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Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Mayor Waddle called the Work Session to order at 6:00 p.m. Announcement by Mayor Waddle regarding the Relay for Life event scheduled for April 25-26, 2008. State Representative Helen Giddings is the Honary Chairperson for the event.
1. Review of Master Agenda by City Manager.
City Manager Jim Baugh reviewed the items on the Master Agenda.
2. Discussion of Regular Agenda items.
Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, distributed a revised attachment for Regular Agenda Item F.4. regarding the Tri-City Regional Animal Shelter/Public Safety Training Facility.
3. Update on the upcoming Cockrell Hill Road Widening Project.
Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, presented the report and said the estimated date to begin the project would be March 2008 with completion in two years.
4. Briefing on recent changes in the TMRS contribution rate.
Click Here to View TMRS Presentation
Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, and Andre Houser,
Managing Director of Human Resources, provided information regarding
the status of the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS).
City Manager Baugh said the retirement system is not in trouble and
the system is sound. TMRS Executive Director, Eric Henry, submitted
a letter to City Manager Baugh dated September 7, 2007. Excerpts:
Potential changes in the Actuarial Cost Method and the Amortization
Period used to determine the annual City contributions required to
fund TMRS benefits. Continuing to grant Updated Service Credits
(USC) and Annuity Increases (AI) creates large actuarial liabilities
that are not pre-funded under the current actuarial methodology.
The recommendations that the TMRS Board is considering will
pre-fund benefits that are currently being funded one year at
a time. The pre-funding will result in positive funding progress
each year
. In a letter from Mr. Henry dated November 19, 2007.
The rate for 2008 will not change; however, begining
in January 2008, you have the option of making additional
contributions to TMRS to reduce your liability.
Bulletin dated December 11, 2007. Excerpts:
TMRS Board
of Trustees met December 7 and 8 in Austin. They took
the following actions:
Actuarial changes- Adopted the
Projected Unit Credit actuarial cost method for all TMRS
city plans; Adopted a closed amortization period of 30
years, altough some employers may remain at 25 years
if they do not experience increases in their contribution
rates; Adopted the results of the actuarial experience
study, including a 7% investment income assumption;
and Set an eight-year implementation schedule for
the phase-in of full contribution rates
Mayor Waddle recessed the Work Session at 7:05pm. Council will reconvene into the Regular Session.
Mayor Waddle called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Mayor Waddle announced the passing of City of DeSoto Engineering Department employee James Kerby. James served the City for over 25 years and was very knowledgable of DeSoto's history. He was always the "go-to" person when you needed to find an obscure piece of information about the construction of DeSoto. The funeral was held today and the Mayor commented that he was pleased to see so many friends and co-workers attending the service.
1. Invocation by: Curt Krohn, Faith Bible Church
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Carl Williams
Mayor Waddle announced that the City recognized the School Board with a Proclamation pronouncing January, 2008 as School Board Month. The presentation was made at the School Board meeting, of January 14, 2008.
3. Ambassador: Gary Blaser, Fire Department:
Gary has been with the City of DeSoto for a little over a year.
During that time he has successfully completed the Paramedic Program and the Fire Academy. He also has a Search and Rescue Scuba Diving Certification, which can hopefully benefit the Fire Department in the future. He lives in Kemp with his wife and four children and looks forward to a long career with DeSoto Fire Rescue.
3. Presentation of Proclamation in recognition of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mayor Waddle presented the Proclamation. He also thanked Carolyn Campbell of Parks and Leisure Services for the display she created in the City Hall Atrium documenting the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1. Presentation of the DEDC First Quarter Report.
Click Here to View DEDC First Quarter Report
Curtistene McCowan, President of the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation (DEDC), presented the report with the assistance of Scott Livingston, DEDC Executive Director.
Councilmember Sherman inquired about the Quorum Medical Park grant. He also asked about a proposed gas line extension. Mr. Livingston addressed his questions, explaining the processes thus far. The developer, property owner, and DEDC staff have been engaging in dialogue trying to work out a solution.
Councilmember Sandy Respess inquired about the Whitaker & Associates Marketing report. Mr. Livingston explained the process of the report.
2. Presentation of December 2007 Financial Report.
Click Here to View December 2007 Financial Report
Patrick Harvey, Assistant Director of Finance presented the December 2007 Financial Report.
1. Approval of City Council Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - N/A
b. Special Meeting - N/A
2. Acceptance of Board and Commission Minutes
a. Board of Adjustment - N/A
b. Building and Standards Commission - N/A
c. Civil Service Commission - 10-18-07
Click Here to View 10-18-07 Civil Service Commission Minutes
d. DeSoto Economic Development - 11-26-07
Click Here to View 11-26-07 DEDC Minutes
e. Library Board - 10-04-07, 11-01-07, 12-06-07
Click Here to View 10-04-07 Library Board Minutes
Click Here to View 11-01-07 Library Board Minutes
Click Here to View 12-06-07 Library Board Minutes
f. Park Development Corporation - N/A
g. Planning and Zoning Commission - N/A
h. DeSoto Arts Commission - N/A
i. Keep DeSoto Beautiful - N/A
j. Zoning Board of Adjustment - N/A
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. (Approved)
1. Consider Zoning Case Z-1137-07; a change in zoning from Single Family 20 (SF-20) to PD-9 (Thorntree Planned Development); an area north of Place Louie and west of Masters Drive on approximately 1.8 acres of land and consisting of four (4) residential lots; Applicant: Rodney Holloman; Owner: Derek Ryan; and adopting Ordinance.
Click Here to View E.1. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, to present the report.
Motion to open Public Hearing E.1. Moved by Councilmember Helm, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clardy.
Vote to open Public Hearing E.1. (Approved)
Mayor Pro Tem Clardy asked for elaboration on why the applicant wanted to be excluded from the tree survey. Mr. Vatthauer explained that this case involves only four lots. Most of the trees in this area are Cedars or Hackberrys.
Applicant, Rodney Holloman, Wildwood Development, 5440 Harvest Hill, Suite 220, Dallas, Texas 75230, made remarks on the case.
Motion to close Public Hearing E.1. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to close Public Hearing E.1. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the Ordinance caption for the public record.
Motion to
approve Case
Z-1137-07, a request to rezone approximately 1.8 acres from SF-20 to PD-9 with the following stipulations; and to adopt Ordinance 1769-08:
The Declaration of Annexation, which incorporates the 1.8 acres into the Thorntree Homeowners Association (HOA), must be signed and recorded, with a copy being provided to the Planning Department, before a plat application for the 1.8 acres can be accepted by staff.
The four lots in question be excluded from the Tree Survey requirement.
Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to
approve Case
Z-1137-07, a request to rezone approximately 1.8 acres from SF-20 to PD-9 with the following stipulations; and to adopt Ordinance 1769-08:
The Declaration of Annexation, which incorporates the 1.8 acres into the Thorntree Homeowners Association (HOA), must be signed and recorded, with a copy being provided to the Planning Department, before a plat application for the 1.8 acres can be accepted by staff.
The four lots in question be excluded from the Tree Survey requirement.
F. REGULAR AGENDA - New Business
1. Consider the Confirmation of a Reserve Police Officer.
Click Here to View F.1. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Police Chief Mike Brodnax to present the staff report.
Chief Brodnax introduced Gina Medlin.
Motion to
confirm the appointment of Gina Medlin as a DeSoto Reserve Police Officer.
Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to
confirm the appointment of Gina Medlin as a DeSoto Reserve Police Officer.
2. Consider Amendment No. 1 to the Dallas County Capital Improvement Program Project Supplemental Agreement for the Cockrell Hill Widening Project.
Click Here to View F.2. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, to present the staff report.
Mr. Johnson stated that the amount $6,230,771 in G.O. Bonds Funds, is below the amount of $6.8 million that voters approved in November of 2003.
Mayor Waddle inquired about the time frame for the start of the project. Mr. Johnson outlined the timeline for the project with a projected start date of March 1, 2008. The contract has 490 working days which equates to approximately a two-year project for widening two miles of road in DeSoto. The project will begin at the south end and continue to the north. They will complete one side of the road, relocate traffic, and complete the other side. There will be the standard square bronze light poles currently seen throughout the City. Landscaping will be in the medians and along the sides of the street. Meandering sidewalks will be on both sides of the street.
Mayor Waddle asked Mr. Johnson to elaborate about the process once the project reaches the cemetery. Mr. Johnson explained there is enough room for the four lanes of traffic, however, the median will not be as wide at the point of the cemetery.
Councilmember Williams asked if there was a possibility of the County Commissioners not approving their portion of the funding. Mr. Johnson stated there was no reason he was aware of.
Mayor Pro Tem Clardy asked for clarification of when the County Commissioners would be voting on this item. Mr. Johnson replied that it would be the beginning of February.
Councilmember Respess asked if the funds were earmarked for this project specifically. Mr. Johnson stated that was the case.
Councilmember Sherman asked if notice will be sent out to the residents affected by this project. Mr. Johnson explained that Dallas County will be sending out a newsletter to residents in that area.
Motion to
approve Amendment No. 1 of the Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the Cockrell Hill Road Widening Project and approve the funding for this project from Fund 508 in the amount of $395,004 and from G.O. Bonds Funds in the amount of $6,230,771.
Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to
approve Amendment No. 1 of the Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the Cockrell Hill Road Widening Project and approve the funding for this project from Fund 508 in the amount of $395,004 and from G.O. Bonds Funds in the amount of $6,230,771.
3. Consider a construction contract with Robinson Landscape and Construction in the amount of $1,369,600 for the construction of Improvements at Grimes and Ernie Roberts Parks.
Click Here to View F.3. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Renee Johnson, Managing Director of Parks and Leisure Services to present the staff report.
Councilmember Sherman asked about parking for Ernie Roberts Park. Ms. Johnson replied that 46 spaces will be added between the current lot and the trees located to the east of the lot. Mr. Sherman asked how many spaces were currently there. Bob Stoffell commented there are currently approximately 46 spaces and the additional spaces will essentially double the parking capacity.
Mayor Waddle commented about the improvements to the BMX facility and now that BMX racing is an Olympic sport, it will bring more attention to this facility.
City Manager Jim Baugh mentioned that this project concludes the Bond package items.
Mayor Pro Tem Clardy passes the BMX facility every day and commented it would be nice to have these improvements.
Mayor Waddle asked about upcoming events at the BMX facility. Ms. Johnson stated there is an Olympic qualifying event scheduled in late March.
Motion to au
thorize the Mayor to execute the construction contract with Robinson Landscape and establish a total project budget in the amount of $1,479,660.
Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to au
thorize the Mayor to execute the construction contract with Robinson Landscape and establish a total project budget in the amount of $1,479,660.
4. Consider an amendment to the Acquisition, Ownership, and Operating Agreement for the Animal Shelter/Public Safety Training Facility between the cities of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Duncanville.
Click Here to View F.4. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance to present the staff report.
Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, presented the staff report.
Mayor Pro Tem Clardy commented, as the Tri-City Regional Animal Shelter Board Liaison, she agrees there is a need for a new facility.
Mayor Waddle concurred with her comments and stated it was good that Cedar Hill had the available property to carry out this project.
City Manager Baugh suggested that with their motion, Council request the old building be demolished upon completion of the new building.
Motion to
approve the first amendment to the acquisition, ownership and operating agreement for the Animal Control Shelter/ Public Safety Training Facility between the City of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Duncanville
and the destruction of the existing facility upon completion of construction of the new facility. Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clardy.
Vote to
approve the first amendment to the acquisition, ownership and operating agreement for the Animal Control Shelter/ Public Safety Training Facility between the City of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Duncanville
and the destruction of the existing facility upon completion of construction of the new facility. (Approved)
5. Consider a Resolution casting a vote in the run-off election for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District.
Click Here to View F.5. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption of the Agenda Item and introduced Mayor Waddle to present the report.
Mayor Waddle stated votes had been previously cast and resulted in a run-off election as no one candidate received the majority of 16 votes.
Motion to
approve Resolution 08-01 casting its vote for Michael Hurtt as the Suburban Cities’ representative to the DCAD Board of Directors.
Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to
approve Resolution 08-01 casting its vote for Michael Hurtt as the Suburban Cities’ representative to the DCAD Board of Directors.
6. Consider a Resolution to cancel the Regular City Council Meeting on February 5, 2008.
Click Here to View F.6. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption.
Mayor Waddle explained the reasoning behind cancelling the meeting. Cedar Valley College is having their 30th Anniversary celebration that same evening.
Motion to
approve Resolution 08-02 to cancel the February 5, 2008 Regular City Council meeting.
Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Valentine.
Vote to
approve Resolution 08-02 to cancel the February 5, 2008 Regular City Council meeting.
G. REGULAR AGENDA - Old Business
There are no items scheduled for this agenda.
Randy Eppes, 637 Eagle Drive, presented remarks on behalf of the Library Advisory Board to remind everyone that the DeSoto Public Library will be open during the course of the Town Center construction project and explained the changes.
Marikay Dewberry, 920 W. Parkerville Road, spoke on behalf of the DeSoto, Texas Historical Foundation announcing a Town Hall Meeting Thursday, January 24, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. It is open to the public and they will be introducing the new board members, giving a Nance Farm update, and to receive input from the public.
Councilmember Sherman announced that the Chamber of Commerce building will soon be demolished. The Chamber is currently meeting at the MCM Grande Hotel.
Mayor Waddle recessed the meeting at 8:30pm. Council will take a short break before reconvening into Executive Session.
1. Executive Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 Personnel Matters: Semi-Annual Performance Review of the City Manager.
Mayor Waddle reconvened the Council into Executive Session at 9:14pm.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Mayor Waddle adjourned the Executive Session at 10:38pm.
2. Action resulting from Executive Session regarding Personnel Matter.
Mayor Waddle reconvened the Council into Open Session at 10:39pm.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Motion to approve an annual salary increase of 7.5%, plus $15,000 deferred compensation, and $6,000 annual automobile allowance, all to be effective retroactive to January 1, 2008. New annual salary $166,712.00.
Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to approve an annual salary increase of 7.5%, plus $15,000 deferred compensation, and $6,000 annual automobile allowance, all to be effective retroactive to January 1, 2008. New annual salary $166,712.00.
Mayor Waddled adjourned the meeting at 10:42pm.
Record of minutes for this meeting have been prepared by Laura Hallmark, Administrative Assistant/Public Records Coordinator as acting scribe for this evening’s meeting. City Secretary Anell Shipman prepared the minutes for the Work Session and Executive Session and edited the Regular Agenda minutes.
Jan 15, 2008 City Council Meeting 2008-01-15
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Mayor Waddle called the Work Session to order at 6:00 p.m. Announcement by Mayor Waddle regarding the Relay for Life event scheduled for April 25-26, 2008. State Representative Helen Giddings is the Honary Chairperson for the event.
1. Review of Master Agenda by City Manager.
City Manager Jim Baugh reviewed the items on the Master Agenda.
2. Discussion of Regular Agenda items.
Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, distributed a revised attachment for Regular Agenda Item F.4. regarding the Tri-City Regional Animal Shelter/Public Safety Training Facility.
3. Update on the upcoming Cockrell Hill Road Widening Project.
Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, presented the report and said the estimated date to begin the project would be March 2008 with completion in two years.
4. Briefing on recent changes in the TMRS contribution rate.
Click Here to View TMRS Presentation
Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, and Andre Houser,
Managing Director of Human Resources, provided information regarding
the status of the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS).
City Manager Baugh said the retirement system is not in trouble and
the system is sound. TMRS Executive Director, Eric Henry, submitted
a letter to City Manager Baugh dated September 7, 2007. Excerpts:
Potential changes in the Actuarial Cost Method and the Amortization
Period used to determine the annual City contributions required to
fund TMRS benefits. Continuing to grant Updated Service Credits
(USC) and Annuity Increases (AI) creates large actuarial liabilities
that are not pre-funded under the current actuarial methodology.
The recommendations that the TMRS Board is considering will
pre-fund benefits that are currently being funded one year at
a time. The pre-funding will result in positive funding progress
each year
. In a letter from Mr. Henry dated November 19, 2007.
The rate for 2008 will not change; however, begining
in January 2008, you have the option of making additional
contributions to TMRS to reduce your liability.
Bulletin dated December 11, 2007. Excerpts:
TMRS Board
of Trustees met December 7 and 8 in Austin. They took
the following actions:
Actuarial changes- Adopted the
Projected Unit Credit actuarial cost method for all TMRS
city plans; Adopted a closed amortization period of 30
years, altough some employers may remain at 25 years
if they do not experience increases in their contribution
rates; Adopted the results of the actuarial experience
study, including a 7% investment income assumption;
and Set an eight-year implementation schedule for
the phase-in of full contribution rates
Mayor Waddle recessed the Work Session at 7:05pm. Council will reconvene into the Regular Session.
Mayor Waddle called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Mayor Waddle announced the passing of City of DeSoto Engineering Department employee James Kerby. James served the City for over 25 years and was very knowledgable of DeSoto's history. He was always the "go-to" person when you needed to find an obscure piece of information about the construction of DeSoto. The funeral was held today and the Mayor commented that he was pleased to see so many friends and co-workers attending the service.
1. Invocation by: Curt Krohn, Faith Bible Church
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Carl Williams
Mayor Waddle announced that the City recognized the School Board with a Proclamation pronouncing January, 2008 as School Board Month. The presentation was made at the School Board meeting, of January 14, 2008.
3. Ambassador: Gary Blaser, Fire Department:
Gary has been with the City of DeSoto for a little over a year.
During that time he has successfully completed the Paramedic Program and the Fire Academy. He also has a Search and Rescue Scuba Diving Certification, which can hopefully benefit the Fire Department in the future. He lives in Kemp with his wife and four children and looks forward to a long career with DeSoto Fire Rescue.
3. Presentation of Proclamation in recognition of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mayor Waddle presented the Proclamation. He also thanked Carolyn Campbell of Parks and Leisure Services for the display she created in the City Hall Atrium documenting the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1. Presentation of the DEDC First Quarter Report.
Click Here to View DEDC First Quarter Report
Curtistene McCowan, President of the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation (DEDC), presented the report with the assistance of Scott Livingston, DEDC Executive Director.
Councilmember Sherman inquired about the Quorum Medical Park grant. He also asked about a proposed gas line extension. Mr. Livingston addressed his questions, explaining the processes thus far. The developer, property owner, and DEDC staff have been engaging in dialogue trying to work out a solution.
Councilmember Sandy Respess inquired about the Whitaker & Associates Marketing report. Mr. Livingston explained the process of the report.
2. Presentation of December 2007 Financial Report.
Click Here to View December 2007 Financial Report
Patrick Harvey, Assistant Director of Finance presented the December 2007 Financial Report.
1. Approval of City Council Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - N/A
b. Special Meeting - N/A
2. Acceptance of Board and Commission Minutes
a. Board of Adjustment - N/A
b. Building and Standards Commission - N/A
c. Civil Service Commission - 10-18-07
Click Here to View 10-18-07 Civil Service Commission Minutes
d. DeSoto Economic Development - 11-26-07
Click Here to View 11-26-07 DEDC Minutes
e. Library Board - 10-04-07, 11-01-07, 12-06-07
Click Here to View 10-04-07 Library Board Minutes
Click Here to View 11-01-07 Library Board Minutes
Click Here to View 12-06-07 Library Board Minutes
f. Park Development Corporation - N/A
g. Planning and Zoning Commission - N/A
h. DeSoto Arts Commission - N/A
i. Keep DeSoto Beautiful - N/A
j. Zoning Board of Adjustment - N/A
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. (Approved)
1. Consider Zoning Case Z-1137-07; a change in zoning from Single Family 20 (SF-20) to PD-9 (Thorntree Planned Development); an area north of Place Louie and west of Masters Drive on approximately 1.8 acres of land and consisting of four (4) residential lots; Applicant: Rodney Holloman; Owner: Derek Ryan; and adopting Ordinance.
Click Here to View E.1. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, to present the report.
Motion to open Public Hearing E.1. Moved by Councilmember Helm, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clardy.
Vote to open Public Hearing E.1. (Approved)
Mayor Pro Tem Clardy asked for elaboration on why the applicant wanted to be excluded from the tree survey. Mr. Vatthauer explained that this case involves only four lots. Most of the trees in this area are Cedars or Hackberrys.
Applicant, Rodney Holloman, Wildwood Development, 5440 Harvest Hill, Suite 220, Dallas, Texas 75230, made remarks on the case.
Motion to close Public Hearing E.1. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to close Public Hearing E.1. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the Ordinance caption for the public record.
Motion to
approve Case
Z-1137-07, a request to rezone approximately 1.8 acres from SF-20 to PD-9 with the following stipulations; and to adopt Ordinance 1769-08:
The Declaration of Annexation, which incorporates the 1.8 acres into the Thorntree Homeowners Association (HOA), must be signed and recorded, with a copy being provided to the Planning Department, before a plat application for the 1.8 acres can be accepted by staff.
The four lots in question be excluded from the Tree Survey requirement.
Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to
approve Case
Z-1137-07, a request to rezone approximately 1.8 acres from SF-20 to PD-9 with the following stipulations; and to adopt Ordinance 1769-08:
The Declaration of Annexation, which incorporates the 1.8 acres into the Thorntree Homeowners Association (HOA), must be signed and recorded, with a copy being provided to the Planning Department, before a plat application for the 1.8 acres can be accepted by staff.
The four lots in question be excluded from the Tree Survey requirement.
F. REGULAR AGENDA - New Business
1. Consider the Confirmation of a Reserve Police Officer.
Click Here to View F.1. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Police Chief Mike Brodnax to present the staff report.
Chief Brodnax introduced Gina Medlin.
Motion to
confirm the appointment of Gina Medlin as a DeSoto Reserve Police Officer.
Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to
confirm the appointment of Gina Medlin as a DeSoto Reserve Police Officer.
2. Consider Amendment No. 1 to the Dallas County Capital Improvement Program Project Supplemental Agreement for the Cockrell Hill Widening Project.
Click Here to View F.2. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, to present the staff report.
Mr. Johnson stated that the amount $6,230,771 in G.O. Bonds Funds, is below the amount of $6.8 million that voters approved in November of 2003.
Mayor Waddle inquired about the time frame for the start of the project. Mr. Johnson outlined the timeline for the project with a projected start date of March 1, 2008. The contract has 490 working days which equates to approximately a two-year project for widening two miles of road in DeSoto. The project will begin at the south end and continue to the north. They will complete one side of the road, relocate traffic, and complete the other side. There will be the standard square bronze light poles currently seen throughout the City. Landscaping will be in the medians and along the sides of the street. Meandering sidewalks will be on both sides of the street.
Mayor Waddle asked Mr. Johnson to elaborate about the process once the project reaches the cemetery. Mr. Johnson explained there is enough room for the four lanes of traffic, however, the median will not be as wide at the point of the cemetery.
Councilmember Williams asked if there was a possibility of the County Commissioners not approving their portion of the funding. Mr. Johnson stated there was no reason he was aware of.
Mayor Pro Tem Clardy asked for clarification of when the County Commissioners would be voting on this item. Mr. Johnson replied that it would be the beginning of February.
Councilmember Respess asked if the funds were earmarked for this project specifically. Mr. Johnson stated that was the case.
Councilmember Sherman asked if notice will be sent out to the residents affected by this project. Mr. Johnson explained that Dallas County will be sending out a newsletter to residents in that area.
Motion to
approve Amendment No. 1 of the Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the Cockrell Hill Road Widening Project and approve the funding for this project from Fund 508 in the amount of $395,004 and from G.O. Bonds Funds in the amount of $6,230,771.
Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to
approve Amendment No. 1 of the Supplemental Agreement with Dallas County for the Cockrell Hill Road Widening Project and approve the funding for this project from Fund 508 in the amount of $395,004 and from G.O. Bonds Funds in the amount of $6,230,771.
3. Consider a construction contract with Robinson Landscape and Construction in the amount of $1,369,600 for the construction of Improvements at Grimes and Ernie Roberts Parks.
Click Here to View F.3. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Renee Johnson, Managing Director of Parks and Leisure Services to present the staff report.
Councilmember Sherman asked about parking for Ernie Roberts Park. Ms. Johnson replied that 46 spaces will be added between the current lot and the trees located to the east of the lot. Mr. Sherman asked how many spaces were currently there. Bob Stoffell commented there are currently approximately 46 spaces and the additional spaces will essentially double the parking capacity.
Mayor Waddle commented about the improvements to the BMX facility and now that BMX racing is an Olympic sport, it will bring more attention to this facility.
City Manager Jim Baugh mentioned that this project concludes the Bond package items.
Mayor Pro Tem Clardy passes the BMX facility every day and commented it would be nice to have these improvements.
Mayor Waddle asked about upcoming events at the BMX facility. Ms. Johnson stated there is an Olympic qualifying event scheduled in late March.
Motion to au
thorize the Mayor to execute the construction contract with Robinson Landscape and establish a total project budget in the amount of $1,479,660.
Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to au
thorize the Mayor to execute the construction contract with Robinson Landscape and establish a total project budget in the amount of $1,479,660.
4. Consider an amendment to the Acquisition, Ownership, and Operating Agreement for the Animal Shelter/Public Safety Training Facility between the cities of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Duncanville.
Click Here to View F.4. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption and introduced Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance to present the staff report.
Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, presented the staff report.
Mayor Pro Tem Clardy commented, as the Tri-City Regional Animal Shelter Board Liaison, she agrees there is a need for a new facility.
Mayor Waddle concurred with her comments and stated it was good that Cedar Hill had the available property to carry out this project.
City Manager Baugh suggested that with their motion, Council request the old building be demolished upon completion of the new building.
Motion to
approve the first amendment to the acquisition, ownership and operating agreement for the Animal Control Shelter/ Public Safety Training Facility between the City of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Duncanville
and the destruction of the existing facility upon completion of construction of the new facility. Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clardy.
Vote to
approve the first amendment to the acquisition, ownership and operating agreement for the Animal Control Shelter/ Public Safety Training Facility between the City of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Duncanville
and the destruction of the existing facility upon completion of construction of the new facility. (Approved)
5. Consider a Resolution casting a vote in the run-off election for the fourth member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District.
Click Here to View F.5. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption of the Agenda Item and introduced Mayor Waddle to present the report.
Mayor Waddle stated votes had been previously cast and resulted in a run-off election as no one candidate received the majority of 16 votes.
Motion to
approve Resolution 08-01 casting its vote for Michael Hurtt as the Suburban Cities’ representative to the DCAD Board of Directors.
Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Respess.
Vote to
approve Resolution 08-01 casting its vote for Michael Hurtt as the Suburban Cities’ representative to the DCAD Board of Directors.
6. Consider a Resolution to cancel the Regular City Council Meeting on February 5, 2008.
Click Here to View F.6. Management Report
City Secretary Shipman read the agenda caption.
Mayor Waddle explained the reasoning behind cancelling the meeting. Cedar Valley College is having their 30th Anniversary celebration that same evening.
Motion to
approve Resolution 08-02 to cancel the February 5, 2008 Regular City Council meeting.
Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Valentine.
Vote to
approve Resolution 08-02 to cancel the February 5, 2008 Regular City Council meeting.
G. REGULAR AGENDA - Old Business
There are no items scheduled for this agenda.
Randy Eppes, 637 Eagle Drive, presented remarks on behalf of the Library Advisory Board to remind everyone that the DeSoto Public Library will be open during the course of the Town Center construction project and explained the changes.
Marikay Dewberry, 920 W. Parkerville Road, spoke on behalf of the DeSoto, Texas Historical Foundation announcing a Town Hall Meeting Thursday, January 24, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. It is open to the public and they will be introducing the new board members, giving a Nance Farm update, and to receive input from the public.
Councilmember Sherman announced that the Chamber of Commerce building will soon be demolished. The Chamber is currently meeting at the MCM Grande Hotel.
Mayor Waddle recessed the meeting at 8:30pm. Council will take a short break before reconvening into Executive Session.
1. Executive Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 Personnel Matters: Semi-Annual Performance Review of the City Manager.
Mayor Waddle reconvened the Council into Executive Session at 9:14pm.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Mayor Waddle adjourned the Executive Session at 10:38pm.
2. Action resulting from Executive Session regarding Personnel Matter.
Mayor Waddle reconvened the Council into Open Session at 10:39pm.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Motion to approve an annual salary increase of 7.5%, plus $15,000 deferred compensation, and $6,000 annual automobile allowance, all to be effective retroactive to January 1, 2008. New annual salary $166,712.00.
Moved by Councilmember Respess, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to approve an annual salary increase of 7.5%, plus $15,000 deferred compensation, and $6,000 annual automobile allowance, all to be effective retroactive to January 1, 2008. New annual salary $166,712.00.
Mayor Waddled adjourned the meeting at 10:42pm.
Record of minutes for this meeting have been prepared by Laura Hallmark, Administrative Assistant/Public Records Coordinator as acting scribe for this evening’s meeting. City Secretary Anell Shipman prepared the minutes for the Work Session and Executive Session and edited the Regular Agenda minutes.
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