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Roll call (6 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:00:08)
Mayor Waddle called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
Mr. Baugh stated the format for the next three days of budget meetings is to respond to Council questions. He went on to outline the agenda for the next three meetings. Ms. Browder reviewed the replacement pages.
Discussion of FY2009 Work Plan
Mr. Baugh reviewed the proposed 08-09 Work Plan. Mr. Baugh mentioned Goal 3.D. regarding the sanitation fund regarding Town Hall meetings to receive citizen input regarding current rates and level of service. He further stated that the Work Plan contains work toward a potential Bond Election in November 09. SR stated it was an aggressive and ambitious plan that contains a lot of work. JB said he felt it was a nicely balanced work plan and felt it covered all the topics put forth by Council. He agreed with Councilmember Respess. SR was pleased with the tax assessment that set the base for the budget.
Discussion of FY2009 and FY2010 General Fund
CW asked if retirement was included in the "personnel" line item. JB said it doesn't include the additional cost if 2nd tier comes online or the difference to be paid to TMRS. 2010 includes salary burden as we know it today factoring in 4% increase. CW asked about contractual services. LH stated any of the line items beginning with a #3 will be included in the "contractual services" total.
CW said it would be helpful to understand the big ticket items in that line. CB said it includes electricity, dispatch, jail, animal shelter. JB SR how much risk is there in contractual services JB mowing contract constant, elect/gas fluctuate. by managing personnel part, have been able to cover the overages. estimate as well as we can. SR commented the risk in terms of revenue could be from sales tax JB said CB has done very well in sales tax projections. He stated that the retail that we have is sustainable and does well. CS asked about the $600,000+ increase was homes JB said the new bank counted toward the increase and 230 houses, CB stated the partially constructed properties are included in that estimate and that the following year will be increased SR category - "charges for services" has increased is that coming from increased ambulance charges CB yes LH have current vendor assess the increased fees and they feel good about that number. CS line item "utilities" and bad debt covered CB will cover that on Saturday when we go over that fund CS rites of passage program - has it started yet JB - they met with young men and their parent/guardian last night and there are 12 or 15. the parent/guardian was supportive of the effort to get their child in the program. there is a boy scout camp nearby that they would like to use for their 3-day session. CS court mandated that they participate? JB yes. CS re: school - in lieu of going to school, they'll go to this program? JB no - this is an after school program. the 3-day camp will take place at the end of August. Will find out the dates so you can visit. There is a current Harlem Globetrotter player who will be involved as a role model.
CS were there performance standards set for the rites of passage program JB the way the success of the program will be determined is the behavior determination and how they are performing at school. JB passed around pictures of sample electronic signs that can be considered. The cost of two signs is $60,000. CS what is the cost difference between the larger size? JB said $10,000. KMJ stated that the portable sign has generated approximately 40 calls for the B&C notice in one week. CW asked if the sign would interfere with traffic BW stated that at the Community Forum last night, DV emphasized the Corner Theater. CS as big as we can get it without impeding traffic. JB comfortable that we can get the two signs within the quotation given. CW what is the protection against accidents or vandalism LH there is none, but they would be covered under the insurance policy JB thanked KMJ for her work on the graphics. It was the consensus of Council to proceed with the sign project. CW asked how they come up with the 60 day fund balance requirement JB would like to talk about the PD and the staffing for the PD. An analysis was conducted by Justice Research Consultants, LLC who recommended adding two PSOs. M Brodnax stated that a full time employee is a burden in salary, insurance, and benefits including time off. Took the full time salaries and broke it down to part time and are able to cover more hours CW hourly rate is calculated against the burden or the salary MB hourly rate is $15-20. funding from full time employee JB don't run the hourly rate against the burden just the salary CS left the room at 7:24 p.m and returned at 7:38 p.m. DL left the room at 7:28 p.m. and returned at 7:29 p.m.
Discussion of Regional Dispatch and Regional Jail
JB pointed out the jail and dispatch line items. SR what is the utilization of the jail? what is the capacity MB varies on any given day. have capacity of 50 prisoners. have not maxed it out - gotten close, but have not to date. if bring in d'ville, may look at expansion. run between 8,000 to 9,000 per year. SR have the ability to expand and bring in more partners CW does the city have to transport to county? MB county transports JB expansion would be paid for by partners. Discussion followed about possible future partners and costs and revenues regarding bringing in other municipalities on a fee for service basis. PL asked at what point does SWRCC meet maximum capacity? Tim Smith stated that they could take on three and maybe four small cities and they could remodel the current building and add three more stations.
BW stated that interoperability does bring a lot to the table. JB reminded that budget is built on the same operating and management as this year. I&S is well managed and we will be able to lower the tax rate by one cent. SR what is the financial impact of the changes we are undertaking in terms of the youth sports association. JB there is a fee that takes care of our people to handle the sports associations. hears that the city should take over the assocations management. would hope that it would pay for itself and wouldn't be an additional cost. trying to generate revenue for maintenance of the fields JB if we did it, the city would create an athletic department and would handle all the sports PL for the city to take on the running of the associations, would it involve additional personnel JB yes - would just be another city function - took on collection of fees and handling registration. it is not our intent to take it over, but may turn out to happen. Mayor Waddle adjourned the meeting at 8:02
Jul 31, 2008 Special Meetings 2008-07-31 Budget Workshop
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Roll call (6 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:00:08)
Mayor Waddle called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
Mr. Baugh stated the format for the next three days of budget meetings is to respond to Council questions. He went on to outline the agenda for the next three meetings. Ms. Browder reviewed the replacement pages.
Discussion of FY2009 Work Plan
Mr. Baugh reviewed the proposed 08-09 Work Plan. Mr. Baugh mentioned Goal 3.D. regarding the sanitation fund regarding Town Hall meetings to receive citizen input regarding current rates and level of service. He further stated that the Work Plan contains work toward a potential Bond Election in November 09. SR stated it was an aggressive and ambitious plan that contains a lot of work. JB said he felt it was a nicely balanced work plan and felt it covered all the topics put forth by Council. He agreed with Councilmember Respess. SR was pleased with the tax assessment that set the base for the budget.
Discussion of FY2009 and FY2010 General Fund
CW asked if retirement was included in the "personnel" line item. JB said it doesn't include the additional cost if 2nd tier comes online or the difference to be paid to TMRS. 2010 includes salary burden as we know it today factoring in 4% increase. CW asked about contractual services. LH stated any of the line items beginning with a #3 will be included in the "contractual services" total.
CW said it would be helpful to understand the big ticket items in that line. CB said it includes electricity, dispatch, jail, animal shelter. JB SR how much risk is there in contractual services JB mowing contract constant, elect/gas fluctuate. by managing personnel part, have been able to cover the overages. estimate as well as we can. SR commented the risk in terms of revenue could be from sales tax JB said CB has done very well in sales tax projections. He stated that the retail that we have is sustainable and does well. CS asked about the $600,000+ increase was homes JB said the new bank counted toward the increase and 230 houses, CB stated the partially constructed properties are included in that estimate and that the following year will be increased SR category - "charges for services" has increased is that coming from increased ambulance charges CB yes LH have current vendor assess the increased fees and they feel good about that number. CS line item "utilities" and bad debt covered CB will cover that on Saturday when we go over that fund CS rites of passage program - has it started yet JB - they met with young men and their parent/guardian last night and there are 12 or 15. the parent/guardian was supportive of the effort to get their child in the program. there is a boy scout camp nearby that they would like to use for their 3-day session. CS court mandated that they participate? JB yes. CS re: school - in lieu of going to school, they'll go to this program? JB no - this is an after school program. the 3-day camp will take place at the end of August. Will find out the dates so you can visit. There is a current Harlem Globetrotter player who will be involved as a role model.
CS were there performance standards set for the rites of passage program JB the way the success of the program will be determined is the behavior determination and how they are performing at school. JB passed around pictures of sample electronic signs that can be considered. The cost of two signs is $60,000. CS what is the cost difference between the larger size? JB said $10,000. KMJ stated that the portable sign has generated approximately 40 calls for the B&C notice in one week. CW asked if the sign would interfere with traffic BW stated that at the Community Forum last night, DV emphasized the Corner Theater. CS as big as we can get it without impeding traffic. JB comfortable that we can get the two signs within the quotation given. CW what is the protection against accidents or vandalism LH there is none, but they would be covered under the insurance policy JB thanked KMJ for her work on the graphics. It was the consensus of Council to proceed with the sign project. CW asked how they come up with the 60 day fund balance requirement JB would like to talk about the PD and the staffing for the PD. An analysis was conducted by Justice Research Consultants, LLC who recommended adding two PSOs. M Brodnax stated that a full time employee is a burden in salary, insurance, and benefits including time off. Took the full time salaries and broke it down to part time and are able to cover more hours CW hourly rate is calculated against the burden or the salary MB hourly rate is $15-20. funding from full time employee JB don't run the hourly rate against the burden just the salary CS left the room at 7:24 p.m and returned at 7:38 p.m. DL left the room at 7:28 p.m. and returned at 7:29 p.m.
Discussion of Regional Dispatch and Regional Jail
JB pointed out the jail and dispatch line items. SR what is the utilization of the jail? what is the capacity MB varies on any given day. have capacity of 50 prisoners. have not maxed it out - gotten close, but have not to date. if bring in d'ville, may look at expansion. run between 8,000 to 9,000 per year. SR have the ability to expand and bring in more partners CW does the city have to transport to county? MB county transports JB expansion would be paid for by partners. Discussion followed about possible future partners and costs and revenues regarding bringing in other municipalities on a fee for service basis. PL asked at what point does SWRCC meet maximum capacity? Tim Smith stated that they could take on three and maybe four small cities and they could remodel the current building and add three more stations.
BW stated that interoperability does bring a lot to the table. JB reminded that budget is built on the same operating and management as this year. I&S is well managed and we will be able to lower the tax rate by one cent. SR what is the financial impact of the changes we are undertaking in terms of the youth sports association. JB there is a fee that takes care of our people to handle the sports associations. hears that the city should take over the assocations management. would hope that it would pay for itself and wouldn't be an additional cost. trying to generate revenue for maintenance of the fields JB if we did it, the city would create an athletic department and would handle all the sports PL for the city to take on the running of the associations, would it involve additional personnel JB yes - would just be another city function - took on collection of fees and handling registration. it is not our intent to take it over, but may turn out to happen. Mayor Waddle adjourned the meeting at 8:02
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