Video index
Mayor Hurtt called the Work Session to order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Review of Master Agenda by City Manager.
2. Discussion of Regular Agenda items.
3. Discussion with the City Council of the proposed objectives and work plan for the Community Relations function for FY 2007.
4. City Council discussion of the proposed objectives, work plan, and performance measures for the City Secretary position for 2007.
This item to be rescheduled for a future date.
Mayor Hurtt recessed the Work Session at 6:30 p.m. to participate in the Youth Civic Academy Graduation reception
Mayor Hurtt called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
1. Invocation by: Kerry Moore, First Baptist Church
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Thelma Clardy
3. Ambassador: Shirley Beckworth, Deputy Court Clerk
Shirley has been employed with the city of
for 6 ½ years in the Municipal Court.
She was born in
; she graduated from
High School
in 1976 and she worked various jobs while her husband attended college at
She worked for the City of
since 1986 in the municipal court and medical billing.
She married her high school sweetheart and his job transferred them to the Metroplex.
They have a son and daughter.
Their daughter is a
North Texas
college graduate she is married and has a son.
Their son is a Stephen F. Austin college graduate and he is single.
Little known fact
She has been married 30 years and collects all kinds of cats…except live ones.
Library Managing Director Lucille Dade and Library Board Member MariKay Dewberry provided information on the Book Angel Program in conjunction with the non-violent crimals in the Dawson Jail and the Hutchins Jail. A reading and literacy program where the books purchased will be donated to the Daddy Reads program. The Dad will read the book into a tape recorder and the recording and book will be delivered to the child at Christmas.
1. Presentation of Certificates to Graduates of Youth Civic Academy.
Mayor Hurtt and Chris Glover Second Youth Civic Academy. Chris Glover,xxxPark and Recreation Department, Staff Director of the Youth Civic Academy described the program and introduced members of the DeSoto Youth Academy Council and new graduates.
2. Presentation by members of the DeSoto Dining and Dialogue Board to publicly recognize all the citizens who have hosted dinners in their homes from the inception of the program.
Loraine Mantie, Chairman of DDDB introduced the Board members and acknowledged Past President Denise Valentine. Ms. Valentine was presented with a gift of appreciation for her service to the Board. Ms. Mantie recognized the hosts and facilitators. Mayor Hurtt commented on the success of the program.
3. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
Mayor Pro Tem Waddle presented the Proclamation and expressed memories of the day.
Stan Johnson, South Hampton Homeowners Association, and son Jonathon were present at the meeting. Jonathon will receive class credit for attendance.
1. Approval of City Council Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - 11-21-06
11-21-06 CC Minutes
b. Special Meeting - N/A
2. Acceptance of Board and Commission Minutes
a. Board of Adjustment - N/A
b. Building and Standards Commission - N/A
c. Civil Service Commission - N/A
d. DeSoto Economic Development - 10-23-06, 11-03-06
10-23-06 DEDC Minutes
11-03-06 DEDC Minutes
e. Library Board - N/A
f. Park Development Corporation - N/A
g. Planning and Zoning Commission - N/A
h. DeSoto Arts Commission - N/A
i. Keep DeSoto Beautiful - N/A
j. Zoning Board of Adjustment - N/A
3. Ordinances and Resolutions No items scheduled for this Agenda.
4. Contracts and Agreements No items scheduled for this Agenda.
5. Other Consent Items No items scheduled for this Agenda.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. (Approved)
1. Consider Zoning Case Z-1082-06; an amendment to Planned Development 79 (PD-79) to allow a front setback of 20 feet for several lots in Phase 1C; an area north of Belt Line Road and east of Duncanville Road; on approximately 24 acres and consisting of 88 lots; Applicant: Winkelmann & Associates; Owner: CL Texas, L.P.; and adopting Ordinance.
E.1. Management Report
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Helm, seconded by Councilmember Mayer.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff mangement report.
Randy Shoup, Winkelmann & Associates, 6750 Hillcrest Plaza Drive, Dallas, was available in the audience for questions.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Motion to approve this item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1696-06 . Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to approve this item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1696-06 . (Approved)
2. Consider Zoning Case Z-1083-06; an amendment to Planned Development 20 (PD-20) to allow a Hotel without a Restaurant, a height of four stories, and to approve the Site Plan for Proposed Lot 3 of Crossroads Trade Center Addition; an area north of Centre Park Boulevard and west of North I-35E; on approximately 2.24 acres and consisting of one (1) lot; Applicant: Hugo Monsanto; Owner: Sudarshan Majmudar; and adopting Ordinance.
E.2. Management Report
Motion to to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager presented excerpts from the staff management report regarding a Holiday Inn Express.
Council discussion regarding requirement of a restaurant be be located in hotels per the PD.
Owner Sudarshan Majmudar, 6541 Shadybrook, Dallas, Texas, addressed Council stating a full continental breakfast will be provided to guests and he anticipates a restaurant to be built in the near future. He has a year fanchise contract to maintain oversight of quality control.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Councilmember Williams asked Scott Livingston, DEDC to discuss project. DEDC granted an incentive grant to stimulate development.
City Secretary read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Council disucssion.
Motion to approve the item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1697-06. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Clardy.
Vote to approve the item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1697-06. (Approved)
3. Consider Zoning Case Z-1084-06; a Planned Development (PD-126) for La Quinta Inn & Suites; an area west of I-35E and south of Pleasant Run Road; approximately 5.02 acres and consisting of two (2) lots; Applicant: Amish Portel; Owner: DeSoto Pleasant Run, Ltd.; and adopting Ordinance.
E.3. Management Report
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Discussion of future rear access to Lot A and B. Lot C is in arears and City would grant access through Lot C.
Craig Johnson, representing seller of property, addressed Council.
Amish Portel, applicant, addressed Council.
Rickey Dominise, representing BW Hudson Engineers, 217 W. Main Street, Grand Prairie, Texas, addressed Council regarding the finsihed elevation. He stated the tower is 72’ above the road elevation.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the public record.
Motion to approve the item as presented and the adopting Ordinance 1698-07. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve the item as presented and the adopting Ordinance 1698-07. (Approved)
4. Consider Zoning Case Z-1086-06; a Residential Planned Development (PD-127) for Hidden Lakes; an area south of Belt Line Road and west of North I-35E; on approximately 70.5 acres and consisting of 114 lots; Applicant/Owner: RVW Sunchase, L.P.; and adopting Ordinance.
E.4. Management Report
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Councilmember Clardy left the dais at 9:02p.m. and returned at 9:08p.m.
Mark Masad, 1601 River Run, Civil Engineer, addressed Council.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Motion to approve the item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1698-07. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to approve the item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1698-07. (Approved)
F. REGULAR AGENDA - New Business
1. Consider an amendment to Resolution No. 00-27 to amend the 2006-2007 Budget for the Candle Meadow Public Improvement District (PID) No. 1, appointing an Advisory Board and amending the Permitted Uses of Special Assessment Funds.
F.1. Management Report
Tracie Hlavinka, Community Initiatives Manager, addressed Council and presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Councilmember Mayer left the dais at 9:10 p.m. and returned at 9:13 p.m.
City Manager Baugh stated this was the first PID created and explained the intentions.
Motion to to approve the item as presented. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Mayer.
Vote to to approve the item as presented. (Approved)
2. Consider approval of a Construction Contract with Humphrey and Morton Construction Company in the amount of $421,851 for the Drainage Improvements at Four Locations Project.
F.2. Management Report
Walter Shumac, City Engineer, presented excerpts from the staff managment report.
Motion to approve the item as presented. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve the item as presented. (Approved)
3. Consider a Construction Contract with RKM, Utility Services in the amount of $1,119,062 for the Sanitary Sewer Expansion Project in Country Place Estates.
F.3. Management Report
Walter Shumac, City Engineer, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Motion to approve the item as presented. Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve the item as presented. (Approved)
4. Consider approval of the Clean Fleet Vehicle Model Ordinance.
F.4. Management Report
Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the record.
Motion to approve the item as presented and Ordinance 1699-06. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to approve the item as presented and Ordinance 1699-06. (Approved)
5. Consider approval of a Professional Services Consulting Agreement with Farrell R. Harden not to exceed $60,000 for services associated with the Construction, Deployment, and Development of Alarm Monitoring Services for the member agencies of the Southwest Regional Communications Center (SWRCC).
F.5. Management Report
Tim Smith, Managing Directo SWRCC, introduced Mr. Farrell Harden who has extensive alarm monitoring experience on a national scale with a background in law enforcement. Transistion is expected to go smoothly. City Manager Baugh stated Mr. Harden lives in DeSoto and was in the first Civic Academy known as DeSoto College.
Motion to approve the item as presented. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Mayer.
Vote to approve the item as presented. (Approved)
6. Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute a letter to DFW International Airport in support of including the Hillwood site in DeSoto in the expansion of Foreign Trade Zone No. 39.
F.6. Management Report
City Manager Baugh presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Preston Harold, Vice President of Hillwood Investment Properties, addressed Council.
Motion to the item as presented. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to the item as presented. (Approved)
G. REGULAR AGENDA - Old Business
No items scheduled for this Agenda.
No additional Request to Speak cards were submitted.
Mayor Hurtt discussed the Christmas Parade, Miss Texas singing with the children; DeSoto Eagle Football team winning a playoff and scheduled to play Cedar Hill, Saturday, December 9th; Councilmember Clardy discussed the Light Up DeSoto program and winners will be announced at the December 19th Council meeting; Mayor Hurtt reminded the audience of the Thursday, November 7th Town Hall Meeting at 7:00 p.m. regarding dogs in DeSoto.
No items scheduled for this Agenda.
Mayor Hurtt adjourned the meeting at 10:02 p.m.
Dec 05, 2006 City Council Meeting 2006-12-05
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Mayor Hurtt called the Work Session to order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Review of Master Agenda by City Manager.
2. Discussion of Regular Agenda items.
3. Discussion with the City Council of the proposed objectives and work plan for the Community Relations function for FY 2007.
4. City Council discussion of the proposed objectives, work plan, and performance measures for the City Secretary position for 2007.
This item to be rescheduled for a future date.
Mayor Hurtt recessed the Work Session at 6:30 p.m. to participate in the Youth Civic Academy Graduation reception
Mayor Hurtt called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call: 7 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
1. Invocation by: Kerry Moore, First Baptist Church
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Thelma Clardy
3. Ambassador: Shirley Beckworth, Deputy Court Clerk
Shirley has been employed with the city of
for 6 ½ years in the Municipal Court.
She was born in
; she graduated from
High School
in 1976 and she worked various jobs while her husband attended college at
She worked for the City of
since 1986 in the municipal court and medical billing.
She married her high school sweetheart and his job transferred them to the Metroplex.
They have a son and daughter.
Their daughter is a
North Texas
college graduate she is married and has a son.
Their son is a Stephen F. Austin college graduate and he is single.
Little known fact
She has been married 30 years and collects all kinds of cats…except live ones.
Library Managing Director Lucille Dade and Library Board Member MariKay Dewberry provided information on the Book Angel Program in conjunction with the non-violent crimals in the Dawson Jail and the Hutchins Jail. A reading and literacy program where the books purchased will be donated to the Daddy Reads program. The Dad will read the book into a tape recorder and the recording and book will be delivered to the child at Christmas.
1. Presentation of Certificates to Graduates of Youth Civic Academy.
Mayor Hurtt and Chris Glover Second Youth Civic Academy. Chris Glover,xxxPark and Recreation Department, Staff Director of the Youth Civic Academy described the program and introduced members of the DeSoto Youth Academy Council and new graduates.
2. Presentation by members of the DeSoto Dining and Dialogue Board to publicly recognize all the citizens who have hosted dinners in their homes from the inception of the program.
Loraine Mantie, Chairman of DDDB introduced the Board members and acknowledged Past President Denise Valentine. Ms. Valentine was presented with a gift of appreciation for her service to the Board. Ms. Mantie recognized the hosts and facilitators. Mayor Hurtt commented on the success of the program.
3. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
Mayor Pro Tem Waddle presented the Proclamation and expressed memories of the day.
Stan Johnson, South Hampton Homeowners Association, and son Jonathon were present at the meeting. Jonathon will receive class credit for attendance.
1. Approval of City Council Minutes
a. Regular Meeting - 11-21-06
11-21-06 CC Minutes
b. Special Meeting - N/A
2. Acceptance of Board and Commission Minutes
a. Board of Adjustment - N/A
b. Building and Standards Commission - N/A
c. Civil Service Commission - N/A
d. DeSoto Economic Development - 10-23-06, 11-03-06
10-23-06 DEDC Minutes
11-03-06 DEDC Minutes
e. Library Board - N/A
f. Park Development Corporation - N/A
g. Planning and Zoning Commission - N/A
h. DeSoto Arts Commission - N/A
i. Keep DeSoto Beautiful - N/A
j. Zoning Board of Adjustment - N/A
3. Ordinances and Resolutions No items scheduled for this Agenda.
4. Contracts and Agreements No items scheduled for this Agenda.
5. Other Consent Items No items scheduled for this Agenda.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. (Approved)
1. Consider Zoning Case Z-1082-06; an amendment to Planned Development 79 (PD-79) to allow a front setback of 20 feet for several lots in Phase 1C; an area north of Belt Line Road and east of Duncanville Road; on approximately 24 acres and consisting of 88 lots; Applicant: Winkelmann & Associates; Owner: CL Texas, L.P.; and adopting Ordinance.
E.1. Management Report
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Helm, seconded by Councilmember Mayer.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff mangement report.
Randy Shoup, Winkelmann & Associates, 6750 Hillcrest Plaza Drive, Dallas, was available in the audience for questions.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Motion to approve this item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1696-06 . Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to approve this item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1696-06 . (Approved)
2. Consider Zoning Case Z-1083-06; an amendment to Planned Development 20 (PD-20) to allow a Hotel without a Restaurant, a height of four stories, and to approve the Site Plan for Proposed Lot 3 of Crossroads Trade Center Addition; an area north of Centre Park Boulevard and west of North I-35E; on approximately 2.24 acres and consisting of one (1) lot; Applicant: Hugo Monsanto; Owner: Sudarshan Majmudar; and adopting Ordinance.
E.2. Management Report
Motion to to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager presented excerpts from the staff management report regarding a Holiday Inn Express.
Council discussion regarding requirement of a restaurant be be located in hotels per the PD.
Owner Sudarshan Majmudar, 6541 Shadybrook, Dallas, Texas, addressed Council stating a full continental breakfast will be provided to guests and he anticipates a restaurant to be built in the near future. He has a year fanchise contract to maintain oversight of quality control.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Councilmember Williams asked Scott Livingston, DEDC to discuss project. DEDC granted an incentive grant to stimulate development.
City Secretary read the caption of the Ordinance into the official record.
Council disucssion.
Motion to approve the item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1697-06. Moved by Councilmember Sherman, seconded by Councilmember Clardy.
Vote to approve the item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1697-06. (Approved)
3. Consider Zoning Case Z-1084-06; a Planned Development (PD-126) for La Quinta Inn & Suites; an area west of I-35E and south of Pleasant Run Road; approximately 5.02 acres and consisting of two (2) lots; Applicant: Amish Portel; Owner: DeSoto Pleasant Run, Ltd.; and adopting Ordinance.
E.3. Management Report
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Discussion of future rear access to Lot A and B. Lot C is in arears and City would grant access through Lot C.
Craig Johnson, representing seller of property, addressed Council.
Amish Portel, applicant, addressed Council.
Rickey Dominise, representing BW Hudson Engineers, 217 W. Main Street, Grand Prairie, Texas, addressed Council regarding the finsihed elevation. He stated the tower is 72’ above the road elevation.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Williams.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the public record.
Motion to approve the item as presented and the adopting Ordinance 1698-07. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve the item as presented and the adopting Ordinance 1698-07. (Approved)
4. Consider Zoning Case Z-1086-06; a Residential Planned Development (PD-127) for Hidden Lakes; an area south of Belt Line Road and west of North I-35E; on approximately 70.5 acres and consisting of 114 lots; Applicant/Owner: RVW Sunchase, L.P.; and adopting Ordinance.
E.4. Management Report
Motion to open this Public Hearing. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to open this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Edlyn Vatthauer, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Councilmember Clardy left the dais at 9:02p.m. and returned at 9:08p.m.
Mark Masad, 1601 River Run, Civil Engineer, addressed Council.
Motion to close this Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to close this Public Hearing. (Approved)
Motion to approve the item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1698-07. Moved by Councilmember Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle.
Vote to approve the item as presented and adopting Ordinance 1698-07. (Approved)
F. REGULAR AGENDA - New Business
1. Consider an amendment to Resolution No. 00-27 to amend the 2006-2007 Budget for the Candle Meadow Public Improvement District (PID) No. 1, appointing an Advisory Board and amending the Permitted Uses of Special Assessment Funds.
F.1. Management Report
Tracie Hlavinka, Community Initiatives Manager, addressed Council and presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Councilmember Mayer left the dais at 9:10 p.m. and returned at 9:13 p.m.
City Manager Baugh stated this was the first PID created and explained the intentions.
Motion to to approve the item as presented. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Mayer.
Vote to to approve the item as presented. (Approved)
2. Consider approval of a Construction Contract with Humphrey and Morton Construction Company in the amount of $421,851 for the Drainage Improvements at Four Locations Project.
F.2. Management Report
Walter Shumac, City Engineer, presented excerpts from the staff managment report.
Motion to approve the item as presented. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve the item as presented. (Approved)
3. Consider a Construction Contract with RKM, Utility Services in the amount of $1,119,062 for the Sanitary Sewer Expansion Project in Country Place Estates.
F.3. Management Report
Walter Shumac, City Engineer, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Motion to approve the item as presented. Moved by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to approve the item as presented. (Approved)
4. Consider approval of the Clean Fleet Vehicle Model Ordinance.
F.4. Management Report
Tom Johnson, Managing Director of Development Services, presented excerpts from the staff management report.
City Secretary Shipman read the caption of the Ordinance into the record.
Motion to approve the item as presented and Ordinance 1699-06. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Helm.
Vote to approve the item as presented and Ordinance 1699-06. (Approved)
5. Consider approval of a Professional Services Consulting Agreement with Farrell R. Harden not to exceed $60,000 for services associated with the Construction, Deployment, and Development of Alarm Monitoring Services for the member agencies of the Southwest Regional Communications Center (SWRCC).
F.5. Management Report
Tim Smith, Managing Directo SWRCC, introduced Mr. Farrell Harden who has extensive alarm monitoring experience on a national scale with a background in law enforcement. Transistion is expected to go smoothly. City Manager Baugh stated Mr. Harden lives in DeSoto and was in the first Civic Academy known as DeSoto College.
Motion to approve the item as presented. Moved by Councilmember Clardy, seconded by Councilmember Mayer.
Vote to approve the item as presented. (Approved)
6. Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute a letter to DFW International Airport in support of including the Hillwood site in DeSoto in the expansion of Foreign Trade Zone No. 39.
F.6. Management Report
City Manager Baugh presented excerpts from the staff management report.
Preston Harold, Vice President of Hillwood Investment Properties, addressed Council.
Motion to the item as presented. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Waddle, seconded by Councilmember Sherman.
Vote to the item as presented. (Approved)
G. REGULAR AGENDA - Old Business
No items scheduled for this Agenda.
No additional Request to Speak cards were submitted.
Mayor Hurtt discussed the Christmas Parade, Miss Texas singing with the children; DeSoto Eagle Football team winning a playoff and scheduled to play Cedar Hill, Saturday, December 9th; Councilmember Clardy discussed the Light Up DeSoto program and winners will be announced at the December 19th Council meeting; Mayor Hurtt reminded the audience of the Thursday, November 7th Town Hall Meeting at 7:00 p.m. regarding dogs in DeSoto.
No items scheduled for this Agenda.
Mayor Hurtt adjourned the meeting at 10:02 p.m.
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