Video index
Mayor Hurtt called the Work Session to order at 6:07 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
1. Review of Master Agenda by City Manager.
2. Discussion of Regular Agenda items.
Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, distributed copies of the Use Chart from the DeSoto Zoning Ordinance to the Councilmembers. It was suggested that they keep the copy in their agenda binder for future reference during Council meetings.
3. Discussion of proposed changes to the non-Civil Service Exempt and non-Exempt Pay Plans.
A.3. Management Report
Andre Houser, Managing Director of Human Resources, presented the proposed Pay Plans. Concensus of Council is to move forward.
4. Discussion of research and staff recommendations relating to the suggestion for additional requirements for dogs received during the public input session of December 7, 2006.
Police Chief Mike Brodnax provided a slide presentation and handout to Council.
Mayor Hurtt recessed the Work Session at 7:14 p.m.
Mayor Hurtt called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
1. Invocation by: Ouida Lee, Church of the Disciple
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Carl Williams
3. Ambassador: Parks and Leisure Services
Mayor Hurtt introduced the Ambassador and read the following background document:
James has been with
and Leisure Services beginning August of 2006 as a Recreation Specialist. Prior to that, he was a NFL Scout for the Arizona Cardinals and the Dallas Cowboys. He graduated from
in 2001 with a Bachelors Degree in Communications and completed his Masters at
in 2002 in Psychology and Education. He currently resides in DeSoto.
Little known fact: His brother, Jermaine is a guard for
’s basketball team who is currently in the Sweet Sixteen NCAA Basketball Tournament (next game Friday vs.
1. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing American Red Cross Month.
Mayor Pro Tem Waddle read and presented the Proclamation to Jennifer Hair, Community Readiness Specialist, with the Dallas Chapter of the American Red Cross. Her family has been involved in the American Red Cross for four generations.
2. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Severe Weather Awareness Week.
Mayor Hurtt read and presented the Proclamtion to Fire Chief Fred Hart. Chief Hart reminded the audience that the testing of the outdoor Alarm System is conducted each month on the first Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. If the sun is shining and there does not appear to be any threatening weather, he asked that citizens not call 911 because it ties up the emergency lines. If the weather looks bad and you hear the siren, you should take cover and listen to the radio until the storm passes over. He complimented the Red Cross for all they have done for the citizens.
3. Presentation of February 2007 Financial Report.
Patrick Harvey, Assistant Finance Director, presented excerpts from the staff managment report.
1. Approval of City Council Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - 02-20-07, 03-06-07
02-20-07 CC Minutes
03-06-07 CC Minutes
b. Special Meeting - N/A
2. Acceptance of Board and Commission Minutes
a. Board of Adjustment - N/A
b. Building and Standards Commission - N/A
c. Civil Service Commission - N/A
d. DeSoto Economic Development - N/A
e. Library Board - N/A
f. Park Development Corporation - 02-05-07
02-05-07 Park Development Corporation Board Minutes
g. Planning and Zoning Commission - N/A
h. DeSoto Arts Commission - N/A
i. Keep DeSoto Beautiful - N/A
j. Zoning Board of Adjustment - N/A
3. Ordinances and Resolutions - No items scheduled for this Agenda.
4. Contracts and Agreements - No items scheduled for this Agenda.
5. Other Consent Items - No items scheduled for this Agenda.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Clardy.
Vote to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. (Approved)
1. Consider Zoning Case Z-1093-07; a Change of Zoning from Neighborhood Services (NS) to General Retail (GR). Location: southeast corner of Belt Line road and Westmoreland Road; Consisting of 15.854 acres and containing 4 lots; Applicant: Richard Rozier; Owner: Ken Bruden; and adopting Ordinance.
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
E.1. Management Report
Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, presented excerpts from the staff management report. At Mayor Hurtt’s request, she defined the site plan review and straight zoning.
Applicant Richard Rozier, 1805 N. Westmoreland Road, addressed Council, provided a slide presentation, and responded to Council questions.
Council discussion with Applicant Rozier and clarifications by City Attorney Smith.
A motion and second to close this Public Hearing was not audible to the City Secretary.
Motion by Councilmember Clardy to table Zoning Case Z-1093-07 for further consideration and if proper, refer it back to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
City Manager Baugh requested that Councilmember Clardy provide specifics for staff to bring back to Council. He said he did not think it would be a good answer to table it, and the Applicant has said they are not interested in a Planned Development. City Attorney Smith said Council should only table the item if they are thinking about a Planned Development. Since the applicant is not interested in a Planned Development, Council should either vote it up or down. There is no other information staff can provide; either Council likes it straight zoning or they do not, and there is nothing to re-work on straight zoning.
Councilmember Clardy withdrew her motion.
City Attorney Smith said a Planned Development is the easiest way to go.
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Motion by Councilmember Helm to approve Zoning Case Z-1093-07. Motion dies for lack of a second.
Councilmember Sherman addressed City Attorney Smith asking if there was a legal way to address the concerns that Council has for this item and have progress. City Attorney said, "Not tonight".
Motion by Councilmember Clardy to deny Zoning Case Z-1093-07. Second by Councilmember Williams. Discussion by Councilmembers, City Attorney, and Mr. Vatthauer. Applicant Mr. Rozier addressed Council asking for a vote up or down, they understand what their options are. Councilmember Williams withdrew his second to Councilmember Clardy’s motion that is on the floor. Discussion by Councilmembers and City Attorney. Councilmember Helm provided a second to Councilmember Clardy’s motion. Mayor Hurtt confirmed that an affirmative (Yes) vote is to deny the case and a negative (No) vote is to approve the case. Motion to deny was approved with four (4) ’Yes’ votes from Williams, Hurtt, Clardy, and Helm; and three (3) ’No’ votes from Sherman, Waddle, and Helm.
3. Consider Zoning Case Z-1095-07; a Mixed Use Planned Development (PD-130) Concept Plan for Town Square; an area north of Pleasant Run Road and east of Hampton Road; on approximately 19.17 acres of land and consisting of four lots; Applicant: City of DeSoto/Trammell Crow; Owner: City of DeSoto; and adopting Ordinance.
E.3. Management Report
Councilmember Clardy and Councilmember Sherman left the dais at 8:44 p.m. and returned at 8:47 p.m.
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Cindy Harris, 2001 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas, representing High Street Residential, LLC, addressed Council to review the goals for design standards and the concept plan. The actual Site Development Plan will be brought back with further details of elevations, etc. A slide presentation was provided by Ms. Harris.
Paul Shaw, RTKL Associates, 1717 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, Texas, addressed Council to discuss translation of the general goals into objective design standards. A slide presentation was provided by Mr. Shaw.
Brian Shamburger, P.E., Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 801 Cherry Street, Fort Worth, Texas, addressed Council to present the Traffic Impact Analysis of the proposed development. A slide presentation was provided by Mr. Shamburger.
Steve Stoner, P.E., DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Inc., 400 South Houston Street, Suite 330, Dallas, Texas, (Transportation Engineers with specialty in Parking analysis) addressed Council to provide the Shared Parking Analysis for Proposed Mixed-Use Development at DeSoto Town Center.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Motion to approve Zoning Case Z-1095-07 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 1713-07. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to approve Zoning Case Z-1095-07 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 1713-07. (Approved)
Mayor Hurtt recognized Kim McCormick, with High Street Residential, LLC, as being in the audience.
2. Consider Zoning Case Z-1094-07; an amendment to Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) regarding Phasing, Lot Sizes, and Street Realignment; an area approximately 1,120 feet south of Wabler Drive and east of Hampton Road; approximately 44.8 acres and consisting of 161 lots; Applicant: Alan Lauhoff; Owner: Randy Lockhart; and adopting Ordinance.
E.2. Management Report
Councilmember Clardy left the dais at 9:46 p.m. and returned at 9:49 p.m. Councilmember Mayer left the dais at 9:46 p.m. and returned at 9:51 p.m.
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff managment report.
Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, addressed Council to discuss the drainage on the property.
Owner Randy Lockhart, Grand Prairie, Texas, representing Cheldon Homes dba Hampton Meadows LP, addressed Council to address drainage questions.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Mayer.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Motion to approve Zoning Case Z-1094-07 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 1712-07. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Vote to approve Zoning Case Z-1094-07 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 1712-07. (Approved)
F. REGULAR AGENDA - New Business
1. Consider Case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows; 44.8 acres, 161 lots; located approximately 1,120 feet south of Wabler Drive and east of Hampton Road; Applicant BWR; Owner: Cheldon Homes, L.P.
F.1. Management Report
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Motion to approve this item as presented. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to approve this item as presented. (Approved)
2. Consider approval of an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of DeSoto, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007
F.2. Management Report
F.3. Management Report
Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, presented excerpts from the staff management report doe F.2. and F.3.
Jim Sabonis, First Southwest Company, the City’s financial advisor, provided binders titled, "Summary of Bond Sale" to the Councilmembers. Mr. Sabonis provided information for Item F.1. and F.2.
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance for Regular Agenda Item F.2. into the official record.
Motion to approve Regular Agenda Item F.2., and Ordinance 1714-07 authorizing the issuance of City of Desoto, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve Regular Agenda Item F.2., and Ordinance 1714-07 authorizing the issuance of City of Desoto, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of Regular Agenda Item F.3. into the official record.
Motion to approve Regular Agenda Item F.3., and Ordinance 1715-07 authorizing the issuance of City of Desoto, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007 and to adopt the Ordinance. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Clardy.
Vote to approve Regular Agenda Item F.3., and Ordinance 1715-07 authorizing the issuance of City of Desoto, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007 and to adopt the Ordinance. (Approved)
3. Consider approval of an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of DeSoto, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007
Regular Agenda Item F.3. considered and action taken with Regular Agenda Item F.2. See documentation noted under F.2.
G. REGULAR AGENDA - Old Business
No Old Business items to be considered.
Maryikay Dewberry, 920 W. Parkerville Road, addressed Council to provide information for the Fourth Annual Library Fest, "Reading, Writing & Rhythm Festival" to be held Friday and Saturday, March 23-24, 2007, at DeSoto Town Center.
Mayor Hurtt announced the City of DeSoto would be hosting a meeting to gather public input for the Tri-City Animal Shelter on Wednesday, March 21, 2007, at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chambers. An Architec will provide a summary of the needs accessment and accept comments from the public.
No Executive Session scheduled for this Agenda.
Mayor Hurtt adjourned the meeting at 10:25 p.m.
Mar 20, 2007 City Council Meeting 2007-03-20
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Mayor Hurtt called the Work Session to order at 6:07 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
1. Review of Master Agenda by City Manager.
2. Discussion of Regular Agenda items.
Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, distributed copies of the Use Chart from the DeSoto Zoning Ordinance to the Councilmembers. It was suggested that they keep the copy in their agenda binder for future reference during Council meetings.
3. Discussion of proposed changes to the non-Civil Service Exempt and non-Exempt Pay Plans.
A.3. Management Report
Andre Houser, Managing Director of Human Resources, presented the proposed Pay Plans. Concensus of Council is to move forward.
4. Discussion of research and staff recommendations relating to the suggestion for additional requirements for dogs received during the public input session of December 7, 2006.
Police Chief Mike Brodnax provided a slide presentation and handout to Council.
Mayor Hurtt recessed the Work Session at 7:14 p.m.
Mayor Hurtt called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
1. Invocation by: Ouida Lee, Church of the Disciple
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Carl Williams
3. Ambassador: Parks and Leisure Services
Mayor Hurtt introduced the Ambassador and read the following background document:
James has been with
and Leisure Services beginning August of 2006 as a Recreation Specialist. Prior to that, he was a NFL Scout for the Arizona Cardinals and the Dallas Cowboys. He graduated from
in 2001 with a Bachelors Degree in Communications and completed his Masters at
in 2002 in Psychology and Education. He currently resides in DeSoto.
Little known fact: His brother, Jermaine is a guard for
’s basketball team who is currently in the Sweet Sixteen NCAA Basketball Tournament (next game Friday vs.
1. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing American Red Cross Month.
Mayor Pro Tem Waddle read and presented the Proclamation to Jennifer Hair, Community Readiness Specialist, with the Dallas Chapter of the American Red Cross. Her family has been involved in the American Red Cross for four generations.
2. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Severe Weather Awareness Week.
Mayor Hurtt read and presented the Proclamtion to Fire Chief Fred Hart. Chief Hart reminded the audience that the testing of the outdoor Alarm System is conducted each month on the first Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. If the sun is shining and there does not appear to be any threatening weather, he asked that citizens not call 911 because it ties up the emergency lines. If the weather looks bad and you hear the siren, you should take cover and listen to the radio until the storm passes over. He complimented the Red Cross for all they have done for the citizens.
3. Presentation of February 2007 Financial Report.
Patrick Harvey, Assistant Finance Director, presented excerpts from the staff managment report.
1. Approval of City Council Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - 02-20-07, 03-06-07
02-20-07 CC Minutes
03-06-07 CC Minutes
b. Special Meeting - N/A
2. Acceptance of Board and Commission Minutes
a. Board of Adjustment - N/A
b. Building and Standards Commission - N/A
c. Civil Service Commission - N/A
d. DeSoto Economic Development - N/A
e. Library Board - N/A
f. Park Development Corporation - 02-05-07
02-05-07 Park Development Corporation Board Minutes
g. Planning and Zoning Commission - N/A
h. DeSoto Arts Commission - N/A
i. Keep DeSoto Beautiful - N/A
j. Zoning Board of Adjustment - N/A
3. Ordinances and Resolutions - No items scheduled for this Agenda.
4. Contracts and Agreements - No items scheduled for this Agenda.
5. Other Consent Items - No items scheduled for this Agenda.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Clardy.
Vote to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. (Approved)
1. Consider Zoning Case Z-1093-07; a Change of Zoning from Neighborhood Services (NS) to General Retail (GR). Location: southeast corner of Belt Line road and Westmoreland Road; Consisting of 15.854 acres and containing 4 lots; Applicant: Richard Rozier; Owner: Ken Bruden; and adopting Ordinance.
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
E.1. Management Report
Linda Zombeck, Senior Planner, presented excerpts from the staff management report. At Mayor Hurtt’s request, she defined the site plan review and straight zoning.
Applicant Richard Rozier, 1805 N. Westmoreland Road, addressed Council, provided a slide presentation, and responded to Council questions.
Council discussion with Applicant Rozier and clarifications by City Attorney Smith.
A motion and second to close this Public Hearing was not audible to the City Secretary.
Motion by Councilmember Clardy to table Zoning Case Z-1093-07 for further consideration and if proper, refer it back to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
City Manager Baugh requested that Councilmember Clardy provide specifics for staff to bring back to Council. He said he did not think it would be a good answer to table it, and the Applicant has said they are not interested in a Planned Development. City Attorney Smith said Council should only table the item if they are thinking about a Planned Development. Since the applicant is not interested in a Planned Development, Council should either vote it up or down. There is no other information staff can provide; either Council likes it straight zoning or they do not, and there is nothing to re-work on straight zoning.
Councilmember Clardy withdrew her motion.
City Attorney Smith said a Planned Development is the easiest way to go.
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Motion by Councilmember Helm to approve Zoning Case Z-1093-07. Motion dies for lack of a second.
Councilmember Sherman addressed City Attorney Smith asking if there was a legal way to address the concerns that Council has for this item and have progress. City Attorney said, "Not tonight".
Motion by Councilmember Clardy to deny Zoning Case Z-1093-07. Second by Councilmember Williams. Discussion by Councilmembers, City Attorney, and Mr. Vatthauer. Applicant Mr. Rozier addressed Council asking for a vote up or down, they understand what their options are. Councilmember Williams withdrew his second to Councilmember Clardy’s motion that is on the floor. Discussion by Councilmembers and City Attorney. Councilmember Helm provided a second to Councilmember Clardy’s motion. Mayor Hurtt confirmed that an affirmative (Yes) vote is to deny the case and a negative (No) vote is to approve the case. Motion to deny was approved with four (4) ’Yes’ votes from Williams, Hurtt, Clardy, and Helm; and three (3) ’No’ votes from Sherman, Waddle, and Helm.
3. Consider Zoning Case Z-1095-07; a Mixed Use Planned Development (PD-130) Concept Plan for Town Square; an area north of Pleasant Run Road and east of Hampton Road; on approximately 19.17 acres of land and consisting of four lots; Applicant: City of DeSoto/Trammell Crow; Owner: City of DeSoto; and adopting Ordinance.
E.3. Management Report
Councilmember Clardy and Councilmember Sherman left the dais at 8:44 p.m. and returned at 8:47 p.m.
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Cindy Harris, 2001 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas, representing High Street Residential, LLC, addressed Council to review the goals for design standards and the concept plan. The actual Site Development Plan will be brought back with further details of elevations, etc. A slide presentation was provided by Ms. Harris.
Paul Shaw, RTKL Associates, 1717 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, Texas, addressed Council to discuss translation of the general goals into objective design standards. A slide presentation was provided by Mr. Shaw.
Brian Shamburger, P.E., Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 801 Cherry Street, Fort Worth, Texas, addressed Council to present the Traffic Impact Analysis of the proposed development. A slide presentation was provided by Mr. Shamburger.
Steve Stoner, P.E., DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Inc., 400 South Houston Street, Suite 330, Dallas, Texas, (Transportation Engineers with specialty in Parking analysis) addressed Council to provide the Shared Parking Analysis for Proposed Mixed-Use Development at DeSoto Town Center.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Motion to approve Zoning Case Z-1095-07 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 1713-07. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to approve Zoning Case Z-1095-07 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 1713-07. (Approved)
Mayor Hurtt recognized Kim McCormick, with High Street Residential, LLC, as being in the audience.
2. Consider Zoning Case Z-1094-07; an amendment to Hampton Meadows Planned Development (PD-115) regarding Phasing, Lot Sizes, and Street Realignment; an area approximately 1,120 feet south of Wabler Drive and east of Hampton Road; approximately 44.8 acres and consisting of 161 lots; Applicant: Alan Lauhoff; Owner: Randy Lockhart; and adopting Ordinance.
E.2. Management Report
Councilmember Clardy left the dais at 9:46 p.m. and returned at 9:49 p.m. Councilmember Mayer left the dais at 9:46 p.m. and returned at 9:51 p.m.
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff managment report.
Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, addressed Council to discuss the drainage on the property.
Owner Randy Lockhart, Grand Prairie, Texas, representing Cheldon Homes dba Hampton Meadows LP, addressed Council to address drainage questions.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Mayer.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Motion to approve Zoning Case Z-1094-07 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 1712-07. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Vote to approve Zoning Case Z-1094-07 as presented and to adopt Ordinance 1712-07. (Approved)
F. REGULAR AGENDA - New Business
1. Consider Case P-298-07; a Preliminary Plat of Hampton Meadows; 44.8 acres, 161 lots; located approximately 1,120 feet south of Wabler Drive and east of Hampton Road; Applicant BWR; Owner: Cheldon Homes, L.P.
F.1. Management Report
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Motion to approve this item as presented. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to approve this item as presented. (Approved)
2. Consider approval of an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of DeSoto, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007
F.2. Management Report
F.3. Management Report
Camelia Browder, Managing Director of Finance, presented excerpts from the staff management report doe F.2. and F.3.
Jim Sabonis, First Southwest Company, the City’s financial advisor, provided binders titled, "Summary of Bond Sale" to the Councilmembers. Mr. Sabonis provided information for Item F.1. and F.2.
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance for Regular Agenda Item F.2. into the official record.
Motion to approve Regular Agenda Item F.2., and Ordinance 1714-07 authorizing the issuance of City of Desoto, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve Regular Agenda Item F.2., and Ordinance 1714-07 authorizing the issuance of City of Desoto, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of Regular Agenda Item F.3. into the official record.
Motion to approve Regular Agenda Item F.3., and Ordinance 1715-07 authorizing the issuance of City of Desoto, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007 and to adopt the Ordinance. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Clardy.
Vote to approve Regular Agenda Item F.3., and Ordinance 1715-07 authorizing the issuance of City of Desoto, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007 and to adopt the Ordinance. (Approved)
3. Consider approval of an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of DeSoto, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007
Regular Agenda Item F.3. considered and action taken with Regular Agenda Item F.2. See documentation noted under F.2.
G. REGULAR AGENDA - Old Business
No Old Business items to be considered.
Maryikay Dewberry, 920 W. Parkerville Road, addressed Council to provide information for the Fourth Annual Library Fest, "Reading, Writing & Rhythm Festival" to be held Friday and Saturday, March 23-24, 2007, at DeSoto Town Center.
Mayor Hurtt announced the City of DeSoto would be hosting a meeting to gather public input for the Tri-City Animal Shelter on Wednesday, March 21, 2007, at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chambers. An Architec will provide a summary of the needs accessment and accept comments from the public.
No Executive Session scheduled for this Agenda.
Mayor Hurtt adjourned the meeting at 10:25 p.m.
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