordinance Approving a Negotiated Resolution between Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division regarding the Company’s Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction; Declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; Requiring the company to reimburse cities’ reasonable ratemaking expenses; Adopting Tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement and finding the rates to be set by the tariffs to be just and reasonable; and Approving Atmos’ Proof of Revenues.
Click Here to View E.3. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Jim Baugh, City Manager, who presented the staff report.
Motion to open Public Hearing Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to open Public Hearing (Approved)
Motion to close Public Hearing Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to close Public Hearing (Approved)
Ms. Hallmark read the Ordinance caption into the public record.
Motion to approve Ordinance #1827-09; approving a negotiated Resolution between Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division, regarding the company’s Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction, declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; requiring the company to reimburse cities’ reasonable ratemaking expenses; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement and finding the rates to be set by the tariffs to be just and reasonable; and approving Atmos’ Proof of Revenues. Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to approve Ordinance #1827-09; approving a negotiated Resolution between Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division, regarding the company’s Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction, declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; requiring the company to reimburse cities’ reasonable ratemaking expenses; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement and finding the rates to be set by the tariffs to be just and reasonable; and approving Atmos’ Proof of Revenues. (Approved)
F. REGULAR AGENDA - New Business
1. Consider Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Booziotis & Company Architects, in an amount not to exceed $74,970, for the Architectural Design For and Oversight Of the Nance Farm Restoration Project.
Click Here to View F.1. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Lora Stallings, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, who presented the staff report.
Council discussion regarding grant money; Texas Historical Commission involvement and magnetometer analysis of the property.
(Editor's Note: CS - 12% is that typical for architectural costs
LS - told on the high end, but normal for historical design
JB - one of the factors is that this is not a lot of money - 12% would not be unreasonable
PL - when will we get grant money
JB - reimbursement money
LS - get 50% of what we spend
BW - ready to move out on this project - great project - Booziotis has been with us along with way
Aaron Farmer - with Booziotis
LS - in anticipation of doing ground work, Texas Historical Commission - director of archaelogical dept.
magnetometer analysis of the property
CS - what is the response of Mantlebrook. )
Motion to authorize the City Manager execute an agreement with Booziotis & Company Architects, in an amount not to exceed $74,970, for architectural design and oversight of the Nance Farm Restoration Project. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to authorize the City Manager execute an agreement with Booziotis & Company Architects, in an amount not to exceed $74,970, for architectural design and oversight of the Nance Farm Restoration Project. (Approved)
2. Consider a Resolution approving the Terms and Conditions of the Multiple Use Agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of DeSoto for the Construction, Maintenance and Operation of the Three Public Obelisk Monuments within the Texas Department of Transportation Rights-Of-Way.
Click Here to View F.2. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Crystal Owens, City Engineer, who presented the staff report.
Council discussion regarding the height of the monuments and time frame of installation.
(Editor's Note: CS - what is the height of other monuments
CO - wintergreen/35 is 35 ft; d’ville and belt line is 25; belt line and 35 is 35
CO being pre-fabbed at an off-site location )
Motion to authorize Resolution #09-15; approving the terms and conditions of the Multiple Use Agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of DeSoto for the construction, maintenance and operation of the three public obelisk monuments within the TxDOT rights-of-way. Moved by Councilmember Lockhart, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to authorize Resolution #09-15; approving the terms and conditions of the Multiple Use Agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of DeSoto for the construction, maintenance and operation of the three public obelisk monuments within the TxDOT rights-of-way. (Approved)
3. Consider a Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the Widening of Cockrell Hill Road from Belt Line Road to Parkerville Road.
Click Here to View F.3. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, who presented the staff report.
Motion to approve the Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the widening of Cockrell Hill Road from Belt line Road to Parkerville Road. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to approve the Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the widening of Cockrell Hill Road from Belt line Road to Parkerville Road. (Approved)
4. Consider a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company (National IPA).
Click Here to View F.4. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, who presented the staff report.
Council discussion regarding process for this organization.
(Editor's Note: SR - have had these cooperative purchasing agreements -- who handles the price negotiation
CS - sounds like it works
CW - hard time following the process -- proposal describes
Motion to approve a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of DeSoto and National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company (National IPA). Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to approve a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of DeSoto and National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company (National IPA). (Approved)
5. Consider a Resolution Accepting the 2009 Appraisal Roll Submitted by the Dallas Central Appraisal District.
Click Here to View F.5. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, who presented the staff report.
Discussion regarding time frame for disputed amounts.
(Editor's Note: CW - amt under protest - when will that be settled and turned into a final number
CB - can take up to six months
JB - )
Motion to approve Resolution #09-16; accepting the 2009 Appraisal Roll for the City of DeSoto as submitted by the Dallas Central Appraisal District. Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to approve Resolution #09-16; accepting the 2009 Appraisal Roll for the City of DeSoto as submitted by the Dallas Central Appraisal District. (Approved)
6. Take a Record Vote on the Proposed Tax Rate and Set the Dates for the Public Hearings on the Budget for FY 2009-2010 and the Tax Rate Adoption for 2009.
Click Here to View F.6. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, who presented the staff report.
The Mayor stated he was pleased we were able to keep the same tax rate and the same level of service. He stated it speaks highly of the work of the City Manager and staff.
(Editor's Note: BW - great that we’re able to keep the same tax rate - speaks highly of the work of the city manager and staff - keeping the same level of service. )
Motion to approve Public Hearings on September 1, 2009 and September 15, 2009, for the proposed budget for adoption by Ordinance on September 15, 2009, and a proposed 2009 Tax Rate of 49.592 cents per $100 valuation for Operating and Maintenance and 20.381 cents per $100 valuation for Debt Service for a total Tax Rate of 69.973 cents per $100 valuation for adoption by Ordinance on September 15, 2009. Moved by Councilmember Lockhart, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman.
Vote to approve Public Hearings on September 1, 2009 and September 15, 2009, for the proposed budget for adoption by Ordinance on September 15, 2009, and a proposed 2009 Tax Rate of 49.592 cents per $100 valuation for Operating and Maintenance and 20.381 cents per $100 valuation for Debt Service for a total Tax Rate of 69.973 cents per $100 valuation for adoption by Ordinance on September 15, 2009. (Approved)
G. REGULAR AGENDA - Old Business
Credia Lynn Jackson Simon, 224 Idle Creek Lane, DeSoto; spoke regarding a planned location of a funeral home near her residence.
Mayor Waddle adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
Aug 18, 2009 City Council Meeting 2009-08-18
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 5 members present, 2 members absent, 0 members excused.
1. Review of Master Agenda by City Manager.
Jim Baugh, City Manager, reviewed upcoming items listed on the Master Agenda.
Mr. Baugh provided an update on the day's events, specifically the non-injury shooting outside the Recreation Center. Discussion followed regarding a concern for the youth of DeSoto and activities for them.
2. Discussion of Regular Agenda items.
3. Presentation/Briefing by a Representative of the U.S. Census Bureau on the Duties and Responsibilities of the Complete Count Committee.
Click Here to View A.3. Census Complete Count Committee
Ms. Muriel Hatcher provided information regarding the Complete Count Committee.
Mayor Waddle adjourned the Work Session at 7 p.m.
Roll Call: 6 members present, 1 members absent, 0 members excused.
Mayor Waddle called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
1. Invocation by: Ministerial Alliance Volunteer, Pastor Josef Rasheed with Crossroads Covenant Church
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Deshaundra Lockhart.
3. Ambassador: Karen Kirby, Information Technology.
Karen Kirby has worked for the city for over ten years, the last eight as the manager of the Information Technology Department. She has two sons, Chris, 20, a Junior at UT Austin and Tom, 18, a freshman in community college.
1. Presentation of the July 2009 Financial Reports.
Click Here to View July 2009 Financial Reports
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Edena Atmore, Assistant Director of Finance, who presented the report.
2. Presentation of the DEDC Third Quarter Report.
Click Here to View DEDC Third Quarter Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Curtistene McCowan, who presented the report.
Discussion regarding current businesses in the Industrial Park, the proposed Aldi location, and DEDC incentive agreements and payouts.
BW - discussed the power outage issue with companies in the industrial park
NN - meeting scheduled with oncor
CW - Marriott facility - tied to Quorum deal?
NN - none
SR - Hillwood/DeSoto -- there hasn’t been funding awarded to that
NN - the dates within the agreement indicated those grants would be paid after 10/1/09. had to wait until the values were completed. once the taxes have been paid, will move on paying
CS - Quorum - working with our attys - is there a dispute
NN - Q made the request for the grant and have not
CS - Aldi - any reason they would build a new location on Hampton north of 20
NN - that location was in the plans all along - just couldn’t work it out with the current owner
CS - twitter - is exciting - what kind of news do you put out
NN - any new news about DeSoto - Town Center project completion
BW - appreciate the DEDC moving out and great to see that and need to be positioning ourselves -- paying calls to the businesses in our industrial park shows them that we have a real interest in them being there. it’s interesting to learn that there have not been layoffs. commend the board and staff for the hard work they have been doing.
3. Presentation of new City Website Feature - "Emergency Alerts".
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Karen Kirby, Information Technology Manager, who presented the information.
1. Approval of City Council Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - 07-21-09
Click Here to View 2009-07-21 City Council Meeting Minutes
b. Special Meeting - N/A
2. Acceptance of Board and Commission Minutes
a. Board of Adjustment - N/A
b. Building and Standards Commission - N/A
c. Civil Service Commission - N/A
d. DeSoto Economic Development - 06-22-09
Click Here to View 2009-06-22 DEDC Meeting Minutes
e. Library Board - N/A
f. Park Development Corporation - 05-04-09,06-01-09
Click Here to View 2009-05-04 Park Development Meeting Minutes
Click Here to View 2009-06-01 Park Development Meeting Minutes
g. Planning and Zoning Commission - N/A
h. DeSoto Arts Commission - N/A
i. Keep DeSoto Beautiful - 06-18-09, 07-16-09
Click Here to View 2009-06-18 KDB Meeting Minutes
Click Here to View 2009-07-16 KDB Meeting Minutes
j. Zoning Board of Adjustment - N/A
k. DeSoto, Texas Historical Foundation - N/A
Ms. Hallmark listed the items submitted for Council's consideration.
Motion to approve Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to approve Consent Agenda as presented. (Approved)
1. Consider Zoning Case Z-1171-09; an Amendment to Planned Development 58 (PD-58), to Change the Designated Use of .512 acres from Office Use to General Retail Use; Located at 900 Hampton Road - the corner of Hampton Road and Pleasant Run Road; Applicant/Owner: Ross Peterson; and Adopting Ordinance.
Click Here to View E.1. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, who presented the staff report.
Motion to open Public Hearing Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman.
Vote to open Public Hearing (Approved)
Council discussion stating the Whataburger property would have to apply at a separate time should they wish to change their zoning.
(Editor's Note: SR - existing PD includes the whataburger property - does it affect that property
EV - no)
Motion to close Public Hearing Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to close Public Hearing (Approved)
Ms. Hallmark read the Ordinance caption into the public record.
Motion to Approve Ordinance #1825-09; Zoning Case Z-1171-09, an amendment to Planned Development-58 to change the designation of .512 acres from Office Use to General Retail Use. Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to Approve Ordinance #1825-09; Zoning Case Z-1171-09, an amendment to Planned Development-58 to change the designation of .512 acres from Office Use to General Retail Use. (Approved)
2. Consider Zoning Case Z-1173-09; an Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance concerning Appendix A-3; Definitions; Section 36, Use Regulations; and Section 38; Parking Requirements; Relating to the Classifying of the Uses Retail Tobacco Store and Smoking Paraphernalia Establishment; and adopting Ordinance.
Click Here to View E.2. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning Manager, who presented the staff report.
Motion to open Public Hearing Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to open Public Hearing (Approved)
Council discussion regarding items classified as "controlled substances"; possible changes to the definition; square footage; and the requirement of an SUP.
(Editor's Note: CW - share some details on Texas health and safety code as what it lists as controlled substances
JG - illegal or controlled substances i.e. marijuana or controlled substances
CW - can we vote down part of this
JG - recommendations of changes to the definition - yes
PL - what is a typical square footage of an establishment
JG - 200 to 1500 - totally varies
PL - can we lower the percentage - is 15% pretty common
JG - took that % from looking at other states - it can be lower -- trying to define a business that sells that type of item
BW - requires an SUP also?
EV - yes )
Motion to close Public Hearing Moved by Councilmember Lockhart, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to close Public Hearing (Approved)
Further Council discussion regarding advantage/disadvantage of not having this definition.
Ms. Hallmark read the Ordinance caption into the public record.
(Editor's Note: CW - what is advantage/disadvantage of smoking paraphernalia establishment of leaving it alone or the way it is. -- reason it’s here is because we don’t have a definition. what’s the disadvantage of not having a definition.
JG - someone will make an application and may think it’s a "gift shop". this gives planning the opportunity to ask the questions regarding use
JB - actually had that happen - smoke shop opened
Motion to Approve Ordinance #1826-09; Zoning Case Z-1173-09, an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to classify the two Uses Retail Tobacco Store and Smoking Paraphernalia Establishment. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to Approve Ordinance #1826-09; Zoning Case Z-1173-09, an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to classify the two Uses Retail Tobacco Store and Smoking Paraphernalia Establishment. (Approved)
3. Consider an Ordinance Approving a Negotiated Resolution between Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division regarding the Company’s Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction; Declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; Requiring the company to reimburse cities’ reasonable ratemaking expenses; Adopting Tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement and finding the rates to be set by the tariffs to be just and reasonable; and Approving Atmos’ Proof of Revenues.
Click Here to View E.3. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Jim Baugh, City Manager, who presented the staff report.
Motion to open Public Hearing Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to open Public Hearing (Approved)
Motion to close Public Hearing Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to close Public Hearing (Approved)
Ms. Hallmark read the Ordinance caption into the public record.
Motion to approve Ordinance #1827-09; approving a negotiated Resolution between Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division, regarding the company’s Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction, declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; requiring the company to reimburse cities’ reasonable ratemaking expenses; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement and finding the rates to be set by the tariffs to be just and reasonable; and approving Atmos’ Proof of Revenues. Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to approve Ordinance #1827-09; approving a negotiated Resolution between Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division, regarding the company’s Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction, declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; requiring the company to reimburse cities’ reasonable ratemaking expenses; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement and finding the rates to be set by the tariffs to be just and reasonable; and approving Atmos’ Proof of Revenues. (Approved)
F. REGULAR AGENDA - New Business
1. Consider Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Booziotis & Company Architects, in an amount not to exceed $74,970, for the Architectural Design For and Oversight Of the Nance Farm Restoration Project.
Click Here to View F.1. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Lora Stallings, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, who presented the staff report.
Council discussion regarding grant money; Texas Historical Commission involvement and magnetometer analysis of the property.
(Editor's Note: CS - 12% is that typical for architectural costs
LS - told on the high end, but normal for historical design
JB - one of the factors is that this is not a lot of money - 12% would not be unreasonable
PL - when will we get grant money
JB - reimbursement money
LS - get 50% of what we spend
BW - ready to move out on this project - great project - Booziotis has been with us along with way
Aaron Farmer - with Booziotis
LS - in anticipation of doing ground work, Texas Historical Commission - director of archaelogical dept.
magnetometer analysis of the property
CS - what is the response of Mantlebrook. )
Motion to authorize the City Manager execute an agreement with Booziotis & Company Architects, in an amount not to exceed $74,970, for architectural design and oversight of the Nance Farm Restoration Project. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to authorize the City Manager execute an agreement with Booziotis & Company Architects, in an amount not to exceed $74,970, for architectural design and oversight of the Nance Farm Restoration Project. (Approved)
2. Consider a Resolution approving the Terms and Conditions of the Multiple Use Agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of DeSoto for the Construction, Maintenance and Operation of the Three Public Obelisk Monuments within the Texas Department of Transportation Rights-Of-Way.
Click Here to View F.2. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Crystal Owens, City Engineer, who presented the staff report.
Council discussion regarding the height of the monuments and time frame of installation.
(Editor's Note: CS - what is the height of other monuments
CO - wintergreen/35 is 35 ft; d’ville and belt line is 25; belt line and 35 is 35
CO being pre-fabbed at an off-site location )
Motion to authorize Resolution #09-15; approving the terms and conditions of the Multiple Use Agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of DeSoto for the construction, maintenance and operation of the three public obelisk monuments within the TxDOT rights-of-way. Moved by Councilmember Lockhart, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to authorize Resolution #09-15; approving the terms and conditions of the Multiple Use Agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of DeSoto for the construction, maintenance and operation of the three public obelisk monuments within the TxDOT rights-of-way. (Approved)
3. Consider a Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the Widening of Cockrell Hill Road from Belt Line Road to Parkerville Road.
Click Here to View F.3. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, who presented the staff report.
Motion to approve the Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the widening of Cockrell Hill Road from Belt line Road to Parkerville Road. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to approve the Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the widening of Cockrell Hill Road from Belt line Road to Parkerville Road. (Approved)
4. Consider a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company (National IPA).
Click Here to View F.4. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, who presented the staff report.
Council discussion regarding process for this organization.
(Editor's Note: SR - have had these cooperative purchasing agreements -- who handles the price negotiation
CS - sounds like it works
CW - hard time following the process -- proposal describes
Motion to approve a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of DeSoto and National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company (National IPA). Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to approve a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of DeSoto and National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company (National IPA). (Approved)
5. Consider a Resolution Accepting the 2009 Appraisal Roll Submitted by the Dallas Central Appraisal District.
Click Here to View F.5. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, who presented the staff report.
Discussion regarding time frame for disputed amounts.
(Editor's Note: CW - amt under protest - when will that be settled and turned into a final number
CB - can take up to six months
JB - )
Motion to approve Resolution #09-16; accepting the 2009 Appraisal Roll for the City of DeSoto as submitted by the Dallas Central Appraisal District. Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Lockhart.
Vote to approve Resolution #09-16; accepting the 2009 Appraisal Roll for the City of DeSoto as submitted by the Dallas Central Appraisal District. (Approved)
6. Take a Record Vote on the Proposed Tax Rate and Set the Dates for the Public Hearings on the Budget for FY 2009-2010 and the Tax Rate Adoption for 2009.
Click Here to View F.6. Management Report
Ms. Hallmark read the agenda caption and introduced Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, who presented the staff report.
The Mayor stated he was pleased we were able to keep the same tax rate and the same level of service. He stated it speaks highly of the work of the City Manager and staff.
(Editor's Note: BW - great that we’re able to keep the same tax rate - speaks highly of the work of the city manager and staff - keeping the same level of service. )
Motion to approve Public Hearings on September 1, 2009 and September 15, 2009, for the proposed budget for adoption by Ordinance on September 15, 2009, and a proposed 2009 Tax Rate of 49.592 cents per $100 valuation for Operating and Maintenance and 20.381 cents per $100 valuation for Debt Service for a total Tax Rate of 69.973 cents per $100 valuation for adoption by Ordinance on September 15, 2009. Moved by Councilmember Lockhart, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Sherman.
Vote to approve Public Hearings on September 1, 2009 and September 15, 2009, for the proposed budget for adoption by Ordinance on September 15, 2009, and a proposed 2009 Tax Rate of 49.592 cents per $100 valuation for Operating and Maintenance and 20.381 cents per $100 valuation for Debt Service for a total Tax Rate of 69.973 cents per $100 valuation for adoption by Ordinance on September 15, 2009. (Approved)
G. REGULAR AGENDA - Old Business
Credia Lynn Jackson Simon, 224 Idle Creek Lane, DeSoto; spoke regarding a planned location of a funeral home near her residence.
Mayor Waddle adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
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